

gateways, 184
see also brokers , hub business model and middlemen
geography of GSAs, 113 “4, 127
Germany, green card entry, 32
Ghosh, Suomitro, 55 “6, 94 “5, 119, 214, 251
Giddens, 157 “8, 206, 207
global organizations, types of, 3 “4
global software alliances (GSAs)
and globalization theories , 29 “34
as models of globalization, 27 “9
as networks, 30 “1
as processes, 31 “2
definition, 3 “6, 23
implications for managers, 236 “58
management of, 248 “50
phases, 248 “9
previous research, 23
revenue, world-wide, 11, 20
types of, 2 “6, 239
see also GlobTel “Comsoft GSA, Globtel “MCI GSA, GlobTel “Witech GSA, Gowing “Eron GSA and Japan “India GSAs
global software work (GS)
definition, 1, 6 “11
organizational forms, 2 “6
overview, 11 “20
global standards, 83 “4
globalization, 2 “3
and culture, 159 “60
and Gow “Eron GSA, 170 “1, 173
and identity, 88, 109
and individuals, 32, 33
and space “place distinction, 112
GSAs as models of/for, 27 “8, 204, 211, 219, 227, 231, 233
in analysis of GSAs, 29 “34
global “local standardization, 208
externalization programme see GlobTel “Comsoft GSA, Globtel “MCI GSA and GlobTel “Witech GSA
Global R&D Group, 55 “9, 82 “83
GSODC, 117 “18
history, 51 “4, 62 “63
˜right angle turn , 53, 63, 72 “4, 98, 100, 119, 222
survey methods , 44 “6, 51
GlobTel “Comsoft GSA
analysis, 101 “109
narrative, 94 “100
see also Comsoft
GlobTel Manager, 71, 79 “81
GlobTel “MCI GSA
and attrition, 115, 117
and GSODC proposal, 117 “18
communication links, 115, 116 “17
culture, 118 “19
dialectical analysis, 123 “31, 206
first-level analysis, 120 “3
growth phase, 116 “19, 121, 122 “3
initiation phase, 114 “16, 120 “2
narrative, 114 “20
stabilization phase, 119 “20, 121, 123
survey methods, 45 “6
telecommunications expertise, 114
time line, 121
see also MCI
GlobTel Overseas Software Development Centre, 72
GlobTel “Witech GSA
analysis, 74 “81
communication links, 61, 68
extension phase, 73 “74
growth phase, 71 “3
initiation phase, 67 “71, 214
survey method, 43, 44 “6, 51
see also Witech
glocalization , 29
Gowing “Eron GSA, 43, 44, 46
analysis of, 165 “71
and identity, 215
communication links, 164
company backgrounds, 160 “2
growth phase, 163 “5
initiation phase, 161 “3
motivation, 162 “3
mutual trust, 252
survey methods, 43, 44, 46
use of standardization, 211 “12
growth phase of GSAs, 248, 249

Global IT outsourcing
Global IT Outsourcing: Software Development across Borders
ISBN: 0521039487
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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