
Example 75.1. Using Splines and Knots

This example illustrates some properties of splines. Splines are curves, which are usually required to be continuous and smooth. Splines are usually defined as piecewise polynomials of degree n with function values and first n ˆ’ 1 derivatives that agree at the points where they join. The abscissa values of the join points are called knots . The term 'spline' is also used for polynomials (splines with no knots) and piecewise polynomials with more than one discontinuous derivative. Splines with no knots are generally smoother than splines with knots, which are generally smoother than splines with multiple discontinuous derivatives. Splines with few knots are generally smoother than splines with many knots; however, increasing the number of knots usually increases the fit of the spline function to the data. Knots give the curve freedom to bend to more closely follow the data. Refer to Smith (1979) for an excellent introduction to splines.

In this example, an artificial data set is created with a variable Y that is a discontinuous function of X .See the first plot in Output 75.1.7. Notice that the function has four unconnected parts , each of which is a curve. Notice too that there is an overall quadratic trend, that is, ignoring the shapes of the individual curves, at first the Y values tend to decrease as X increases, then Y values tend to increase.

Output 75.1.7: Plots Summarizing Analysis for Spline Example
start example
  click to expand  
end example

The first PROC TRANSREG analysis fits a linear regression model. The predicted values of Y given X are output and plotted to form the linear regression line. The R 2 for the linear regression is 0.10061, and it can be seen from the second plot in Output 75.1.7 that the linear regression model is not appropriate for these data. The following statements create the data set and perform the first PROC TRANSREG analysis. These statements produce Output 75.1.1.

  title 'An Illustration of Splines and Knots';   * Create in Y a discontinuous function of X.   *   * Store copies of X in V1-V7 for use in PROC GPLOT.   * These variables are only necessary so that each   * plot can have its own x-axis label while putting   * four plots on a page.;   data A;   array V[7] V1-V7;   X=-0.000001;   do I=0 to 199;   if mod(I,50)=0 then do;   C=((X/2)-5)**2;   if I=150 then C=C+5;   Y=C;   end;   X=X+0.1;   Y=Y-sin(X-C);   do J=1 to 7;   V[J]=X;   end;   output;   end;   run;   * Each of the PROC TRANSREG steps fits a   * different spline model to the data set created   * previously. The TRANSREG steps build up a data set with   * various regression functions. All of the functions   * are then plotted with the final PROC GPLOT step.   *   * The OUTPUT statements add new predicted values   * variables to the data set, while the ID statements   * save all of the previously created variables that   * are needed for the plots.;   proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y) = identity(X);   title2 'A Linear Regression Function';   output out=A pprefix=Linear;   id V1-V7;   run;  
Output 75.1.1: Fitting a Linear Regression Model with PROC TRANSREG
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Linear Regression Function   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.10061                 Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

The second PROC TRANSREG analysis finds a degree two spline transformation with no knots, which is a quadratic polynomial. The spline is a weighted sum of a single constant, a single straight line, and a single quadratic curve. The R 2 increases from 0.10061, which is the linear fit value from before, to 0.40720. It can be seen from the third plot in Output 75.1.7 that the quadratic regression function does not fit any of the individual curves well, but it does follow the overall trend in the data. Since the overall trend is quadratic, a degree three spline with no knots (not shown) increases R 2 by only a small amount. The following statements perform the quadratic analysis and produce Output 75.1.2.

  proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y)=spline(X / degree=2);   title2 'A Quadratic Polynomial Regression Function';   output out=A pprefix=Quad;   id V1-V7 LinearY;   run;  
Output 75.1.2: Fitting a Quadratic Polynomial
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Quadratic Polynomial Regression Function   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.82127    2.77121     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.40720      0.30659    Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

The next step uses the default degree of three, for a piecewise cubic polynomial, and requests knots at the known break points, X =5, 10, and 15. This requests a spline that is continuous, has continuous first and second derivatives, and has a third derivative that is discontinuous at 5, 10, and 15. The spline is a weighted sum of a single constant, a single straight line, a single quadratic curve, a cubic curve for the portion of X less than 5, a different cubic curve for the portion of X between 5 and 10, a different cubic curve for the portion of X between 10 and 15, and another cubic curve for the portion of X greater than 15. The new R 2 is 0.61730, and it can be seen from the fourth plot (in Output 75.1.7) that the spline is less smooth than the quadratic polynomial and it follows the data more closely than the quadratic polynomial. The following statements perform this analysis and produce Output 75.1.3:

  proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y) = spline(X / knots=5 10 15);   title2 'A Cubic Spline Regression Function';   title3 'The Third Derivative is Discontinuous at X=5, 10, 15';   output out=A pprefix=Cub1;   id V1-V7 LinearY QuadY;   run;  
Output 75.1.3: Fitting a Piecewise Cubic Polynomial
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Cubic Spline Regression Function   The Third Derivative is Discontinuous at X=5, 10, 15   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.85367    3.88449     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.61730      0.51670    Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

The same model could be fit with a DATA step and PROC REG, as follows. (The output from the following code is not displayed.)

  data B;            /* A is the data set used for transreg */   set a(keep=X Y);   X1=X;                       /* X                       */   X2=X**2;                    /* X squared               */   X3=X**3;                    /* X cubed                 */   X4=(X> 5)*((X-5)**3);       /* change in X**3 after 5  */   X5=(X>10)*((X-10)**3);      /* change in X**3 after 10 */   X6=(X>15)*((X-15)**3);      /* change in X**3 after 15 */   run;   proc reg;   model Y=X1-X6;   run;  

In the next step each knot is repeated three times, so the first, second, and third derivatives are discontinuous at X =5, 10, and 15, but the spline is required to be continuous at the knots. The spline is a weighted sum of the following.

  • a single constant

  • a line for the portion of X less than 5

  • a quadratic curve for the portion of X less than 5

  • a cubic curve for the portion of X less than 5

  • a different line for the portion of X between 5 and 10

  • a different quadratic curve for the portion of X between 5 and 10

  • a different cubic curve for the portion of X between 5 and 10

  • a different line for the portion of X between 10 and 15

  • a different quadratic curve for the portion of X between 10 and 15

  • a different cubic curve for the portion of X between 10 and 15

  • another line for the portion of X greater than 15

  • another quadratic curve for the portion of X greater than 15

  • and another cubic curve for the portion of X greater than 15

The spline is continuous since there is not a separate constant in the formula for the spline for each knot. Now the R 2 is 0.95542, and the spline closely follows the data, except at the knots. The following statements perform this analysis and produce Output 75.1.4:

  proc transreg data=A;   model identity(y) = spline(x / knots=5 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15);   title3 'First - Third Derivatives Discontinuous at X=5, 10, 15';   output out=A pprefix=Cub3;   id V1-V7 LinearY QuadY Cub1Y;   run;  
Output 75.1.4: Piecewise Polynomial with Discontinuous Derivatives
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Cubic Spline Regression Function   First - Third Derivatives Discontinuous at X=5, 10, 15   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.92492    3.50038     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.95542      0.85481    Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

The same model could be fit with a DATA step and PROC REG, as follows. (The output from the following code is not displayed.)

  data B;   set a(keep=X Y);   X1=X;                        /* X                       */   X2=X**2;                     /* X squared               */   X3=X**3;                     /* X cubed                 */   X4=(X>5)   * (X- 5);         /* change in X    after  5 */   X5=(X>10)  * (X-10);         /* change in X    after 10 */   X6=(X>15)  * (X-15);         /* change in X    after 15 */   X7=(X>5)   * ((X-5)**2);     /* change in X**2 after  5 */   X8=(X>10)  * ((X-10)**2);    /* change in X**2 after 10 */   X9=(X>15)  * ((X-15)**2);    /* change in X**2 after 15 */   X10=(X>5)  * ((X-5)**3);     /* change in X**3 after  5 */   X11=(X>10) * ((X-10)**3);    /* change in X**3 after 10 */   X12=(X>15) * ((X-15)**3);    /* change in X**3 after 15 */   run;   proc reg;   model Y=X1-X12;   run;  

When the knots are repeated four times in the next step, the spline function is discontinuous at the knots and follows the data even more closely, with an R 2 of 0.99254. In this step, each separate curve is approximated by a cubic polynomial (with no knots within the separate polynomials). The following statements perform this analysis and produce Output 75.1.5:

  proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y) = spline(X / knots=5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15);   title3 'Discontinuous Function and Derivatives';   output out=A pprefix=Cub4;   id V1-V7 LinearY QuadY Cub1Y Cub3Y;   run;  
Output 75.1.5: Discontinuous Function and Derivatives
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Cubic Spline Regression Function   Discontinuous Function and Derivatives   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.90271    3.29184     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.99254      0.89193    Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

To solve this problem with a DATA step and PROC REG, you would need to create all of the variables in the preceding DATA step (the B data set for the piecewise polynomial with discontinuous third derivatives), plus the following three variables.

  X13=(X > 5);    /* intercept change after  5 */   X14=(X > 10);   /* intercept change after 10 */   X15=(X > 15);   /* intercept change after 15 */  

The last two steps use the NKNOTS= t-option to specify the number of knots but not their location. NKNOTS=4 places knots at the quintiles while NKNOTS=9 places knots at the deciles. The spline and its first two derivatives are continuous. The R 2 values are 0.74450 and 0.95256. Even though the knots are placed in the wrong places, the spline can closely follow the data with NKNOTS=9. The following statements produce Output 75.1.6.

  proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y) = spline(X / nknots=4);   title3 'Four Knots';   output out=A pprefix=Cub4k;   id V1-V7 LinearY QuadY Cub1Y Cub3Y Cub4Y;   run;   proc transreg data=A;   model identity(Y) = spline(X / nknots=9);   title3 'Nine Knots';   output out=A pprefix=Cub9k;   id V1-V7 LinearY QuadY Cub1Y Cub3Y Cub4Y Cub4kY;   run;  
Output 75.1.6: Specifying Number of Knots instead of Knot Location
start example
  An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Cubic Spline Regression Function   Four Knots   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number    Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.90305    4.46027     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.74450      0.64389    Converged   Algorithm converged.   An Illustration of Splines and Knots   A Cubic Spline Regression Function   Nine Knots   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number    Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.94832    3.03488     0.10061   2    0.00000    0.00000     0.95256      0.85196    Converged   Algorithm converged.  
end example

The following statements produce plots that show the data and fit at each step of the analysis. These statements produce Output 75.1.7.

  goptions goutmode=replace nodisplay;   %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame cframe=ligr;   * Depending on your goptions, these plot options may work better:   * %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame;   proc gplot data=A;   title;   axis1 minor=none label=(angle=90 rotate=0);   axis2 minor=none;   plot Y*X=1              /        &opts name='tregdis1';   plot Y*V1=1 linearY*X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis2';   plot Y*V2=1 quadY  *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis3';   plot Y*V3=1 cub1Y  *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis4';   plot Y*V4=1 cub3Y  *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis5';   plot Y*V5=1 cub4Y  *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis6';   plot Y*V6=1 cub4kY *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis7';   plot Y*V7=1 cub9kY *X=2 /overlay &opts name='tregdis8';   symbol1 color=blue   v=star i=none;   symbol2 color=yellow v=dot i=none;   label V1      = 'Linear Regression'   V2      = 'Quadratic Regression Function'   V3      = '1 Discontinuous Derivative'   V4      = '3 Discontinuous Derivatives'   V5      = 'Discontinuous Function'   V6      = '4 Knots'   V7      = '9 Knots'   Y       = 'Y' LinearY = 'Y' QuadY  = 'Y' Cub1Y  = 'Y'   Cub3Y   = 'Y' Cub4Y   = 'Y' Cub4kY = 'Y' Cub9kY = 'Y';   run; quit;   goptions display;   proc greplay nofs tc=sashelp.templt template=l2r2;   igout gseg;   treplay 1:tregdis1 2:tregdis3 3:tregdis2 4:tregdis4;   treplay 1:tregdis5 2:tregdis7 3:tregdis6 4:tregdis8;   run; quit;  
Output 75.1.7
start example
  click to expand   click to expand  
end example

These next steps show how to find optimal spline transformations of variables in one data set and apply the same transformations to variables in another data set. These steps produce two artificial data sets, in which the variable Y is a linear function of nonlinear transformations of the variables X , W ,and Z .

  title2 'Scoring Spline Variables';   data x;   do i = 1 to 5000;   w = normal(7);   x = normal(7);   z = normal(7);   y = w * w + log(5 + x) + sin(z) + normal(7);   output;   end;   run;   data z;   do i = 1 to 5000;   w = normal(1);   x = normal(1);   z = normal(1);   y = w * w + log(5 + x) + sin(z) + normal(1);   output;   end;   run;  

First, you run PROC TRANSREG asking for spline transformations of the three independent variables. You must use the EXKNOTS= t-option , because you need to use the same knots, both interior and exterior, with both data sets. By default the exterior knots will be different if the minima and maxima are different in the two data sets, so you will get the wrong results if you do not specify the EXKNOTS= t-option with values less than the minima and greater than the maxima of the two Y variables.

  ods output splinecoef=c;   proc transreg data=x dum det ss2;   model ide(y) = spl(wxz/knots=-1.5 to 1.5 by 0.5 exknots=-5 5);   output out=d;   run;  

The nonprinting 'SplineCoef' table is output to a SAS data set. This data set contains the coefficients used to get the spline transformations and can be used to transform variables in other data sets. These coefficients are also in the details table. However, in the 'SplineCoef' table they are in a form directly suitable for use with PROC SCORE.

This next step reads a different input data set and generates an output data set with the B-spline basis for each of the variables. Note that the same interior and exterior knots are used in both the previous and the next steps.

  proc transreg data=z design;   model bspl(wxz/knots=   1.5 to 1.5 by 0.5 exknots=   5 5);   output out=b;   run;  

These next three steps score the B-spline bases created in the previous step using the coefficients generated in the first PROC TRANSREG step. PROC SCORE is run once for each SPLINE variable.

  proc score data=b score=c out=o1(rename=(spline=bw w=nw));   var w:;   run;   proc score data=b score=c out=o2(rename=(spline=bx x=nx));   var x:;   run;   proc score data=b score=c out=o3(rename=(spline=bz z=nz));   var z:;   run;  

The next steps merge the three transformations with the original data and plot the results. The plots in Output 75.1.8 show that in fact the two transformations for each variable, original and scored, are the same function. Furthermore, PROC TRANSREG found the functional forms that were used to generate the data: quadratic for W , log for X , and sine for Z .

Output 75.1.8: Scoring Spline Variables Example
start example
  click to expand  
end example
  goptions goutmode=replace nodisplay;   data all;   merge d(keep=w x z tw tx tz) o1(keep=nw bw)   o2(keep=nx bx) o3(keep=nz bz);   run;   proc gplot data=all;   title3 'Exterior Knots Specified - Curves are the Same';   symbol1 color=blue v=none i=smooths;   symbol2 color=red v=none i=smooths;   plot tw * w = 1 bw * nw = 2 / overlay name='tregspl1';   plot tx * x = 1 bx * nx = 2 / overlay name='tregspl2';   plot tz * z = 1 bz * nz = 2 / overlay name='tregspl3';   run; quit;   goptions display;   proc greplay nofs tc=sashelp.templt template=l2r2;   igout gseg;   treplay 1:tregspl1 2:tregspl3 3:tregspl2;   run; quit;  

Example 75.2. Nonmetric Conjoint Analysis of Tire Data

This example uses PROC TRANSREG to perform a nonmetric conjoint analysis of tire preference data. Conjoint analysis decomposes rank ordered evaluation judgments of products or services into components based on qualitative product attributes.

For each level of each attribute of interest, a numerical 'part-worth utility' value is computed. The sum of the part-worth utilities for each product is an estimate of the utility for that product. The goal is to compute part-worth utilities such that the product utilities are as similar as possible to the original rank ordering. (This example is a greatly simplified introductory example.)

The stimuli for the experiment are 18 hypothetical tires. The stimuli represent different brands (Goodstone, Pirogi, Machismo), [*] prices ($69.99, $74.99, $79.99), expected tread life (50,000, 60,000, 70,000), and road hazard insurance plans (Yes, No). There are 3 — 3 — 3 — 2 = 54 possible combinations. From these, 18 combinations are selected that form an efficient experimental design for a main effects model. The combinations are then ranked from 1 (most preferred) to 18 (least preferred). In this simple example, there is one set of rankings. A real conjoint study would have many more.

First, the FORMAT procedure is used to specify the meanings of the factor levels, which are entered as numbers in the DATA step along with the ranks. PROC TRANSREG is used to perform the conjoint analysis. A maximum of 50 iterations is requested . The specification Monotone(Rank / Reflect) in the MODEL statement requests that the dependent variable Rank should be monotonically transformed and reflected so that positive utilities mean high preference. The variables Brand , Price , Life ,and Hazard are designated as CLASS variables, and the part-worth utilities are constrained by ZERO=SUM to sum to zero within each factor. The UTILITIES a-option displays the conjoint analysis results.

The Importance column of the Utilities Table shows that price is the most important attribute in determining preference (57%), followed by expected tread life (18%), brand (15%), and road hazard insurance (10%). Looking at the Utilities Table for the maximum part-worth utility within each attribute, you see from the results that the most preferred combination is Pirogi brand tires, at $69.99, with a 70,000 mile expected tread life, and road hazard insurance. This product is not actually in the data set. The sum of the part-worth utilities for this combination is

click to expand

The following statements produce Output 75.2.1:

  title 'Nonmetric Conjoint Analysis of Ranks';   proc format;   value BrandF   1 = 'Goodstone'   2 = 'Pirogi   '   3 = 'Machismo ';   value PriceF   1 = '.99'   2 = '.99'   3 = '.99';   value LifeF   1 = '50,000'   2 = '60,000'   3 = '70,000';   value HazardF   1 = 'Yes'   2 = 'No ';   run;   data Tires;   input Brand Price Life Hazard Rank;   format Brand BrandF9. Price PriceF9. Life LifeF6. Hazard HazardF3.;   datalines;   1 1 2 1  3   1 1 3 2  2   1 2 1 2 14   1 2 2 2 10   1 3 1 1 17   1 3 3 1 12   2 1 1 2  7   2 1 3 2  1   2 2 1 1  8   2 2 3 1  5   2 3 2 1 13   2 3 2 2 16   3 1 1 1  6   3 1 2 1  4   3 2 2 2 15   3 2 3 1  9   3 3 1 2 18   3 3 3 2 11   ;   proc transreg maxiter=50 utilities short;   ods select ConvergenceStatus FitStatistics Utilities;   model monotone(Rank / reflect) =   class(Brand Price Life Hazard / zero=sum);   output ireplace predicted;   run;   proc print label;   var Rank TRank PRank Brand Price Life Hazard;   label PRank = 'Predicted Ranks';   run;  
Output 75.2.1: Simple Conjoint Analysis
start example
  Nonmetric Conjoint Analysis of Ranks   The TRANSREG Procedure   Monotone(Rank)   Algorithm converged.   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Monotone(Rank)   Root MSE           0.49759    R-Square    0.9949   Dependent Mean     9.50000    Adj R-Sq    0.9913   Coeff Var          5.23783   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label              Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept           9.5000     0.11728                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone   1.1718     0.16586        15.463    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand Pirogi        1.8980     0.16586                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo   0.7262     0.16586                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price .99        5.8732     0.16586        56.517    Class.Price_69_99   Price .99   0.5261     0.16586                  Class.Price_74_99   Price .99   5.3471     0.16586                  Class.Price_79_99   Life 50,000   1.2350     0.16586        18.361    Class.Life50_000   Life 60,000   1.1751     0.16586                  Class.Life60_000   Life 70,000         2.4101     0.16586                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes          0.9588     0.11728         9.659    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.9588     0.11728                  Class.HazardNo   The standard errors are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent   variable was transformed and so are generally liberal (too small).   Nonmetric Conjoint Analysis of Ranks   Rank         Predicted   Obs Rank Transformation      Ranks    Brand        Price      Life    Hazard   1    3     14.4462        13.9851   Goodstone    .99     60,000   Yes   2    2     15.6844        15.6527   Goodstone    .99     70,000   No   3   14      5.7229         5.6083   Goodstone    .99     50,000   No   4   10      5.7229         5.6682   Goodstone    .99     60,000   No   5   17      2.6699         2.7049   Goodstone    .99     50,000   Yes   6   12      5.7229         6.3500   Goodstone    .99     70,000   Yes   7    7     14.4462        15.0774   Pirogi       .99     50,000   No   8    1     18.7699        18.7225   Pirogi       .99     70,000   No   9    8     11.1143        10.5957   Pirogi       .99     50,000   Yes   10    5     14.4462        14.2408   Pirogi       .99     70,000   Yes   11   13      5.7229         5.8346   Pirogi       .99     60,000   Yes   12   16      3.8884         3.9170   Pirogi       .99     60,000   No   13    6     14.4462        14.3708   Machismo     .99     50,000   Yes   14    4     14.4462        14.4307   Machismo     .99     60,000   Yes   15   15      5.7229         6.1139   Machismo     .99     60,000   No   16    9     11.1143        11.6166   Machismo     .99     70,000   Yes   17   18      1.1905         1.2330   Machismo     .99     50,000   No   18   11      5.7229         4.8780   Machismo     .99     70,000   No  
end example

Example 75.3. Metric Conjoint Analysis of Tire Data

This example, which is more detailed than the previous one, uses PROC TRANSREG to perform a metric conjoint analysis of tire preference data. Conjoint analysis can be used to decompose preference ratings of products or services into components based on qualitative product attributes. For each level of each attribute of interest, a numerical 'part-worth utility' value is computed. The sum of the part-worth utilities for each product is an estimate of the utility for that product. The goal is to compute part-worth utilities such that the product utilities are as similar as possible to the original ratings. Metric conjoint analysis, as shown in this example, fits an ordinary linear model directly to data assumed to be measured on an interval scale. Nonmetric conjoint analysis, as shown in Example 75.2, finds an optimal monotonic transformation of original data before fitting an ordinary linear model to the transformed data.

This example has three parts. In the first part, an experimental design is created. In the second part, a DATA step creates descriptions of the stimuli for the experiment. The third part of the example performs the conjoint analyses.

The stimuli for the experiment are 18 hypothetical tires. The stimuli represent different brands (Goodstone, Pirogi, Machismo), [*] prices ($69.99, $74.99, $79.99), expected tread life (50,000, 60,000, 70,000), and road hazard insurance plans (Yes, No).

For a conjoint study such as this, you need to create an experimental design with 3 three-level factors, 1 two-level factor, and 18 combinations or runs . The easiest way to get this design is with the %MktEx autocall macro. The %MktEx macro requires you to specify the number of levels of each of the four factors, followed by N=18, the number of runs. Specifying a random number seed, while not strictly necessary, helps ensure that the design is reproducible. The %MktLab macro assigns the actual factor names instead of the default names X1, X2, and so on, and it assigns formats to the factor levels. The %MktEval macro helps you evaluate the design. It shows how correlated or independent the factors are, how often each factor level appears in the design, how often each pair occurs for every factor pair, and how often each product profile or run occurs in the design. See Kuhfeld (2003) for more information on these tools and their use in conjoint and choice modeling.

  title 'Tire Study, Experimental Design';   proc format;   value BrandF   1 = 'Goodstone'   2 = 'Pirogi   '   3 = 'Machismo ';   value PriceF   1 = '.99'   2 = '.99'   3 = '.99';   value LifeF   1 = '50,000'   2 = '60,000'   3 = '70,000';   value HazardF   1 = 'Yes'   2 = 'No ';(persist   run;   %mktex(3 3 3 2, n=18, seed=448)   %mktlab(vars=Brand Price Life Hazard, out=sasuser.TireDesign,   statements=format Brand BrandF9. Price PriceF9.   Life LifeF6. Hazard HazardF3.)   %mkteval;   proc print data=sasuser.TireDesign;   run;  

The %MktEx macro output displayed in Output 75.3.1 shows you that the design is 100% efficient, which means it is orthogonal and balanced. The %MktEval macro output displayed in Output 75.3.2 shows you that all of the factors are uncorrelated or orthogonal, the design is balanced (each level occurs once), and every pair of factor levels occurs equally often (again showing that the design is orthogonal). The n -way frequencies show that each product profile occurs once (there are no duplicates). The design is shown in Output 75.3.3. The design is automatically randomized (the profiles were sorted into a random order and the original levels are randomly reassigned). Orthogonality, balance, randomization, and other design concepts are discussed in detail in Kuhfeld (2003).

Output 75.3.1: Tire Study, Design Efficiency
start example
  Tire Study, Experimental Design   Algorithm Search History   Current          Best   Design    Row,Col D-Efficiency D-Efficiency Notes   ----------------------------------------------------------   1      Start     100.0000     100.0000 Tab   1        End     100.0000   Tire Study, Experimental Design   The OPTEX Procedure   Class Level Information   Class Levels    -Values-   x1      3    1 2 3   x2      3    1 2 3   x3      3    1 2 3   x4      2    1 2   Tire Study, Experimental Design   The OPTEX Procedure   Average   Prediction   Design                                                         Standard   Number     D-Efficiency     A-Efficiency     G-Efficiency       Error   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   1       100.0000         100.0000         100.0000          0.6667  
end example
Output 75.3.2: Tire Study, Design Evaluation
start example
  Canonical Correlations Between the Factors   There are 0 Canonical Correlations Greater Than 0.316   Brand    Price    Life    Hazard   Brand     1        0        0        0   Price     0        1        0        0   Life      0        0        1        0   Hazard    0        0        0        1   Summary of Frequencies   There are 0 Canonical Correlations Greater Than 0.316   Frequencies   Brand           6 6 6   Price           6 6 6   Life            6 6 6   Hazard          9 9   Brand Price     2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2   Brand Life      2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2   Brand Hazard    3 3 3 3 3 3   Price Life      2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2   Price Hazard    3 3 3 3 3 3   Life Hazard     3 3 3 3 3 3   N-Way           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
end example
Output 75.3.3: Tire Study, Design
start example
  Obs    Brand        Price        Life      Hazard   1    Pirogi       .99       50,000     No   2    Machismo     .99       70,000     No   3    Machismo     .99       50,000     Yes   4    Machismo     .99       50,000     No   5    Goodstone    .99       70,000     Yes   6    Pirogi       .99       70,000     Yes   7    Goodstone    .99       50,000     Yes   8    Machismo     .99       60,000     Yes   9    Pirogi       .99       60,000     Yes   10    Pirogi       .99       60,000     No   11    Goodstone    .99       60,000     No   12    Goodstone    .99       50,000     No   13    Pirogi       .99       50,000     Yes   14    Goodstone    .99       70,000     No   15    Machismo     .99       60,000     No   16    Machismo     .99       70,000     Yes   17    Pirogi       .99       70,000     No   18    Goodstone    .99       60,000     Yes  
end example

Next, the questionnaires are printed, and subjects are given the questionnaires and are asked to rate the tires.

The following statements produce Output 75.3.4. This output is abbreviated; the statements produce stimuli for all combinations.

  data _null_;   title;   set sasuser.TireDesign;   file print;   if mod(_n_,4) eq 1 then do;   put _page_;   put +55 'Subject ________';   end;   length hazardstring $ 7.;   if put(hazard, hazardf3.) = 'Yes'   then hazardstring = 'with';   else hazardstring = 'without';   s = 3 + (_n_ >= 10);   put // _n_ +(-1) ') For your next tire purchase '   'how likely are you to buy this product?'   // +s Brand 'brand tires at ' Price +(   1) ','   /  +s 'with a ' Life 'tread life guarantee, '   /  +s 'and ' hazardstring 'road hazard insurance.'   // +s 'Definitely Would                 Definitely Would'   /  +s 'Not Purchase                              Purchase'   // +s '1     2     3     4     5      6     7     8     9 ';   run;  
Output 75.3.4: Conjoint Analysis, Stimuli Descriptions
start example
  Subject ________   1) For your next tire purchase, how likely are you to buy this product?   Pirogi brand tires at .99,   with a 50,000 tread life guarantee,   and without road hazard insurance.   Definitely Would                 Definitely Would   Not Purchase                             Purchase   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   2) For your next tire purchase, how likely are you to buy this product?   Machismo brand tires at .99,   with a 70,000 tread life guarantee,   and without road hazard insurance.   Definitely Would                 Definitely Would   Not Purchase                             Purchase   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   3) For your next tire purchase, how likely are you to buy this product?   Machismo brand tires at .99,   with a 50,000 tread life guarantee,   and with road hazard insurance.   Definitely Would                 Definitely Would   Not Purchase                             Purchase   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   4) For your next tire purchase, how likely are you to buy this product?   Machismo brand tires at .99,   with a 50,000 tread life guarantee,   and without road hazard insurance.   Definitely Would                 Definitely Would   Not Purchase                             Purchase   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9  
end example

The third part of the example performs the conjoint analyses. The DATA step reads the data. Only the ratings are entered, one row per subject. Real conjoint studies have many more subjects than five. The TRANSPOSE procedure transposes this (5 — 18) data set into an (18 — 5) data set that can be merged with the factor level data set sasuser.TireDesign . The next DATA step does the merge. The PRINT procedure displays the input data set.

PROC TRANSREG fits the five individual conjoint models, one for each subject. The UTILITIES a-option displays the conjoint analysis results. The SHORT a-option suppresses the iteration histories, OUTTEST= Utils creates an output data set with all of the conjoint results, and the SEPARATORS= option requests that the labels constructed for each category contain two blanks between the variable name and the level value. The ODS select statement is used to limit the displayed output. The MODEL statement specifies IDENTITY for the ratings, which specifies a metric conjoint analysis -the ratings are not transformed. The variables Brand , Price , Life ,and Hazard are designated as CLASS variables, and the part-worth utilities are constrained to sum to zero within each factor.

The following statements produce Output 75.3.5:

  title 'Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing';   data Results;   input (c1-c18) (1.);   datalines;   233279766526376493   124467885349168274   262189456534275794   184396375364187754   133379775526267493   ;   *---Create an Object by Subject Data Matrix---;   proc transpose data=Results out=Results(drop=_name_) prefix=Subj;   run;   *---Merge the Factor Levels With the Data Matrix---;   data Both;   merge sasuser.TireDesign Results;   run;   *---Print Input Data Set---;   proc print;   title2 'Data Set for Conjoint Analysis';   run;   *---Fit Each Subject Individually---;   proc transreg data=Both utilities short outtest=Utils separators=' ';   ods select TestsNote FitStatistics Utilities;   title2 'Individual Conjoint Analyses';   model identity(Subj1-Subj5) =   class(Brand Price Life Hazard / zero=sum);   run;  
Output 75.3.5: Conjoint Analysis
start example
  Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Data Set for Conjoint Analysis   Obs  Brand      Price      Life    Hazard  Subj1  Subj2  Subj3  Subj4  Subj5   1  Pirogi     .99     50,000   No       2      1      2      1      1   2  Machismo   .99     70,000   No       3      2      6      8      3   3  Machismo   .99     50,000   Yes      3      4      2      4      3   4  Machismo   .99     50,000   No       2      4      1      3      3   5  Goodstone  .99     70,000   Yes      7      6      8      9      7   6  Pirogi     .99     70,000   Yes      9      7      9      6      9   7  Goodstone  .99     50,000   Yes      7      8      4      3      7   8  Machismo   .99     60,000   Yes      6      8      5      7      7   9  Pirogi     .99     60,000   Yes      6      5      6      5      5   10  Pirogi     .99     60,000   No       5      3      5      3      5   11  Goodstone  .99     60,000   No       2      4      3      6      2   12  Goodstone  .99     50,000   No       6      9      4      4      6   13  Pirogi     .99     50,000   Yes      3      1      2      1      2   14  Goodstone  .99     70,000   No       7      6      7      8      6   15  Machismo   .99     60,000   No       6      8      5      7      7   16  Machismo   .99     70,000   Yes      4      2      7      7      4   17  Pirogi     .99     70,000   No       9      7      9      5      9   18  Goodstone  .99     60,000   Yes      3      4      4      4      3   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Individual Conjoint Analyses   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Identity(Subj1)   Root MSE           0.44721    R-Square    0.9783   Dependent Mean     5.00000    Adj R-Sq    0.9630   Coeff Var          8.94427   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label               Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept            5.0000     0.10541                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone      0.3333     0.14907        17.857    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand  Pirogi        0.6667     0.14907                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo   1.0000     0.14907                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price  .99        2.1667     0.14907        46.429    Class.Price_69_99   Price  .99        0.0000     0.14907                  Class.Price_74_99   Price  .99   2.1667     0.14907                  Class.Price_79_99   Life  50,000   1.1667     0.14907        28.571    Class.Life50_000   Life  60,000   0.3333     0.14907                  Class.Life60_000   Life  70,000         1.5000     0.14907                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes           0.3333     0.10541         7.143    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.3333     0.10541                  Class.HazardNo   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Individual Conjoint Analyses   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Identity(Subj2)   Root MSE           0.50553    R-Square    0.9770   Dependent Mean     4.94444    Adj R-Sq    0.9608   Coeff Var         10.22410   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label               Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept            4.9444     0.11915                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone      1.2222     0.16851        25.161    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand  Pirogi   0.9444     0.16851                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo   0.2778     0.16851                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price  .99        2.8889     0.16851        63.871    Class.Price_69_99   Price  .99   0.2778     0.16851                  Class.Price_74_99   Price  .99   2.6111     0.16851                  Class.Price_79_99   Life  50,000   0.4444     0.16851         9.677    Class.Life50_000   Life  60,000         0.3889     0.16851                  Class.Life60_000   Life  70,000         0.0556     0.16851                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes           0.0556     0.11915         1.290    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.0556     0.11915                  Class.HazardNo   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Individual Conjoint Analyses   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Identity(Subj2)   Root MSE           0.50553    R-Square    0.9770   Dependent Mean     4.94444    Adj R-Sq    0.9608   Coeff Var         10.22410   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label               Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept            4.9444     0.11915                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone      1.2222     0.16851        25.161    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand  Pirogi   0.9444     0.16851                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo   0.2778     0.16851                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price  .99        2.8889     0.16851        63.871    Class.Price_69_99   Price  .99   0.2778     0.16851                  Class.Price_74_99   Price  .99   2.6111     0.16851                  Class.Price_79_99   Life  50,000   0.4444     0.16851         9.677    Class.Life50_000   Life  60,000         0.3889     0.16851                  Class.Life60_000   Life  70,000         0.0556     0.16851                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes           0.0556     0.11915         1.290    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.0556     0.11915                  Class.HazardNo   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Individual Conjoint Analyses   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Identity(Subj4)   Root MSE           0.92496    R-Square    0.9099   Dependent Mean     5.05556    Adj R-Sq    0.8468   Coeff Var         18.29596   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label               Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept            5.0556     0.21802                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone      0.6111     0.30832        31.469    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand  Pirogi   1.5556     0.30832                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo       0.9444     0.30832                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price  .99        0.2778     0.30832        10.490    Class.Price_69_99   Price  .99        0.2778     0.30832                  Class.Price_74_99   Price  .99   0.5556     0.30832                  Class.Price_79_99   Life  50,000   2.3889     0.30832        56.643    Class.Life50_000   Life  60,000         0.2778     0.30832                  Class.Life60_000   Life  70,000         2.1111     0.30832                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes           0.0556     0.21802         1.399    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.0556     0.21802                  Class.HazardNo   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Individual Conjoint Analyses   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Identity(Subj5)   Root MSE           0.34960    R-Square    0.9879   Dependent Mean     4.94444    Adj R-Sq    0.9794   Coeff Var          7.07062   Utilities Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Importance   Standard    (% Utility   Label               Utility       Error        Range)    Variable   Intercept            4.9444     0.08240                  Intercept   Brand Goodstone      0.2222     0.11653         7.500    Class.BrandGoodstone   Brand  Pirogi        0.2222     0.11653                  Class.BrandPirogi   Brand Machismo   0.4444     0.11653                  Class.BrandMachismo   Price  .99        2.5556     0.11653        56.250    Class.Price_69_99   Price  .99   0.1111     0.11653                  Class.Price_74_99   Price  .99   2.4444     0.11653                  Class.Price_79_99   Life  50,000   1.2778     0.11653        30.000    Class.Life50_000   Life  60,000   0.1111     0.11653                  Class.Life60_000   Life  70,000         1.3889     0.11653                  Class.Life70_000   Hazard Yes           0.2778     0.08240         6.250    Class.HazardYes   Hazard No   0.2778     0.08240                  Class.HazardNo  
end example

The output contains two tables per subject, one with overall fit statistics and one with the conjoint analysis results.

These following statements summarize the results. Three tables are displayed: all of the importance values, the average importance, and the part-worth utilities. The first DATA step selects the importance information from the Utils data set. The final assignment statement stores just the variable name from the label relying on the fact that the separator is two blanks. PROC TRANSPOSE creates the data set of importances, one row per subject, and PROC PRINT displays the results. The MEANS procedure displays the average importance of each attribute across the subjects. The next DATA step selects the part-worth utilities information from the Utils data set. PROC TRANSPOSE creates the data set of utilities, one row per subject, and PROC PRINT displays the results.

  *---Gather the Importance Values---;   data Importance;   set Utils(keep=_depvar_ Importance Label);   if n(Importance);   label = substr(label, 1, index(label, ' '));   run;   proc transpose out=Importance2(drop=_:);   by _depvar_;   id Label;   run;   proc print;   title2 'Importance Values';   run;   proc means;   title2 'Average Importance';   run;   *---Gather the Part-Worth Utilites---           ;   data Utilities;   set Utils(keep=_depvar_ Coefficient Label);   if n(Coefficient);   run;   proc transpose out=Utilities2(drop=_:);   by _depvar_;   id Label;   idlabel Label;   run;   proc print label;   title2 'Utilities';   run;  
output 75.3.6: Summary of Conjoint Analysis Results
start example
  Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Importance Values   Obs     Brand      Price       Life      Hazard   1     17.8571    46.4286     28.5714   7.14286   2     25.1613    63.8710      9.6774   1.29032   3     13.1250    22.5000     58.1250   6.25000   4     31.4685    10.4895     56.6434   1.39860   5      7.5000    56.2500     30.0000   6.25000   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Average Importance   The MEANS Procedure   Variable    N            Mean         Std Dev         Minimum         Maximum   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Brand       5      19.0223929       9.5065111       7.5000000      31.4685315   Price       5      39.9078099      22.6510962      10.4895105      63.8709677   Life        5      36.6034409      20.6028215       9.6774194      58.1250000   Hazard      5       4.4663562       2.8733577       1.2903226       7.1428571   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Tire Study, Data Entry, Preprocessing   Utilities   Brand        Brand       Brand      Price       Price   Obs    Intercept    Goodstone     Pirogi     Machismo     .99     .99   1      5.00000      0.33333      0.66667   1.00000    2.16667     0.00000   2      4.94444      1.22222   0.94444   0.27778    2.88889   0.27778   3      4.94444      0.05556      0.55556   0.61111    1.05556   0.11111   4      5.05556      0.61111   1.55556     0.94444    0.27778     0.27778   5      4.94444      0.22222      0.22222   0.44444    2.55556   0.11111   Price       Life        Life        Life      Hazard     Hazard   Obs     .99      50,000      60,000      70,000      Yes         No   1   2.16667   1.16667   0.33333    1.50000    0.33333   0.33333   2   2.61111   0.44444     0.38889    0.05556    0.05556   0.05556   3   0.94444   2.44444   0.27778    2.72222    0.27778   0.27778   4   0.55556   2.38889     0.27778    2.11111    0.05556   0.05556   5   2.44444   1.27778   0.11111    1.38889    0.27778   0.27778  
end example

Based on the importance values, price is the most important attribute for some of the respondents, but expected tread life is most important for others. On the average, price is most important followed closely by expected tread life. Brand and road hazard insurance are less important. Both Goodstone and Pirogi are the most preferred brands by some of the respondents. All respondents preferred a lower price over a higher price, a longer tread life, and road hazard insurance.

Example 75.4. Transformation Regression of Exhaust Emissions Data

In this example, the MORALS algorithm is applied to data from an experiment in which nitrogen oxide emissions from a single cylinder engine are measured for various combinations of fuel, compression ratio, and equivalence ratio. The data are provided by Brinkman (1981).

The equivalence ratio and nitrogen oxide variables are continuous and numeric, so spline transformations of these variables are requested. Each spline is degree three with nine knots (one at each decile) in order to allow PROC TRANSREG a great deal of freedom in finding transformations. The compression ratio variable has only five discrete values, so an optimal scoring is requested. The character variable Fuel is nominal, so it is designated as a classification variable. No monotonicity constraints are placed on any of the transformations. Observations with missing values are excluded with the NOMISS a-option .

The squared multiple correlation for the initial model is less than 0.25. PROC TRANSREG increases the R 2 to over 0.95 by transforming the variables. The transformation plots show how each variable is transformed. The transformation of compression ratio ( TCpRatio ) is nearly linear. The transformation of equivalence ratio ( TEqRatio ) is nearly parabolic . It can be seen from this plot that the optimal transformation of equivalence ratio is nearly uncorrelated with the original scoring. This suggests that the large increase in R 2 is due to this transformation. The transformation of nitrogen oxide ( TNOx ) is something like a log transformation.

These results suggest the parametric model

click to expand

You can perform this analysis with PROC TRANSREG using the following MODEL statement:

  model log(NOx)= psp(EqRatio / deg=2) identity(CpRatio)   class(Fuel / zero=first);  

The LOG transformation computes the natural log. The PSPLINE expansion expands EqRatio into a linear term, EqRatio , and a squared term, EqRatio 2 . A linear transformation of CpRatio and a dummy variable expansion of Fuel is requested with the first level as the reference level. These should provide a good parametric operationalization of the optimal transformations. The final model has an R 2 of 0.91 (smaller than before since the model uses fewer degrees of freedom, but still quite good).

The following statements produce Output 75.4.1 through Output 75.4.2:

Output 75.4.1: Transformation Regression Example: The Nonparametric Model
start example
  Gasoline Example   Iteratively Estimate NOx, CPRATIO and EQRATIO   The TRANSREG Procedure   Dependent Variable Spline(NOx)   Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)   Class Level Information   Class    Levels    Values   Fuel          6    82rongas 94%Eth Ethanol Gasohol Indolene Methanol   Number of Observations Read            171   Number of Observations Used            169   TRANSREG MORALS Algorithm Iteration History for Spline(NOx)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   0    0.48074    3.86778     0.24597   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.95865      0.71267    Converged   Algorithm converged.   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Spline(NOx)   Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)   Univariate ANOVA Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Sum of        Mean   Source               DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Liberal p   Model                21    326.0946    15.52831     162.27    >= <.0001   Error               147     14.0674     0.09570   Corrected Total     168    340.1619   The above statistics are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent   variable was transformed and so are generally liberal.   Root MSE           0.30935    R-Square    0.9586   Dependent Mean     2.34593    Adj R-Sq    0.9527   Coeff Var         13.18661   Gasoline Example   Iteratively Estimate NOx, CPRATIO and EQRATIO   The TRANSREG Procedure   Adjusted Multivariate ANOVA Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Dependent Variable Scoring Parameters=12   S=12   M=4   N=67   Statistic                    Value    F Value    Num DF    Den DF            p   Wilks' Lambda             0.041355       2.05       252      1455    <= <.0001   Pillai's Trace            0.958645       0.61       252      1764    <= 1.0000   Hotelling-Lawley Trace    23.18089      12.35       252    945.01    <= <.0001   Roy's Greatest Root       23.18089     162.27        21       147    >= <.0001   The Wilks' Lambda, Pillai's Trace, and Hotelling-Lawley Trace statistics are a   conservative adjustment of the normal statistics. Roy's Greatest Root is   liberal. These statistics are normally defined in terms of the squared   canonical correlations which are the eigenvalues of the matrix H*inv(H+E).   Here the R-Square is used for the first eigenvalue and all other eigenvalues   are set to zero since only one linear combination is used. Degrees of freedom   are computed assuming all linear combinations contribute to the Lambda and   Trace statistics, so the F tests for those statistics are conservative. The p   values for the liberal and conservative statistics provide approximate lower   and upper bounds on p. A liberal test statistic with conservative degrees of   freedom and a conservative test statistic with liberal degrees of freedom yield   at best an approximate p value, which is indicated by a "~" before the p value.  
end example
Output 75.4.2: Plots of Compression Ratio, Equivalence Ratio, and Nitrogen Oxide
start example
  click to expand  
end example
  title 'Gasoline Example';   data Gas;   input Fuel :. CpRatio EqRatio NOx @@;   label Fuel = 'Fuel'   CpRatio = 'Compression Ratio (CR)'   EqRatio = 'Equivalence Ratio (PHI)'   NOx     = 'Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)';   datalines;   Ethanol 12.0 0.907 3.741 Ethanol   12.0 0.761 2.295   Ethanol 12.0 1.108 1.498 Ethanol   12.0 1.016 2.881   Ethanol 12.0 1.189 0.760 Ethanol    9.0 1.001 3.120   Ethanol   9.0 1.231 0.638 Ethanol   9.0 1.123 1.170   Ethanol 12.0 1.042 2.358 Ethanol   12.0 1.215 0.606   Ethanol 12.0 0.930 3.669 Ethanol   12.0 1.152 1.000   Ethanol 15.0 1.138 0.981 Ethanol   18.0 0.601 1.192   Ethanol   7.5 0.696 0.926 Ethanol  12.0 0.686 1.590   Ethanol 12.0 1.072 1.806 Ethanol   15.0 1.074 1.962   Ethanol 15.0 0.934 4.028 Ethanol    9.0 0.808 3.148   Ethanol   9.0 1.071 1.836 Ethanol   7.5 1.009 2.845   Ethanol   7.5 1.142 1.013 Ethanol  18.0 1.229 0.414   Ethanol 18.0 1.175 0.812 Ethanol   15.0 0.568 0.374   Ethanol 15.0 0.977 3.623 Ethanol    7.5 0.767 1.869   Ethanol   7.5 1.006 2.836 Ethanol   9.0 0.893 3.567   Ethanol 15.0 1.152 0.866 Ethanol   15.0 0.693 1.369   Ethanol 15.0 1.232 0.542 Ethanol   15.0 1.036 2.739   Ethanol 15.0 1.125 1.200 Ethanol    9.0 1.081 1.719   Ethanol   9.0 0.868 3.423 Ethanol   7.5 0.762 1.634   Ethanol   7.5 1.144 1.021 Ethanol   7.5 1.045 2.157   Ethanol 18.0 0.797 3.361 Ethanol   18.0 1.115 1.390   Ethanol 18.0 1.070 1.947 Ethanol   18.0 1.219 0.962   Ethanol   9.0 0.637 0.571 Ethanol   9.0 0.733 2.219   Ethanol   9.0 0.715 1.419 Ethanol   9.0 0.872 3.519   Ethanol   7.5 0.765 1.732 Ethanol   7.5 0.878 3.206   Ethanol   7.5 0.811 2.471 Ethanol  15.0 0.676 1.777   Ethanol 18.0 1.045 2.571 Ethanol   18.0 0.968 3.952   Ethanol 15.0 0.846 3.931 Ethanol   15.0 0.684 1.587   Ethanol   7.5 0.729 1.397 Ethanol   7.5 0.911 3.536   Ethanol   7.5 0.808 2.202 Ethanol   7.5 1.168 0.756   Indolene 7.5 0.831 4.818 Indolene   7.5 1.045 2.849   Indolene 7.5 1.021 3.275 Indolene   7.5 0.970 4.691   Indolene 7.5 0.825 4.255 Indolene   7.5 0.891 5.064   Indolene 7.5 0.710 2.118 Indolene   7.5 0.801 4.602   Indolene 7.5 1.074 2.286 Indolene   7.5 1.148 0.970   Indolene 7.5 1.000 3.965 Indolene   7.5 0.928 5.344   Indolene 7.5 0.767 3.834 Ethanol    7.5 0.749 1.620   Ethanol   7.5 0.892 3.656 Ethanol   7.5 1.002 2.964   82rongas 7.5 0.873 6.021 82rongas   7.5 0.987 4.467   82rongas 7.5 1.030 3.046 82rongas   7.5 1.101 1.596   82rongas 7.5 1.173 0.835 82rongas   7.5 0.931 5.498   82rongas 7.5 0.822 5.470 82rongas   7.5 0.749 4.084   82rongas 7.5 0.625 0.716 94%Eth     7.5 0.818 2.382   94%Eth    7.5 1.128 1.004 94%Eth    7.5 1.191 0.623   94%Eth    7.5 1.132 1.030 94%Eth    7.5 0.993 2.593   94%Eth    7.5 0.866 2.699 94%Eth    7.5 0.910 3.177   94%Eth   12.0 1.139 1.151 94%Eth   12.0 1.267 0.474   94%Eth   12.0 1.017 2.814 94%Eth   12.0 0.954 3.308   94%Eth   12.0 0.861 3.031 94%Eth   12.0 1.034 2.537   94%Eth   12.0 0.781 2.403 94%Eth   12.0 1.058 2.412   94%Eth   12.0 0.884 2.452 94%Eth   12.0 0.766 1.857   94%Eth    7.5 1.193 0.657 94%Eth    7.5 0.885 2.969   94%Eth    7.5 0.915 2.670 Ethanol  18.0 0.812 3.760   Ethanol 18.0 1.230 0.672 Ethanol   18.0 0.804 3.677   Ethanol 18.0 0.712 .    Ethanol    12.0 0.813 3.517   Ethanol 12.0 1.002 3.290 Ethanol    9.0 0.696 1.139   Ethanol   9.0 1.199 0.727 Ethanol   9.0 1.030 2.581   Ethanol 15.0 0.602 0.923 Ethanol   15.0 0.694 1.527   Ethanol 15.0 0.816 3.388 Ethanol 15.0 0.896 .   Ethanol 15.0 1.037 2.085 Ethanol   15.0 1.181 0.966   Ethanol   7.5 0.899 3.488 Ethanol   7.5 1.227 0.754   Indolene 7.5 0.701 1.990 Indolene   7.5 0.807 5.199   Indolene 7.5 0.902 5.283 Indolene   7.5 0.997 3.752   Indolene 7.5 1.224 0.537 Indolene   7.5 1.089 1.640   Ethanol   9.0 1.180 0.797 Ethanol   7.5 0.795 2.064   Ethanol 18.0 0.990 3.732 Ethanol   18.0 1.201 0.586   Methanol 7.5 0.975 2.941 Methanol   7.5 1.089 1.467   Methanol 7.5 1.150 0.934 Methanol   7.5 1.212 0.722   Methanol 7.5 0.859 2.397 Methanol   7.5 0.751 1.461   Methanol 7.5 0.720 1.235 Methanol   7.5 1.090 1.347   Methanol 7.5 0.616 0.344 Gasohol    7.5 0.712 2.209   Gasohol   7.5 0.771 4.497 Gasohol   7.5 0.959 4.958   Gasohol   7.5 1.042 2.723 Gasohol   7.5 1.125 1.244   Gasohol   7.5 1.097 1.562 Gasohol   7.5 0.984 4.468   Gasohol   7.5 0.928 5.307 Gasohol   7.5 0.889 5.425   Gasohol   7.5 0.827 5.330 Gasohol   7.5 0.674 1.448   Gasohol   7.5 1.031 3.164 Methanol  7.5 0.871 3.113   Methanol 7.5 1.026 2.551 Methanol   7.5 0.598 0.204   Indolene 7.5 0.973 5.055 Indolene   7.5 0.980 4.937   Indolene 7.5 0.665 1.561 Ethanol    7.5 0.629 0.561   Ethanol   9.0 0.608 0.563 Ethanol  12.0 0.584 0.678   Ethanol 15.0 0.562 0.370 Ethanol   18.0 0.535 0.530   94%Eth    7.5 0.674 0.900 Gasohol   7.5 0.645 1.207   Ethanol 18.0 0.655 1.900 94%Eth     7.5 1.022 2.787   94%Eth    7.5 0.790 2.645 94%Eth    7.5 0.720 1.475   94%Eth    7.5 1.075 2.147   ;   *---Fit the Nonparametric Model---;   proc transreg data=Gas dummy test nomiss;   model spline(NOx / nknots=9)=spline(EqRatio / nknots=9)   opscore(CpRatio) class(Fuel / zero=first);   title2 'Iteratively Estimate NOx, CPRATIO and EQRATIO';   output out=Results;   run;   *---Plot the Results---;   goptions goutmode=replace nodisplay;   %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame cframe=ligr;   * Depending on your goptions, these plot options may work better:   * %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame;   proc gplot data=Results;   title;   axis1 minor=none label=(angle=90 rotate=0);   axis2 minor=none;   symbol1 color=blue v=dot i=none;   plot TCpRatio*CpRatio / &opts name='tregex1';   plot TEqRatio*EqRatio / &opts name='tregex2';   plot TNOx*NOx / &opts name='tregex3';   run; quit;   goptions display;   proc greplay nofs tc=sashelp.templt template=l2r2;   igout gseg;   treplay 1:tregex1 2:tregex3 3:tregex2;   run; quit;   *-Fit the Parametric Model Suggested by the Nonparametric Analysis-;   proc transreg data=Gas dummy ss2 short nomiss;   title 'Gasoline Example';   title2 'Now fit log(NOx) = b0 + b1*EqRatio + b2*EqRatio**2 +';   title3 'b3*CpRatio + Sum b(j)*Fuel(j) + Error';   model log(NOx)= pspline(EqRatio / deg=2) identity(CpRatio)   class(Fuel / zero=first);   output out=Results2;   run;  
Output 75.4.3: Transformation Regression Example: The Parametric Model
start example
  Gasoline Example   Now fit log(NOx) = b0 + b1*EqRatio + b2*EqRatio**2 +   b3*CpRatio + Sum b(j)*Fuel(j) + Error   The TRANSREG Procedure   Dependent Variable Log(NOx)   Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)   Class Level Information   Class    Levels    Values   Fuel          6    82rongas 94%Eth Ethanol Gasohol Indolene Methanol   Number of Observations Read            171   Number of Observations Used            169   Log(NOx)   Algorithm converged.   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for Log(NOx)   Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)   Univariate ANOVA Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Sum of        Mean   Source               DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Pr > F   Model                 8    79.33838    9.917298     213.09    <.0001   Error               160     7.44659    0.046541   Corrected Total     168    86.78498   Root MSE           0.21573    R-Square    0.9142   Dependent Mean     0.63130    Adj R-Sq    0.9099   Coeff Var         34.17294   Univariate Regression Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Type II   Sum of    Mean   Variable            DF Coefficient Squares Square F Value Pr > F Label   Intercept            1   14.586532 49.9469 49.9469 1073.18 <.0001 Intercept   Pspline.EqRatio_1    1   35.102914 62.7478 62.7478 1348.22 <.0001 Equivalence   Ratio (PHI) 1   Pspline.EqRatio_2    1   19.386468 64.6430 64.6430 1388.94 <.0001 Equivalence   Ratio (PHI) 2   Identity(CpRatio)    1    0.032058  1.4445  1.4445   31.04 <.0001 Compression   Ratio (CR)   Class.Fuel94_Eth     1   0.449583  1.3158  1.3158   28.27 <.0001 Fuel 94%Eth   Class.FuelEthanol    1   0.414242  1.2560  1.2560   26.99 <.0001 Fuel Ethanol   Class.FuelGasohol    1   0.016719  0.0015  0.0015    0.03 0.8584 Fuel Gasohol   Class.FuelIndolene   1    0.001572  0.0000  0.0000    0.00 0.9853 Fuel Indolene   Class.FuelMethanol   1   0.580133  1.7219  1.7219   37.00 <.0001 Fuel Methanol  
end example

Example 75.5. Preference Mapping of Cars Data

This example uses PROC TRANSREG to perform a preference mapping (PREFMAP) analysis (Carroll 1972) of car preference data after a PROC PRINQUAL principal component analysis. The PREFMAP analysis is a response surface regression that locates ideal points for each dependent variable in a space defined by the independent variables.

The data are ratings obtained from 25 judges of their preference for each of 17 automobiles. The ratings were made on a zero (very weak preference) to nine (very strong preference) scale. These judgments were made in 1980 about that year's products. There are two character variables that indicate the manufacturer and model of the automobile. The data set also contains three ratings: miles per gallon ( MPG ), projected reliability ( Reliability ), and quality of the ride ( Ride ). These ratings are on a one (bad) to five (good) scale. PROC PRINQUAL creates an OUT= data set containing standardized principal component scores ( Prin1 and Prin2 ), along with the ID variables MODEL, MPG , Reliability ,and Ride .

The first PROC TRANSREG step fits univariate regression models for MPG and Reliability . All variables are designated IDENTITY. A vector drawn in the plot of Prin1 and Prin2 from the origin to the point defined by an attribute's regression coefficients approximately shows how the cars differ on that attribute. Refer to Carroll (1972) for more information. The Prin1 and Prin2 columns of the TResult1 OUT= data set contain the car coordinates ( _Type_ ='SCORE' observations) and endpoints of the MPG and Reliability vectors ( _Type_ ='M COEFFI' observations).

The second PROC TRANSREG step fits a univariate regression model with Ride designated IDENTIY, and Prin1 and Prin2 designated POINT. The POINT expansion creates an additional independent variable _ISSQ_ , which contains the sum of Prin1 squared and Prin2 squared. The OUT= data set TResult2 contains no _Type_ ='SCORE' observations, only ideal point ( _Type_ ='M POINT') coordinates for Ride . The coordinates of both the vectors and the ideal points are output by specifying COORDINATES in the OUTPUT statement in PROC TRANSREG.

A vector model is used for MPG and Reliability because perfectly efficient and reliable cars do not exist in the data set. The ideal points for MPG and Reliability are far removed from the plot of the cars. It is more likely that an ideal point for quality of the ride is in the plot, so an ideal point model is used for the ride variable. Refer to Carroll (1972) and Schiffman, Reynolds, and Young (1981) for discussions of the vector model and point models (including the EPOINT and QPOINT versions of the point model that are not used in this example).

The final DATA step combines the two output data sets and creates a data set suitable for the %PLOTIT macro. (For information on the %PLOTIT macro, see Appendix B, 'Using the %PLOTIT Macro.') The plot contains one point per car and one point for each of the three ratings. The % PLOTIT macro options specify the input data set, how to handle anti-ideal points (described later), and where to draw horizontal and vertical reference lines. The DATATYPE= option specifies that the input data set contains results of a PREFMAP vector model and a PREFMAP ideal point model.

This instructs the macro to draw vectors to _Type_ ='M COEFFI' observations and circles around _Type_ ='M POINT' observations.

An unreliable to reliable direction extends from the left and slightly below the origin to the right and slightly above the origin. The Japanese and European Cars are rated, on the average, as more reliable. A low MPG to good MPG direction extends from the top left of the plot to the bottom right. The smaller cars, on the average, get better gas mileage. The ideal point for Ride is in the top, just right of the center of the plot. Cars near the Ride ideal point tend to have a better ride than cars far away. It can be seen from the iteration history tables that none of these ratings perfectly fits the model, so all of the interpretations are approximate.

The Ride point is a 'negative-negative' ideal point. The point models assume that small ratings mean the object (car) is similar to the rating name and large ratings imply dissimilarity to the rating name. Because the opposite scoring is used, the interpretation of the Ride point must be reversed to a negative ideal point (bad ride). However, the coefficient for the _ISSQ_ variable is negative, so the interpretation is reversed again, back to the original interpretation. Anti-ideal points are taken care of in the %PLOTIT macro. Specify ANTIIDEA=1 when large values are positive or ideal and ANTIIDEA=-1 when small values are positive or ideal.

The following statements produce Output 75.5.1 through Output 75.5.2:

  title 'Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980';   data CarPreferences;   input Make $ 1-10 Model $ 12-22 @25 (Judge1-Judge25) (1.)   MPG Reliability Ride;   datalines;   Cadillac   Eldorado     8007990491240508971093809 3 2 4   Chevrolet  Chevette     0051200423451043003515698 5 3 2   Chevrolet  Citation     4053305814161643544747795 4 1 5   Chevrolet  Malibu       6027400723121345545668658 3 3 4   Ford       Fairmont     2024006715021443530648655 3 3 4   Ford       Mustang      5007197705021101850657555 3 2 2   Ford       Pinto        0021000303030201500514078 4 1 1   Honda      Accord       5956897609699952998975078 5 5 3   Honda      Civic        4836709507488852567765075 5 5 3   Lincoln    Continental  7008990592230409962091909 2 4 5   Plymouth   Gran Fury    7006000434101107333458708 2 1 5   Plymouth   Horizon      3005005635461302444675655 4 3 3   Plymouth   Volare       4005003614021602754476555 2 1 3   Pontiac    Firebird     0107895613201206958265907 1 1 5   Volkswagen Dasher       4858696508877795377895000 5 3 4   Volkswagen Rabbit       4858509709695795487885000 5 4 3   Volvo      DL           9989998909999987989919000 4 5 5   ;   *---Compute Coordinates for a 2-Dimensional Scatter Plot of Cars---;   proc prinqual data=CarPreferences out=PResults(drop=Judge1-Judge25)   n=2 replace standard scores;   id Model MPG Reliability Ride;   transform identity(Judge1-Judge25);   title2 'Multidimensional Preference (MDPREF) Analysis';   run;   *---Compute Endpoints for MPG and Reliability Vectors---;   proc transreg data=PResults;   Model identity(MPG Reliability)=identity(Prin1 Prin2);   output tstandard=center coordinates replace out=TResult1;   id Model;   title2 'Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Analysis';   run;   *---Compute Ride Ideal Point Coordinates---;   proc transreg data=PResults;   Model identity(Ride)=point(Prin1 Prin2);   output tstandard=center coordinates replace noscores out=TResult2;   id Model;   run;   proc print; run;   *---Combine Data Sets and Plot the Results---;   data plot;   title3 'Plot of Automobiles and Ratings';   set Tresult1 Tresult2;   run;   %plotit(data=plot, datatype=vector ideal, antiidea=1, href=0, vref=0);  
Output 75.5.2: Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980
start example
  click to expand  
end example
Output 75.5.1: Preference Ratings Example Output
start example
  Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980   Multidimensional Preference (MDPREF) Analysis   The PRINQUAL Procedure   PRINQUAL MTV Algorithm Iteration History   Iteration    Average    Maximum     Proportion    Criterion   Number     Change     Change    of Variance       Change    Note   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000        0.66946                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   WARNING: The number of observations is less than or equal to the number of   variables.   WARNING: Multiple optimal solutions may exist.   Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980   Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Analysis   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(MPG)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.57197                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980   Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Analysis   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Reliability)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.50859                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980   Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Analysis   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for Identity(Ride)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.37797                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980   Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Analysis   Obs   _TYPE_    _NAME_   Ride   Intercept    Prin1     Prin2     _ISSQ_    Model   1    M POINT    Ride      .        .       0.49461   2.46539   -0.17448   Ride  
end example

Example 75.6. Box Cox

This example illustrates finding a Box-Cox transformation (see the 'Box-Cox Transformations' section on page 4595) of some artificial data. Data were generated from the model

y = e x + ˆˆ

where ˆˆ ~ N(0,1). The transformed data can be fit with a linear model

log( y ) = x + ˆˆ

These statements produce Output 75.6.1.

  title 'Basic Box-Cox Example';   data x;   do x = 1 to 8 by 0.025;   y = exp(x + normal(7));   output;   end;   run;   proc transreg data=x ss2 details;   title2 'Defaults';   model boxcox(y) = identity(x);   run;  
Output 75.6.1: Basic Box-Cox Example, Default Output
start example
  Basic Box-Cox Example                   88   Defaults   The TRANSREG Procedure   Transformation Information   for BoxCox(y)   Lambda      R-Square    Log Like     3.00          0.03   4601.01     2.75          0.04   4266.08     2.50          0.04   3934.11     2.25          0.05   3605.75     2.00          0.06   3281.88     1.75          0.07   2963.74     1.50          0.10   2653.14     1.25          0.14   2352.72     1.00          0.21   2066.32     0.75          0.34   1799.25     0.50          0.52   1558.55     0.25          0.71   1360.28   0.00 +        0.79   1275.31 <   0.25          0.70   1382.62   0.50          0.51   1589.03   0.75          0.34   1834.53   1.00          0.22   2105.88   1.25          0.15   2397.35   1.50          0.11   2704.64   1.75          0.08   3024.24   2.00          0.06   3353.38   2.25          0.05   3689.91   2.50          0.04   4032.18   2.75          0.03   4378.97   3.00          0.03   4729.37   < - Best Lambda   * - Confidence Interval   + - Convenient Lambda  
end example

PROC TRANSREG correctly selects the log transformation » = 0, with a narrow confidence interval. The maximum of the log likelihood function is flagged with the less-than sign (<), and the convenient power parameter of » = 0 in the confidence interval is flagged by the plus sign (+). The rest of the output is shown next in Output 75.6.2.

Output 75.6.2: Basic Box-Cox Example, Default Output
start example
  Basic Box-Cox Example                            89   Defaults   The TRANSREG Procedure   Dependent Variable BoxCox(y)   Number of Observations Read            281   Number of Observations Used            281   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for BoxCox(y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.79064                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Model Statement Specification Details   Type DF Variable    Description      Value   Dep    1 BoxCox(y)   Lambda Used     0   Lambda          0   Log Likelihood  -1275.3   Conv. Lambda    0   Conv. Lambda LL -1275.3   CI Limit        -1277.2   Alpha           0.05   Ind    1 Identity(x) DF              1   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for BoxCox(y)   Univariate ANOVA Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Sum of        Mean   Source               DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Liberal p   Model                 1    1145.884    1145.884    1053.66    >= <.0001   Error               279     303.421       1.088   Corrected Total     280    1449.305   The above statistics are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent   variable was transformed and so are generally liberal.   Root MSE           1.04285    R-Square    0.7906   Dependent Mean     4.49653    Adj R-Sq    0.7899   Coeff Var         23.19225    Lambda      0.0000   Univariate Regression Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Type II   Sum of       Mean   Variable        DF    Coefficient    Squares     Square    F Value    Liberal p   Intercept        1     0.01551366       0.01       0.01       0.01    >= 0.9185   Identity(x)      1     0.99578183    1145.88    1145.88    1053.66    >= <.0001   The above statistics are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent variable   was transformed and so are generally liberal.  
end example

This next example uses several options. The LAMBDA= option specifies power parameters sparsely from -2 to -0.5 and 0.5 to 2 just to get the general shape of the log likelihood function in that region. Between -0.5 and 0.5, more power parameters are tried. The CONVENIENT option is specified so that if a power parameter like » = 1 or » = 0 is found in the confidence interval, it will be used instead of the optimal power parameter. PARAMETER=2 is specified to add 2 to each y before performing the transformations. ALPHA=0.00001 specifiesawideconfidence interval.

These statements produce Output 75.6.3.

Output 75.6.3: Basic Box-Cox Example, Several Options Demonstrated
start example
  Basic Box-Cox Example                90   Several Options Demonstrated   The TRANSREG Procedure   Transformation Information   for BoxCox(y)   Lambda      R-Square    Log Like     2.000          0.22   2583.73     1.000          0.45   1779.35     0.500          0.67   1439.82     0.450          0.70   1410.51     0.400          0.72   1382.74     0.350          0.74   1356.92     0.300          0.76   1333.59     0.250          0.77   1313.42     0.200          0.79   1297.21     0.150          0.79   1285.83 *     0.100          0.80   1280.09 <     0.050          0.80   1280.63 *   0.000 +        0.79   1287.71 *   0.050          0.78   1301.19   0.100          0.76   1320.56   0.150          0.74   1345.09   0.200          0.72   1373.99   0.250          0.69   1406.51   0.300          0.65   1442.02   0.350          0.62   1480.02   0.400          0.58   1520.13   0.450          0.54   1562.05   0.500          0.50   1605.57   1.000          0.22   2105.88   2.000          0.06   3320.36   < - Best Lambda   * - Confidence Interval   + - Convenient Lambda  
end example
  proc transreg data=x ss2 details;   title2 'Several Options Demonstrated';   model boxcox(y / lambda=   2   1   0.5 to 0.5 by 0.05 1 2   convenient   parameter=2   alpha=0.00001)   = identity(x);   run;  

The results show that the optimal power parameter is -0.1 but 0 is in the confidence interval, hence a log transformation is chosen . The rest of the output is shown next in Output 75.6.4.

Output 75.6.4: Basic Box-Cox Example, Several Options Demonstrated
start example
  Basic Box-Cox Example                            91   Several Options Demonstrated   The TRANSREG Procedure   Dependent Variable BoxCox(y)   Number of Observations Read            281   Number of Observations Used            281   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for BoxCox(y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.79238                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Model Statement Specification Details   Type DF Variable     Description     Value   Dep   1  BoxCox(y)   Lambda Used     0   Lambda   0.1   Log Likelihood   1280.1   Conv. Lambda    0   Conv. Lambda LL   1287.7   CI Limit   1289.9   Alpha           0.00001   Parameter       2   Options         Convenient Lambda Used   Ind    1 Identity(x) DF              1   Basic Box-Cox Example                            92   Several Options Demonstrated   The TRANSREG Procedure   The TRANSREG Procedure Hypothesis Tests for BoxCox(y)   Univariate ANOVA Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Sum of        Mean   Source               DF     Squares      Square    F Value    Liberal p   Model                 1     999.438    999.4381    1064.82    >= <.0001   Error               279     261.868      0.9386   Corrected Total     280    1261.306   The above statistics are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent   variable was transformed and so are generally liberal.   Root MSE           0.96881    R-Square    0.7924   Dependent Mean     4.61429    Adj R-Sq    0.7916   Coeff Var         20.99591    Lambda      0.0000   Univariate Regression Table Based on the Usual Degrees of Freedom   Type II   Sum of       Mean   Variable        DF    Coefficient    Squares     Square    F Value    Liberal p   Intercept        1     0.42939328      8.746      8.746       9.32    >= 0.0025   Identity(x)      1     0.92997620    999.438    999.438    1064.82    >= <.0001   The above statistics are not adjusted for the fact that the dependent variable   was transformed and so are generally liberal.  
end example

The next part of this example shows how to make graphical displays of the Box-Cox transformation results. Plots include the log likelihood function with the confidence interval, root mean squared error as a function of the power parameter, R 2 as a function of the power parameter, the Box-Cox transformation of the variable y , the original scatter plot based on the untransformed data, and the new scatter plot based on the transformed data. Also, a condensed version of the log likelihood table with the confidence interval is printed. Here are the data.

  title h=1 'Box-Cox Graphical Displays';   data x;   input y x @@;   datalines;   10.0  3.0  72.6  8.3  59.7  8.1  20.1  4.8  90.1  9.8   1.1  0.9   78.2  8.5  87.4  9.0   9.5  3.4   0.1  1.4   0.1  1.1  42.5  5.1   57.0  7.5   9.9  1.9   0.5  1.0 121.1  9.9  37.5  5.9  49.5  6.7   8.3  1.8   0.6  1.8  53.0  6.7 112.8 10.0  40.7  6.4   5.1  2.4   73.3  9.5 122.4  9.9  87.2  9.4 121.2  9.9  23.1  4.3   7.1  3.5   12.4  3.3   5.6  2.7 113.0  9.6 110.5 10.0   3.1  1.5  52.4  7.9   80.4  8.1   0.6  1.6 115.1  9.1  15.9  3.1  56.5  7.3  85.4  9.8   32.5  5.8  43.0  6.2   0.1  0.8  21.8  5.2  15.2  3.5   5.2  3.0   0.2  0.8  73.5  8.2   4.9  3.2   0.2  0.3  69.0  9.2   3.6  3.5   0.2  0.9 101.3  9.9  10.0  3.7  16.9  3.0  11.2  5.0   0.2  0.4   80.8  9.4  24.9  5.7 113.5  9.7   6.2  2.1  12.5  3.2   4.8  1.8   80.1  8.3  26.4  4.8  13.4  3.8  99.8  9.7  44.1  6.2  15.3  3.8   2.2  1.5  10.3  2.7  13.8  4.7  38.6  4.5  79.1  9.8  33.6  5.8   9.1  4.5  89.3  9.1   5.5  2.6  20.0  4.8   2.9  2.9  82.9  8.4   7.0  3.5  14.5  2.9  16.0  3.7  29.3  6.1  48.9  6.3   1.6  1.9   34.7  6.2  33.5  6.5  26.0  5.6  12.7  3.1   0.1  0.3  15.4  4.2   2.6  1.8  58.6  7.9  81.2  8.1  37.2  6.9  

The TRANSREG procedure is run to find the Box-Cox transformation. The lambda list is -2 TO 2 BY 0.01, which produces 401 lambdas. This many power parameters makes a nice graphical display with plenty of detail around the confidence interval. However, 401 values is a lot to print, so for this reason, the usual Box-Cox transformation information table is excluded from the printed output. Instead, it is output to a SAS data set using ODS so a sample of it can be printed. Just the confidence interval and the rows corresponding to power parameters that are multiples of 0.5 are printed. Null labels are provided for the columns that need to be printed without headers. The details table is also output to a SAS data set using ODS, since it contains information that will be incorporated into some of the plots. These statements produce Output 75.6.5.

Output 75.6.5: Box-Cox Graphical Displays
start example
  Box-Cox Graphical Displays                         93   The TRANSREG Procedure   TRANSREG Univariate Algorithm Iteration History for BoxCox(y)   Iteration    Average    Maximum                Criterion   Number     Change     Change    R-Square       Change    Note   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1    0.00000    0.00000     0.95396                 Converged   Algorithm converged.   Model Statement Specification Details   Type  DF Variable    Description      Value   Dep    1 BoxCox(y)   Lambda Used     0.5   Lambda          0.46   Log Likelihood   167.0   Conv. Lambda    0.5   Conv. Lambda LL   168.3   CI Limit   169.0   Alpha           0.05   Options         Convenient Lambda Used   Ind    1 Identity(x) DF              1   Box-Cox Graphical Displays                         94   Confidence Interval   Dependent      Lambda         R-Square    Log Like   BoxCox(y)   2.00             0.14   1030.56   BoxCox(y)   1.50             0.17   810.50   BoxCox(y)   1.00             0.22   602.53   BoxCox(y)   0.50             0.39   415.56   BoxCox(y)        0.00             0.78   257.92   BoxCox(y)        0.41             0.95   168.40    *   BoxCox(y)        0.42             0.95   167.86    *   BoxCox(y)        0.43             0.95   167.46    *   BoxCox(y)        0.44             0.95   167.19    *   BoxCox(y)        0.45             0.95   167.05    *   BoxCox(y)        0.46             0.95   167.04    <   BoxCox(y)        0.47             0.95   167.16    *   BoxCox(y)        0.48             0.95   167.41    *   BoxCox(y)        0.49             0.95   167.79    *   BoxCox(y)        0.50    +        0.95   168.28    *   BoxCox(y)        0.51             0.95   168.89    *   BoxCox(y)        1.00             0.89   253.09   BoxCox(y)        1.50             0.79   345.35   BoxCox(y)        2.00             0.70   435.01  
end example
  * Fit Box-Cox model, output results to output data sets;   ods output boxcox=b details=d;   ods exclude boxcox;   proc transreg details data=x;   model boxcox(y / convenient lambda=   2 to 2 by 0.01) = identity(x);   output out=trans;   run;   proc print noobs label data=b(drop=rmse);   title2 'Confidence Interval';   where ci ne ' ' or abs(lambda - round(lambda, 0.5)) < 1e-6;   label convenient = '00'x ci = '00'x;   run;   ;  

These next steps extract information from the Box-Cox transformation and details tables and store the information in macro variables. The confidence interval limit from the details table provides a vertical axis reference line for the log likelihood plot. The convenient power parameter ('Lambda Used') is extracted from the footnote. The confidence interval is extracted from the confidence interval observations of the Box-Cox transformation table and will be used in the footnote and for horizontal axis reference lines in the log likelihood plot.

  * Store values for reference lines;   data _null_;   set d;   if description = 'CI Limit'   then call symput('vref',   formattedvalue);   if description = 'Lambda Used'   then call symput('lambda', formattedvalue);   run;   data _null_;   set b end=eof;   where ci ne ' ';   if _n_ = 1   then call symput('href1', compress(put(lambda, best12.)));   if ci = '<'   then call symput('href2', compress(put(lambda, best12.)));   if eof   then call symput('href3', compress(put(lambda, best12.)));   run;  

These steps plot the log likelihood, root mean square error and R 2 . The input data set is the Box-Cox transformation table, which was output using ODS. These statements produce Output 75.6.6.

Output 75.6.6: Box-Cox Graphical Displays
start example
  click to expand   click to expand   click to expand  
end example
  * Plot log likelihood, confidence interval;   axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none;   axis2 minor=none;   proc gplot data=b;   title2 'Log Likelihood';   plot loglike * lambda / vref=&vref href=&href1 &href2 &href3   vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   footnote "Confidence Interval: &href1 - &href2 - &href3, "   "Lambda = &lambda";   symbol v=none i=spline c=blue;   run;   footnote;   title2 'RMSE';   plot rmse * lambda / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   run;   title2 'R-Square';   plot rsquare * lambda / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   axis1 order=(0 to 1 by 0.1) label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none;   run; quit;  

The optimal power parameter is 0.46, but since 0.5 is in the confidence interval, and since the CONVENIENT option was specified, the procedure chooses a square root transformation.

The next steps plot the transformation of Y , the original scatter plot based on the untransformed data, and the new scatter plot based on the transformed data. The results are shown in Output 75.6.7. The input data set is the ordinary output data set from PROC TRANSREG. The transformation of the variable Y by default is Ty .

Output 75.6.7: Box-Cox Graphical Displays
start example
  click to expand   click to expand   click to expand  
end example
  axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none;   axis2 minor=none;   proc gplot data=trans;   title2 'Transformation';   symbol i=splines v=star c=blue;   plot ty * y / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   run;   title2 'Original Scatter Plot';   symbol i=none v=star c=blue;   plot y * x / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   run;   title2 'Transformed Scatter Plot';   symbol i=none v=star c=blue;   plot ty * x / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 frame cframe=ligr;   run; quit;  

The square root transformation makes the scatter plot essentially linear.

[*] In real conjoint experiments, real brand names are used.

[*] In real conjoint experiments, real brand names would be used

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132

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