

Wald chi-square test
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4221
Wald log-linear chi-square test
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4223
Wald test
mixed model (MIXED), 2741, 2786
MIXED procedure, 2750, 2751
modification indices (CALIS), 584, 674
PHREG procedure, 3238, 3246, 3247, 3269, 3284
probability limit (CALIS), 590
PROBIT procedure, 3756
SURVEYREG procedure, 4386, 4389
TPHREG procedure, 4486
Waller-Duncan test, 445, 1769, 1815
error seriousness ratio, 443, 1768
examples, 1851
multiple comparison (ANOVA), 464
Wampler data set, 3208
Ward's minimum-variance method
CLUSTER procedure, 967, 983
Wei-Lin-Weissfeld model
PHREG procedure, 3248
Weibull distribution, 2083, 2097, 2111
weight variable
PRINQUAL procedure, 3667
weighted average linkage
CLUSTER procedure, 967, 981
weighted Euclidean distance
MDS procedure, 2472, 2477, 2488
weighted Euclidean model
MDS procedure, 2471, 2477
weighted kappa coefficient, 1493, 1496
weighted least squares
CATMOD procedure, 817, 846
formulas (CATMOD), 894
MDS procedure, 2487
normal equations (GLM), 1783
weighted means
GLM procedure, 1820
weighted pair- group methods ,
See McQuitty's similarity analysis
See median method
weighted product-moment correlation coefficients
CANCORR procedure, 764
weighted Schoenfeld residuals
PHREG procedure, 3235, 3259
weighted score residuals
PHREG procedure, 3260
weighted-group method,
See centroid method
MIXED procedure, 2730
weighting variables
FACTOR procedure, 1333
Welch t test
power and sample size (POWER), 3463, 3472, 3527
Welch's ANOVA, 445, 1769
homogeneity of variance tests, 1819
using homogeneity of variance tests, 1893
Welsch's multiple range test, 444, 1768, 1815
examples, 1851
WHERE statement
GLM procedure, 1787
width, confidence intervals, 3488
Wilcoxon scores
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3166
Wilcoxon test for association
LIFETEST procedure, 2150
Wilcoxon test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168, 2178
Wilks' criterion, 437, 1759
Wilks' lambda, 1828
Williams' method
overdispersion (LOGISTIC), 2355
windowing environment, 327, 338
within-cluster SSCP matrix
ACECLUS procedure, 387
within-imputation covariance matrix
MIANALYZE procedure, 2626
within-imputation variance
MI procedure, 2561
MIANALYZE procedure, 2624
within-subject factors
repeated measures, 1777, 1828
Wong's hybrid method
CLUSTER procedure, 969, 978
working correlation matrix
GENMOD procedure, 1647, 1648, 1672
worst linear function of parameters
MI procedure, 2556
See McQuitty's similarity analysis
See median method

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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