

S= option
PLOT statement (PLOT) 638
samples 1363
sampling distribution 1373
SQL procedure 1044
updating 1135
SAS/AF applications
executing 393, 394
SAS data views
DICTIONARY tables 1130
SQL procedure 1044
SAS Explorer window
list of available styles 48
SAS formatted destinations 43, 44
SAS/GRAPH device drivers
system fonts 425
SASHELP views 1130
retrieving information about 1131
SASUSER library
Ghostview printer definition in 813
SAVAGE option
PROC RANK statement 834
REPORT procedure 947
REPORT procedure 948
SAVE statement
CATALOG procedure 163
DATASETS procedure 351
SCANMEMO= statement
IMPORT procedure 512
SCANTEXT= statement
IMPORT procedure 509
SCANTIME= statement
IMPORT procedure 509, 512
schedule calendars 79, 102
advanced 80
simple 79
scheduling 83
searching for patterns 1105, 1172
SELECT clause
SQL procedure 1072
SELECT statement
CATALOG procedure 164
CIMPORT procedure 218
CPORT procedure 289
DATASETS procedure 352
FORMAT procedure 448
PRTEXP procedure 820
SQL procedure 1072
selection lists 51
destinations for output objects 53
SELECTION statement
PMENU procedure 693
separator lines 693
SEPARATOR statement
PMENU procedure 693
SERVER= statement
EXPORT procedure 408
IMPORT procedure 509, 513
SERVICE= statement
EXPORT procedure 408
IMPORT procedure 509, 513
set membership 1094
set operators 1108, 1138
SET statement
appending data 311
SHEET= statement
EXPORT procedure 406
IMPORT procedure 509
SHORT option
CONTENTS statement (DATASETS) 322
PROC OPTIONS statement 612
SHOWALL option
PROC REPORT statement 898
shrinking reports 882
significance 1384
simple indexes 1058
simple random sample 1363
skewness 1369
SKEWNESS keyword 1358
SKIP option
BREAK statement (REPORT) 902
RBREAK statement (REPORT) 925
SLIST= option
PLOT statement (PLOT) 639
SORT 1019
sort order
ASCII 1021, 1028
EBCDIC 1021, 1028
for character variables 1028
for numeric variables 1028
SORT procedure 1019
character variable sorting orders 1028
collating-sequence options 1021
concepts 1027
DBMS data source 1027
examples 1031
integrity constraints 1029
multi-threaded sorting 1027
numeric variable sorting orders 1028
output 1030
output data set 1030
overview 1017
results 1030
sorting data sets 1018
stored sort information 1029
syntax 1019
task tables 1019, 1030
SORTEDBY= option
MODIFY statement (DATASETS) 346
by multiple variable values 1031
collating sequence 1021
data retrieved by views 1063
data sets 1018
in descending order 1033
maintaining relative order of observations 1035
multi-threaded 1027
retaining first observation of BY groups 1037
stored sort information 1029
SORTMSG option
PROC SQL statement 1051
SORTSEQ= option
PROC SORT statement 1021
PROC SQL statement 1051
SORTSIZE= option
PROC SORT statement 1025
SOUNDS-LIKE operator 1164
SOURCE window
REPORT procedure 948
SPACE= option
CHART procedure 193
SPACING= option
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 919
PROC REPORT statement 898
SPLIT= option
PLOT statement (PLOT) 639
PROC PRINT statement 726
PROC REPORT statement 898
PROC TIMEPLOT statement 1304
spread of values 1368
exporting 405, 414
exporting subset of observations to 412
exporting to specific spreadsheet 413
importing 505, 506
importing from Excel workbook 517, 521
importing subset of records from 518
SQL 1045
SQL, embedded 1139
SQL components 1084
BETWEEN condition 1085
BTRIM function 1085
CASE expression 1087
COALESCE function 1088
column-definition 1089
column-modifier 1090
column- name 1092
CONTAINS condition 1093
EXISTS condition 1094
IN condition 1094
IS condition 1095
joined-table 1096
LIKE condition 1105
LOWER function 1107
query-expression 1107
sql-expression 1113
SUBSTRING function 1120
summary-function 1121
table-expression 1127
UPPER function 1128
sql-expression component 1113
SQL procedure 1045
See also SQL components
ANSI Standard and 1136
coding conventions 1044
collating sequences 1137
column modifiers 1137
concepts 1128
data set options with 1128
data types and dates 1089
DBMS connections 1129
DICTIONARY tables 1130
examples 1139
functions supported by 1138
indexes 1057
list of available styles 48
macro variables set by 1133
missing values 1095, 1174
naming conventions 1138
orthogonal expressions 1137
overview 1043
PROC SQL tables 1043
reserved words 1136
resetting options 1071
statistical functions 1138
syntax 1045
task tables 1047, 1048
terminology 1043
three-valued logic 1138
user privileges 1138
views 1044
SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility
DBMS connections 1129
return codes 1129
SQLOBS macro variable 1133
SQLOOPS macro variable 1134
SQLRC macro variable 1134
SQLXMSG macro variable 1134
SQLXRC macro variable 1134
standard deviation 1358, 1369
standard error of the mean 1358, 1374
STANDARD procedure 1179
examples 1185
missing values 1184
output data set 1184
overview 1177
results 1184
standardizing data 1177
statistical computations 1185
syntax 1179
task tables 1179, 1180
standardizing data 1177
order of variables 1183
specifying variables 1183
weights for analysis variables 1184
star charts 181, 188
STAR statement
CHART procedure 188
START statement
CALENDAR procedure 100
STARTAT= option
PROC REGISTRY statement 851
STATE= option
ITEM statement (PMENU) 689
statements with same function in multiple procedures 57
BY 58
STATES option
PLOT statement (PLOT) 639
statistic, defined 1363
statistic option
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 919
statistical analysis
transposing data for 1343
statistical procedures 3, 6
efficiency issues 7
quantiles 7
statistical summaries 1121
statistically significant 1384
based on number of arguments 1123
computational requirements for 32
descriptive statistics 1191
for groups of observations 7
formulas for 1354
in reports 968
keywords for 1354
measures of location 1364
measures of shape 1369
measures of variability 1368
normal distribution 1370
percentiles 1364
populations 1362
REPORT procedure 873
samples 1363
sampling distribution 1373
summarization procedures 1362
table of descriptive statistics 31
TABULATE procedure 1227
testing hypotheses 1383
weighted statistics 64
weights 1362
statistics procedures 1353
REPORT procedure 949
STATS option
PROC COMPARE statement 234
STD keyword 1358
STD= option
PROC STANDARD statement 1181
STDDEV keyword 1358
STDERR keyword 1358
STDMEAN keyword 1358
STIMER option
PROC SQL statement 1051
string comparison operators
truncated 1116
stub-and-banner reports 1283
Student s t distribution 1385
Student s t statistic 1361
two-tailed p-value 1361
Student s t test 554
STYLE= attribute
CALL DEFINE statement (REPORT) 907
style attributes 46
applying to table cells 1235
assigning with formats 1235
definition 48
style definitions
definition of 47
procedures with 49
SAS-supplied 48
style elements
class variable level value headings 1215
definition 47
for keyword headings 1216
for ODS output 1004, 1009
in dimension expressions 1224
PRINT procedure 727
REPORT procedure 879, 1004, 1009
TABULATE procedure 1208, 1234, 1293
STYLE= option
BREAK statement (REPORT) 903
CLASS statement (TABULATE) 1213
CLASSLEV statement (TABULATE) 1215
COMPUTE statement (REPORT) 911
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 919
ID statement (PRINT) 733
KEYWORD statement (TABULATE) 1217
PROC PRINT statement 727
PROC REPORT statement 898
PROC TABULATE statement 1208
RBREAK statement (REPORT) 925
REPORT procedure 879
SUM statement (PRINT) 734
TABLE statement (TABULATE) 1221
TABULATE procedure 1234
VAR statement (PRINT) 736
VAR statement (TABULATE) 1225
SUBGROUP= option
CHART procedure 194
SUBMENU statement
PMENU procedure 694
submenus 694
subqueries 1116
compared with joins 1105
correlated 1118
efficiency and 1119
returning rows 1094
subsetting data
SQL procedure 1078, 1080
WHERE statement 69
CHECKBOX statement (PMENU) 684
RBUTTON statement (PMENU) 692
SUBSTRING function (SQL) 1120
subtables 1200
SUM keyword 1359
sum of squares
corrected 1356
uncorrected 1359
sum of the weights 1359
SUM option
CHART procedure 194
SUM statement
CALENDAR procedure 101
PRINT procedure 734, 753, 758
SUMBY statement
PRINT procedure 735
summarization procedures
data requirements 1362
BREAK statement (REPORT) 903
RBREAK statement (REPORT) 925
summarizing data
SQL procedure 1122
summary calendars 79, 103
multiple activities per day 108
simple 81
summary-function component 1121
summary lines 863
construction of 951
SUMMARY procedure 1192
overview 1191
syntax 1192
summary reports 863
summary statistics
COMPARE procedure 248, 271
SUMSIZE= option
PROC MEANS statement 533
SUMVAR= option
CHART procedure 194
SUMWGT keyword 1359
superimposing plots 1320
BREAK statement (REPORT) 903
survey data
multiple-choice 1274
multiple-response 1269
SUSPEND option
AUDIT statement (DATASETS) 317
SWEDISH option
PROC SORT statement 1021
SYMBOL= option
CHART procedure 194
symbol variables
TIMEPLOT procedure 1306
SYSINFO macro variable 242
system fonts 419
SAS/GRAPH device drivers for 425
system options
display setting for single option 614
display settings for a group 609
list of current settings 607
loading from registry or data sets 617
OPTIONS procedure 607
procedures and 17
saving current settings 619
short form listing 613

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 2)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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