Meta Data Repository Development Activities

The activities for meta data repository development do not need to be performed linearly. Figure 14.4 indicates which activities can be performed concurrently. The list below briefly describes the activities associated with Step 14, Meta Data Repository Development.

  1. Build the meta data repository database.

    If you are building a meta data repository, regardless of whether it is based on an entity-relationship design or an object-oriented design, generate the data definition language (DDL) and run it to create the meta data repository database structures. Also, generate the data control language (DCL) and run it to establish create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) authority on the meta data repository database. If you are licensing a meta data repository product, install and test all product components , especially the meta data repository database. Set up CRUD authority on the meta data repository product to allow execution of the meta data migration process and the reports and to allow direct access to the meta data repository.

  2. Build and unit test the meta data migration process.

    Once you have created the meta data repository database, you must develop the meta data migration process, including the tool interface process and the meta data transformation programs that will prepare the extracted meta data for the meta data repository. If you licensed a meta data repository product and if the import facility of the product is used to populate the meta data repository, test it to verify that it functions as expected.

  3. Build and unit test the meta data application.

    If you are building the meta data repository, you must also develop the meta data application functions, including the access interface process and the online help function, as well as the meta data reports and queries. If the meta data repository is a licensed product, you must test its application functions (interfaces, reports, queries). If it is necessary to enhance the product with additional functionality, write and test the additional code.

  4. Test the meta data repository programs or product functions.

    Test all meta data repository programs or product functions from beginning to end through formal integration or regression testing. Every component of the meta data migration process as well as every component of the meta data application must be tested vigorously. Perform integration testing or regression testing with a formal test plan; run prepared test cases, log the actual test results on a test log, and compare them to the expected results. Once the meta data repository programs or product functions have been thoroughly integration or regression tested , the business people and the technicians can perform their combination QA/acceptance testing.

  5. Prepare the meta data repository for production.

    Install and test the server platform for the production meta data repository. Create the DDL and DCL for the production meta data repository database. Write operating procedures for the operations staff, with instructions for running regularly scheduled meta data repository programs. Also write a reference guide for the help desk staff and for the business people with instructions on how to use the meta data repository. Establish other procedures, such as monitoring of database performance and meta data usage.

  6. Provide meta data repository training.

    Since a meta data application can be as complicated as any business application, training is an important aspect. Business people and liaison personnel, such as "power users" and help desk staff, have to be trained in the use of the meta data repository database, the online help function, reports, and queries. Develop and present in-house training sessions or schedule training through the meta data repository vendor.

Figure 14.4. Meta Data Repository Development Activities


Business Intelligence Roadmap
Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications
ISBN: 0201784203
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 202 © 2008-2017.
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