

background color
Color Picker for, 205
for fill patterns, 230
Swatches palette for, 210
in SWF animation, 626
Background Eraser tool, 223
Background From Layer option, 114
Background layers , 114 “115
Background settings
for printing, 359
for Web images, 608
Background Swatch option, 223
Background Swatch samples, 221
for HTML files, 605
in ImageReady, 642 “643 , 643
margin-style, 589 “590 , 589 “592
in printing, 359
for Seahorse project, 255 “261 , 256 “261
seamless, 592 “593 , 593 “594
in Web images, 608
badges.psd file, 633, 633
balancing color, 385
Channel Mixer for, 388 “389
Color Balance for, 386 , 387
in photo retouching, 465
Selective Color for, 387 , 387
ballerina .psd file, 642
Ballet Bleu graphic, 641 “654
ballet_bleu.psd file, 642
Banners option, 566
base color, 247 , 248
Baseline option, 598
Baseline Optimized option, 598
Baseline Shift option, 147
baseline shifts in type, 142 , 142 , 147
Batch dialog box, 554 “556, 555
batch processing, 554 “557 , 555
error processing in, 557
file naming in, 557
Beating_Heart.psd file, 623
Beating_Heart_Animation.gif file, 626
Beating_Heart_Animation.html file, 626
Beating_Heart_Animation.swf file, 626
Beating_Heart_Layers.psd file, 623
Becky_1964.psd file, 550 “551, 551
Becky_1965.psd file, 552, 552
Beep When Done option, 71
Before Last setting, 152
Beginner/Advanced scanner setting, 316
Bend option, 170
Best option, 479
Bevel and Emboss style
for layers, 131 “132 , 131
settings for, 171
Bevel Boss filter, 679, 679
Bezier curves
for Pen tool, 26
for vector objects, 24, 24 “25 , 174, 174
Bicubic resampling algorithm, 289
Bicubic Sharper resampling algorithm, 290
Bicubic Smoother resampling algorithm, 290
big_bug.psd file, 269, 270 , 274
Big City Night image, 419 427
big_city_night.psd file, 420 “421
Bilinear resampling algorithm, 289
Bio_rollover.psd file, 627, 628
Bio_Web_Site.psd file, 617 “618, 618
bit depth, 28
in digitizing, 314 “315
of image capture devices, 308
Bitmap dialog box, 416
bitmap mode, 203
characteristics of, 25 “26 , 25
for halftones , 416, 418
in SWF animation, 627
black_cat.psd file, 533 “534, 533 “535
Black Clip field, 370
Black option for fill patterns, 231
Black Point Compensation rendering intent, 351
black points in tonality , 373, 375 “378 , 378
Blast of wind effect, 496
Bleed setting, 359
Blend Clipped Layers as Group option, 128
Blend If option, 128
Blend Interior Effects as Group option, 127
Blend RGB Colors Using Gamma setting, 352
colors, 352
layers, 125 “128 , 126 “127
Blending Mode setting, 235
blending modes
in Apply Image, 576
for color, 217
for filling, 232
for layer-based compositing, 572
for stroking, 235
for USM filter, 395
Blending setting, 576
Bloat tool, 504
Blue channel in digital photographs, 318
blue-yellow component in Lab color mode, 203
Blues option for hue adjustments, 399
Blur filter, 166, 476
for highlighting, 249
purpose of, 224
blur filters, 476 “481 , 476 “483
Blur More filter, 476
BMP file format
characteristics of, 25 “26 , 25
for halftones, 416, 418
in SWF animation, 627
Border setting
for printing, 359
for selecting, 97, 97
Bottom alignment option, 150
Bottom Edges alignment option, 182
bounding boxes
for layers, 166, 166
for printing, 359
for type, 145 , 145
bright white in CMYK, 353
in Color Picker, 206
for curves, 380
global adjustments to, 370
in Grayscale mode, 203
in HSB color model, 202
in selections, 94 “95
brightness bar, 380
Brightness/Contrast dialog box, 370
Brightness setting, 206
Bring Forward option, 117
Bring To Front option, 117
browsing files, 33 “35 , 33 “34
Brush Name dialog box, 212, 213
Brush Naming dialog box, 212
Brush Preset Picker, 211, 212
Brush Presets, 211, 212
Brush Size setting, 520
Brush Strokes filters, 497
Brush Tip Shapes option, 212
Brush tool, 56, 57 , 217 “218 , 255, 255
brushes, 211 “212 , 212 “213
creating, 212 , 213
editing, 212 “213 , 213
for extractions, 520
options for, 214 “216 , 215 “216
saving, 31 , 213 “214
Brushes palette, 212, 213
bubbles , creating, 259 “260 , 260
burasagari, 154
Burn tool
purpose of, 225
for shading, 248, 249
B&W or Color setting, 316

Photoshop CS Savvy
Photoshop CS Savvy
ISBN: 078214280X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 355 © 2008-2017.
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