Section B.7. Date and Time


B.7 Date and Time



DateAdd function

Returns the result of adding or subtracting a date or time

DateDiff function

Returns the difference between two dates

DatePart function

Returns the part (month, day, year) of the date requested

DateSerial function

Returns a date from an expression containing month, day, and year components

DateString property

Retrieves or sets the current system date

DateValue function

Converts the string representation of a date to a date

Day function

Returns a number representing the day of the month

GetTimer function

Returns the number of seconds since midnight

Hour function

Extracts the hour element from a time

Minute function

Extracts the minutes element from a time

Month function

Extracts the month element from a date

MonthName function

Returns the name of the month for a given date

Now property

Returns the current system date and time

Second function

Extracts the seconds element from a time

TimeOfDay property

Sets or retrieves the current system time

Timer property

Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight

TimeSerial function

Returns a time from its hour, minute, and second components

TimeString property

Sets or returns the current system time

TimeValue function

Converts a string representation of time to a Date data type

Today property

Sets or retrieves the current system date

Weekday function

Determines the day of the week of a given date

WeekdayName function

Returns the weekday name for a given weekday number

Year function

Returns the year element from a date


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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