Erase Statement

Erase Statement


 Erase   arraylist   
arraylist (required; String literal)

A list of array variables to clear


Releases an array object. This is equivalent to setting the array variable to Nothing .

Rules at a Glance

  • Specify more than one array to be erased by using commas to delimit arraylist .

  • The Erase statement causes all memory allocated to arrays to be released.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Once you use Erase to clear an array, it must be redimensioned with ReDim before being used again. This is because Erase releases the memory storage used by the array.

See Also

Dim Statement, ReDim Statement


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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