bySimon Robinsonet al.
Wrox Press 2002
U \t, Chapter 1: C# and .NET Architecture
UDP class
compared to TCP classes, TCP versus UDP
UDP class\rudp, UDP Class
UdpClient class, System.Net.Sockets namespace, Lower-Level Classes
Connect method, UDP Class
Receive method, UDP Class
Send method, UDP Class
uint type, Integer Types
conversions from uint, Explicit Conversions
uint type \ruint1, Integer Types
UInt16 structure, Integer Types
UInt32 structure, Integer Types
UInt64 structure, Integer Types
UIPermission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
requesting, Requesting Permissions
ulong type, Integer Types
conversions from ulong, Implicit Conversions
ulong type \rulong1, Integer Types
unboxing \i \runboxing1, Boxing and Unboxing Casts
unchecked keyword \i \runchecked1, checked and unchecked
undef preprocessor directives \i \rundef1, #define and #undef
UnderlyingSystemType property, Type class, Type Properties
Unicode, Character Type
Unicode \rUnicode2, Identifiers and Keywords
Uninstall method, Installer class, Installer Class
UniqueConstraint class, ADO.NET, Data Constraints
UnLock method, Application class, The Meeting Room Booking Web Service
unmanaged code
accessing using pInvoke\b\runman, Accessing Unmanaged Code
security not enforced on, Managing Security Policy
unmanaged types, Pointer Syntax
unsafe code \i \runsafe1, Unsafe Code
unsafe keyword \runsafe2, Pointers
unsafe switch, C# compiler, PointerPlayaround Example
unsafe switch, C# compiler \runsafe3, Pointers
Untrusted zone, Code Groups
Update method, ADO.NET data adapter classes, Deleting a Row
Update method, ADO.NET data adapter classes \rUpdate2, Updating the Data Source
UPDATE statements, SQL, Record Update
UPDATE statements, SQL \rUPDATE1, Selecting Data
UpdateCommand property, ADO.NET SqlDataAdapter class, Updating with Data Adapters
UpdatedRowSource property, ADO.NET SqlCommand class \rUpdatedRowSource1, Inserting a New Row
UpdateRowSource enumeration, ADO.NET, Inserting a New Row
UploadData method, WebClient class, Uploading Files
UploadFile method, WebClient class, Uploading Files
uploading files
using WebClient class, Uploading Files
Uri class, System namespace\i\ruris, URIs
Uri property, UriBuilder class, URIs
UriBuilder class, System namespace
Display Page example\b\ruriex, The Display Page Example
Uri property, URIs
UriBuilder class, System namespace\i\ruris, URIs
URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier)
building with UriBuilder class, URIs
url attribute, client element, Client Configuration for Client-Activated Objects
url attribute, wellknown element, Configuration Files
URL code group membership condition, Code Groups
UrlAttribute class, Activating Client-Activated Objects
URLIdentityPermission, Viewing an Assembly's Permissions
URLs (uniform resource locators), Application URL
UsePropertyCache property, Active Directory DirectoryEntry class, Cache
user accounts
mapping to Windows, Passport and ASP.NET users, The Principal
user argument, Caspol.exe, Policy Levels: Machine, User, and Enterprise
user controls, ASP.NET Server Controls
.ascx files \rascx1, A Simple User Control
adding methods , A Simple User Control
attributes, A Simple User Control
compared to custom controls, Custom Controls
composite controls, A Simple User Control
event handlers, A Simple User Control
Register directive, A Simple User Control
user controls \i \rusercontrols, User Controls
user credentials, Active Directory, Username
user input, GDI+
overriding event handler methods, Responding to User Input
user input, GDI+ \i \ruser, Responding to User Input
User level \i \r policylevels, Policy Levels: Machine, User, and Enterprise
user principal names , Active Directory \i \rprincipal1, User Principal Name (UPN)
UserControl class, System.Web.UI namespace, A Simple User Control
UserControl class, Windows Forms, Windows Applications in .NET
constituent controls\rconcon, Constituent Controls
UserControl class, Windows Forms\i\rusercon, The UserControl Class
UserInputNotify example
Main method \rMain2, Events Example: Console Notifications
ManagersStaffMonitor class \rManagersStaffMonitor1, Events Example: Console Notifications
ManagersStaffMonitor class \rManagersStaffMonitor2, Events Example: Console Notifications
MessageDisplayer class, Events Example: Console Notifications
MessageDisplayer class \rMessageDisplayer1, Events Example: Console Notifications
MessageDisplayer class \rMessageDisplayer2, Events Example: Console Notifications
UserInputMonitor class, Events Example: Console Notifications
UserInputMonitor class \rUserInputMonitor1, Events Example: Console Notifications
UserInputMonitor class \rUserInputMonitor2, Events Example: Console Notifications
UserRequestEventArgs class \rUserRequestEventArgs1, Events Example: Console Notifications
Username property, ServiceProcessInstaller class, ServiceInstallerDialog Class
UserSearch application (example), Searching for User Objects
user interface \b \ruser1, User Interface
ushort type, Integer Types
conversions from ushort, Implicit Conversions
using blocks \rusing1, Using the IDisposable Interface
using namespace statements, C++, A Closer Look
using statements
aliases \b \raliases1, Namespace Aliases
using statements \i \rusing2, The using Statement
using statements \rusing1, A Closer Look
UTF8 Encoding, The StreamWriter Class

Professional C#. 2nd Edition
Performance Consulting: A Practical Guide for HR and Learning Professionals
ISBN: 1576754359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 244

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