bySimon Robinsonet al.
Wrox Press 2002
E \t, Chapter 1: C# and .NET Architecture
E format specifier , Format Strings
early binding
COM components, Binding to COM Components
using .NET components in COM\rearly, Early Binding to .NET Components
ee COM Callable Wrapper, COM-Callable Wrappers
ee Event Booking Application example, Extending the Meeting Room Booker Example
ee LDGC, Lifetime Management
ee rich client, Windows Applications in .NET
ee Runtime Callable Wrapper, Runtime Callable Wrappers
ee TlbExp.exe utility, TlbExp.exe
effective permission, Policy Levels: Machine, User , and Enterprise
elif preprocessor directives \relif1, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
else preprocessor directives \i \relse1, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
EnableRaisingEvents property, EventLog class, Creating an Event Log Listener
encapsulation (see data encapsulation) \t, Data Encapsulation
Encoding class, The StreamReader Class
encryption algorithm, Distributing Code Using Certificates
EndEdit method, ADO.NET DataRow class \rEndEdit1, Data Rows
EndGetResponse method, WebRequest class, WebRequest and WebResponse Classes
endif preprocessor directives \i \rendif1, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
EndInvoke method, MulticastDelegate class, Asynchronous Remoting
EndOfStreamException class, Base Class Exception Classes
endregion preprocessor directives \i \rendregion1, #region and #endregion
EnforceConstraints property, ADO.NET DataSet class, Important
enterprise architecture \i \renterprise1, The Role of C# in .NET Enterprise Architecture
enterprise argument, Caspol.exe, Policy Levels: Machine, User, and Enterprise
Enterprise level, Viewing an Assembly's Code Groups
configuration file\rsecurityconfig, The Security Configuration File
Enterprise level \i \r policylevels, Policy Levels: Machine, User, and Enterprise
entry points, C# executables, A Closer Look
Enum class
Parse method \rParse2, Enumerations
Enum class \rEnum1, Enumerations
enumerations \i \renumerations1, Enumerations
enumerators, What is a Collection?
EnvironmentPermission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
Envoy message sink, Envoy Sink
Equals method, Object class
instance overload \b \rinstance1, Virtual Equals() Method
static overload \b \rstatic1, Static Equals() Method
Equals method, Object class \rEquals1, System.Object
Equals method, Object class \rEquals2, System.Object
Equals method, Object class \rEquals5, How the Dictionary Works
Equals method, String class, How the Dictionary Works
Equals method, ValueType class \rEquals3, Comparing Value Types for Equality
Equals method, ValueType class \rEquals4, Comparing Value Types for Equality
error preprocessor directives \i \rerror1, #warning and #error
ErrorMessage property, validation controls, Validation Controls
escape sequences \rescape1, Character Type
escape sequences \rescape2, The string Type
Evaluate method, XPathNavigator class \rEvaluate1, Using Classes from the XPath Namespace
Event Booking Application example
calendar, Customizing the Calendar Control
calendar \b \rcalendar, Customizing the Calendar Control
client \b \rMeetingRoomclient, The Meeting Room Booker Client
data binding, Binding to the Database
data binding\b\rdtbnd, Binding to the Database
database, Adding Events to the Database
database \b \rdatabase, The Database
Web Form \b \rwebfrm, Server Control Example
Web Service, The Meeting Room Booker Client
Web Service \b \rMeetingRoom, Extending the Meeting Room Booker Example
event generators, The Consumer's View of Events
event handlers, The Consumer's View of Events
adding to Windows applications, Events
custom controls\rcusconev, Exposing Events
custom events\rcustomev, Custom Events
dynamic controls\rdynconev, Dynamic Event Handlers
Straw Poll control example\b\rstrawevent, Adding an Event Handler
user controls, A Simple User Control
event keyword, Remote Object
event keyword \revent1, Events Example: Console Notifications
Event Log listener, creating\rlogevent, Creating an Event Log Listener
event logging \i \reventlogging, Event Logging
event service
COM+ services\b\revent, Events
event sinks \i \reventsinks, Event Sink
EventArgs class, Custom Events
EventArgs class \rEventArgs1, The Consumer's View of Events
EventArgs class \rEventArgs2, Events Example: Console Notifications
EventArgs class \rEventArgs3, Events Example: Console Notifications
EventClass attribute, System.EnterpriseServices namespace, Using COM+ Services with .NET Assemblies
EventHandler delegate, Events
custom events, Custom Events
EventHandler delegate \rEventHandler1, Dispatching Methods
EventInfo class, Methods
EventLog class \i, Event Logging Classes
EventLog class \i \rEventLog1, Adding Event Logging
EventLogEntry class, Event Logging Classes
EventLogInstaller class, Adding Event Logging
EventLogPermission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
EventLogTraceListener class, Event Logging Classes
EventLogTraceListener class \rEventLogTraceListener, Trace
arguments, Event Arguments
emoting \b \revents, Remoting and Events
events \i \revents1, Events
Events database table
Event Booking Application example, Events
EventSink class, example, Client Configuration File
Everything permission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
cannot be requested , Requesting Permissions
example elements, C# documentation, XML Documentation
example tags, C# documentation, XML Documentation
Exception class
HelpLink property, System.Exception Properties
InnerException property, Modifying the Type of Exception
Message property, System.Exception Properties
Source property, System.Exception Properties
StackTrace property, System.Exception Properties
TargetSite property, System.Exception Properties
Exception class \rException1, Base Class Exception Classes
Exception class \rException2, Implementing Multiple catch Blocks
Exception class \rException3, Implementing Multiple catch Blocks
exception elements, C# documentation, XML Documentation
\b \rexceptions1, Exceptions
catch blocks \b \rcatch1, Catching Exceptions
finally blocks \b \rfinally1, Catching Exceptions
throwing an exception, Catching Exceptions
try blocks, Nested try Blocks
try blocks \b \rtry1, Catching Exceptions
exceptions \i \rexceptions1, Errors and Exception Handling
Exceptions dialog, Visual Studio, Exceptions
Execute method, Connection object, Just-In-Time Activation (JIT)
ExecuteAssembly method, AppDomain class \rExecuteAssembly1, Application Domains and Assemblies
ExecuteCommand method, ServiceController class, Controlling the Service
ExecuteNonQuery method, ADO.NET command classes, Record Update
ExecuteNonQuery method, ADO.NET command classes \i \rExecuteNonQuery1, ExecuteNonQuery()
ExecuteNonQuery method, ADO.NET OleDbCommand class
Event Booking Application example, Adding Events to the Database
ExecuteReader method, ADO.NET command classes, Quick Data Access: The Data Reader
ExecuteReader method, ADO.NET command classes \i \rExecuteReader1, ExecuteReader()
ExecuteReader method, ADO.NET command classes \rExecuteReader2, Quick Data Access: The Data Reader
ExecuteScalar method, ADO.NET command classes \i \rExecuteScalar1, ExecuteScalar()
ExecuteXmlReader method, ADO.NET SqlCommand class \i \rExecuteXMLReader1, ExecuteXmlReader() (SqlClient Provider Only)
Execution Checking, Caspol.exe, Caspol.exe - Code Access Security Policy Tool
Execution permission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
Exists property, DirectoryInfo class, Example: A File Browser
Exists property, FileInfo class, Example: A File Browser
Exists property, FileInfo class \rExists1, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
explicit conversions, data types \i \rexplicit1, Explicit Conversions
explicit renewals, .NET Remoting, Lease Renewals
Expression property, ADO.NET DataColumn class, Data Columns
extending standard controls
ActiveButton control example\rextendex, Extending Controls
extending standard controls\rextend, Extending Controls
Extension property, DirectoryInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
Extension property, FileInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
extern keyword, Attributes
external resource options, C# compiler', Compiler Options

Professional C#. 2nd Edition
Performance Consulting: A Practical Guide for HR and Learning Professionals
ISBN: 1576754359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 244

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