

DAO (Data Access Objects), 35, 116, 149
DAO function, 118
DAO library, 215, 259, 271, 370
DAO permissions, 280
DAO TableDef collection, 129
DAO workspace object, 115
DAP (data access pages), 385 “90, 400
Data Definition Language. See DDL (Data Definition Language)
Data Link Properties dialog, 386
data piracy, 449
Database Administer property, 279
database administrators (DBAs)
and database options and attributes, 51 “52
and database passwords, 289
and good programming practices, 83
and object protection, 365
and operating system use in protecting database, 404
and protecting database with menus and toolbars , 198
and startup options, 24 “25
and user and object surveillance, 163
and workgroup security, 235 “36, 308
database developers
and database options and attributes, 51 “52
and database passwords, 289
and good programming practices, 82
and object protection, 364 “65
and operating system use in protecting database, 404
and protecting database with menus and toolbars, 199
and startup options, 24
and user and object surveillance, 162
and workgroup security, 235, 308
database options and attributes, 49 “80 . See also protection- related database options
further reading, 79
hiding objects in Database window, 67 “78
hidden module exposure by VBA Editor, 70 “72
hiding columns from users, 78
listing system and temporary tables in database, 77 “78
making tables read-only system tables, 75 “76
selecting/clearing hidden attributes for all objects, 73 “74
temporary tables and hidden tables, 76 “77
by using VBA Code, 73
overview, 49 “52
database passwords, 298 “304
adding to database, 299 “300
alternatives to using, 304
entering and confirming on peer-to-peer server, 426
further reading, 305
implementation of, 300
importance of, 448
and linked tables, 302
and MDE format, 394
opening database with in Access 2002, 302 “3
overview, 298 “99
password retrieval programs, 289
password-cracking programs, 393
protecting with workgroup security, 300 “301
situations in which to use, 303 “4
Database Splitter wizard, 88 “89, 311, 410
database upgrade, preventing, 265
Database window, 69
displaying, 27 “28
hiding objects in, 67 “78
hidden module exposure by VBA Editor, 70 “72
hiding columns from users, 78
listing system and temporary tables in database, 77 “78
making tables read-only system tables, 75 “76
selecting/clearing hidden attributes for all objects, 73 “74
temporary tables and hidden tables, 76 “77
by using VBA Code, 73
DBA group , 407, 428 “29
DBAs. See database administrators (DBAs)
dbHiddenObject attribute, 76
DBLock program, 170
dbSystemObject table, 76
DDL (Data Definition Language)
overview, 38
protection for startup options
applying, 44
software used for, 40 “41
for workgroup-secured databases, 39
ddlRequired variable, 37
Default Open Mode option, 53, 65
default shortcut menus, 222 “23
defragging hard drive, 447
deleteMdbToFirst argument, 127
DeleteStartupProps function, 31, 40 “41
demonstration material, 10 “13
Deny permission, 432, 433, 434
Design View command, 208, 222, 378
developer workgroup file, 311, 318
access to, 355, 356
entering information about into wizard fields, 366 “67
in Northwind database, 334
and permissions for objects (tables), 346
and User-Level Security wizard in Access 97, 344
developers. See database developers
DLLs ( dynamic-link libraries), 188
DoCmd.Open methods , 183
DoCmd.OpenForm procedure, 186
DoCmd.OpenReport methods, 182
drives , defragging, 447
Drop User xxx From Group command, 257
dual workgroups, 354
dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), 188

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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