

pass-through authentication, 341
account management events, 434
administrator, 112 “13
configuring KMS for Exchange 2000, 279
laws of security, 466, 472 “73
MBSA scanning, 94, 98
mobile device security, 82 “83, 401
OWA client security, 359 “61
policy settings, 113 “14
stealth SMTP AUTH attacks, 154
strong, 111 “12
patches, 89 “107
automatically distributing, 103 “7
checklist, 107 “8
creating and distributing, 90 “91
MBSA and. ( see MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer))
overview of, 89
security bulletins , 91 “92
Patriot Act, 452
PEAP (Protected EAP), 39
penetration attacks, 65
performance, 128
antivirus scanners at, 203 “5
spam filtering at, 168
perimeter networks
FE/BE architecture, 336 “37
opening firewall ports, 366 “67
security features of, 364 “65
Perl, 433
permissions, 50 “60
additional reading, 60, 146
configuration tree, 480 “83
defining, 44
Exchange, 51 “55
Exchange and Explorer, 55 “56
installation, 132 “33, 144 “46
mailbox, 58 “60, 188 “90
overview of, 50 “51, 53
rights management, 251
roles and, 56 “58
table of, 54 “55
permissions setup guide, 477 “90
ACL entries, 477 “78
domain naming objects, 486 “89
Exchange configuration objects, 480 “83
file system objects, 489 “90
other configuration objects, 485 “86
overview of, 478 “79
server objects, 484 “85
personal identification numbers (PINs), 400 “401
physical access controls, 5 “6
physical integrity attacks, 76 “77
physical security, 75 “86
additional reading, 86
assessing threats to, 76 “77
confidentiality and, 9
of environment, 77 “79
of hardware, 79 “82
of laptops, 82
laws of security, 464 “65
of mobile devices, 82 “83
overview of, 75 “76
security auditing, 439
USB drive attacks, 81 “82
PINs (personal identification numbers), 400 “401
PKCS#10 requests , 219 “22
PKI (public-key infrastructure)
additional reading, 291
building with Certificate Services, 257 “58
digital certificates, 264 “68
enrollment, 268 “70
Exchange with, 249 “50
goals, 253 “56
hierarchy design, 258 “59
history of, 249
infrastructure, 253
outsourcing, 256 “57
overview of, 23 “24
revocation, 270 “72
security auditing, 441 “42
server performance, 273
Plaintext, 333
Pocket PCs
additional reading, 401
with EAS, 395
losing, 400 “401
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 39
account, 111 “13
auditing, 110 “11
combining technology with, 469, 475
filtering product evaluation, 186
group , 109 “10
IPSec FE/BE communications, 370
network use, 447, 456 “60
Outlook cryptographic, 320 “24
password, 111 “15
predefined templates, 119 “23
revocation list, 271
policies, IPSec, 231 “39
assigning, 229 “30
creating, 233 “39
exemptions, 231
finding, 232
identifying what needs protection, 232 “33
types of, 228 “29
polymorphic viruses, 200
POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3), 383 “90
access by IP address, 385 “86
access to protocol server, 386 “87
additional reading, 390
authentication methods , 384 “85
IPSec protecting, 233
overview of, 383 “84
relaying and, 149
security auditing, 443
with SSL, 387 “90
pornography, child, 456
firewalls, 366 “69
RPC over HTPPS, 245 “46
Web listener, 374
Post Office Protocol version 3. See POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 39
PPS (Product Support Services), 209
predefined groups, 48 “49
predefined policy templates, 119 “23
preshared keys, 227
Print Operators group, 48
confidentiality vs., 8 “9
defined, 8
e-mail monitoring, 456 “58
legal issues, 446, 448 “51
monitoring employees Internet use, 459 “60
Privacy Protection Act, 450
private keys
protecting, 267 “68
public-key encryption and, 20 “21
smart cards affect on, 272
privileges, 128, 134 “35
privilege use events, 436
proactive scans , 202
Product Support Services (PPS), 209
Programmatic Settings tab, Outlook, 307 “8
programs, running/downloading, 470 “76
delegating by property set, 140 “43
granting access to individual, 143 “44
Protected EAP (PEAP), 39
protocols, 30 “40
additional reading, 40 “41
authentication-only, 36 “40
IPSec, 31 “34
overview of, 15 “16
S/MIME, 34 “35
SSL, 30 “31
TLS, 30 “31
PST files, 414, 421
public folders
for Outlook, 303 “4
OWA, 352 “53
permissions, 53, 59 “60
removing stores, 378
public-key encryption, 20 “26
algorithms, 25 “26
defined, 20
digital certificates, 21 “23
how it works, 24 “25
overview of, 20 “21
plumbing for digital certificates, 23 “24
public-key infrastructure. See PKI (public-key infrastructure)
MAPI RPCs with ISA server, 239 “42
OWA with ISA Server, 373 “78
RMS server license, 251 “52

Secure Messaging with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Secure Messaging with MicrosoftВ® Exchange Server 2003 (Pro-Other)
ISBN: 0735619905
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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