

macro viruses, 201
Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS), 166
archiving, 410 “11
delegating management, 139 “40
permissions, 53, 58 “60, 188 “90
removing stores, 378 “79
searching with Exmerge, 195 “96
mail exchanger (MX) records, 147 “48
mail notifications, 242
Mail Server Security Wizard, 240 “41
Main Mode SA, 226, 228
malicious code, 11 “13
mandatory access controls, 6
MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) scanners
DACL and, 51 “52
defined, 202
Outlook Security Update settings, 307
overview of, 207
MAPI RPCs, 239 “42
MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System), 166
MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer), 92 “103
additional reading, 123
from command line, 99 “103
downloading and installing, 95 “96
Editing Services.txt, 98
minimizing running services with, 379
overview of, 91 “95
running, 96
scan options, 98
starting scan, 97 “98
Windows Guest accounts and, 46
MD5 (Message Digest-5) algorithm
overview of, 29
S/MIME security and, 300
Melissa virus, 201
message digests, 27
message filtering directory (turfdir), 173
message headers, 9 “10
message journaling
building DCAR system, 410 “11
capturing existing messages, 411 “12
choosing storage hardware, 412
overview of, 187 “88
products for, 413 “16
Message Options dialog box, Outlook, 318 “20
message tracking, 192 “94
Message Tracking Center, 194
Messaging Application Programming Interface. See MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) scanners
Product Support Services, 209
Software Update Services, 104 “7
STRIDE model, 70 “72
Systems Management Server, 107
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. See MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer)
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
antivirus scanning, 206 “10
Baseline Security Analyzer checking, 94
updating from, 128 “29
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
additional reading, 60 “61
asset and threat assessment for, 72 “73
installing ( see installing Exchange Server 2003)
Intelligent Mail Filter, 176 “77
modifying Windows access control, 51 “52
permissions, 480 “83
Windows and, 43 “44
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
migrating to Windows Server 2003, 284 “86
updating from, 129
upgrading, 134
Microsoft Office
permissions, 252
Resource Kit, 310
Microsoft Outlook. See also S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), Outlook security
additional reading, 334
address book, 299
attachments, 296 “99
end users, 309 “10
folder home pages, 334
HTML conversion to Plaintext, 333
information rights management, 302, 324 “27
ISA server configured for, 242
junk mail filtering, 165, 328 “32
macros, 201
mailbox permissions, 58 “60
new mail notifications, 242
object model security, 299
PKI enrollment, 268
RPC over HTTPS, 301, 310 “12
RPC traffic encryption, 333
Security Update, 296, 303 “9
security zones, 299 “300
S/MIME security, 300 “301, 312 “24
update, 302 “9
Microsoft Outlook Security Update
overview of, 296
security package installation, 303
security settings deployment, 308 “9
security settings folder, 303 “4
template tabs, 304 “8
Trusted Code control installation, 303
Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), 90, 92
Microsoft Windows
access control, 50 “52
additional reading, 60, 123
authentication, 46 “49
CAs ( see CAs (certificate authorities))
challenge/response authentication, 340
Exchange Server 2003 and, 43 “44
IIS Lockdown tool, 115 “18
IPSec implementation, 228 “31
logon architecture, 49 “50
patch management ( see patches)
predefined policy templates, 119 “23
rights management ( see RM (rights management))
Rights Management Services ( see RMS (Rights Management Services))
security auditing, 440
strong policies, 108 “15
Update, 103
vocabulary, 45 “46
Microsoft Windows 2000
auditing ( see logging, Windows)
enabling password changes on, 359 “60
event log files in, 423
event logs, 425
Security Resource Kit, 123
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
auditing ( see logging, Windows)
event logs, 423, 425
migrating Exchange KMS to, 284 “86
Outlook certificates, 313 “14
password changes, 361
from KMS to Windows Server 2003, 284 “86, 291
preparing for, 128 “30
mobile devices, securing, 82 “83, 399 “401
mobile Exchange access, 393 “ 402
additional reading, 402
auditing, 443
EAS, 395 “99
mobile devices, 399 “401
OMA, 394 “99
other mobility services, 395 “96
overview of, 393 “94
Mobile Information Server, 394
Mobile Services Properties dialog box, 397
MSRC (Microsoft Security Response Center), 90, 92
Mssecure.xml, 93, 95
MX (mail exchanger) records, 147 “48

Secure Messaging with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Secure Messaging with MicrosoftВ® Exchange Server 2003 (Pro-Other)
ISBN: 0735619905
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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