Applying the Common Closure Principle (CCP)

Consider Figure 30-2, which groups the classes of the payroll application together according to their closure. For example, the PayrollApplication component contains the PayrollApplication and transactionSource classes. Both of these two classes depend on the abstract transaction class, which is in the PayrollDomain component. Note that the TextParserTransactionSource class is in another component that depends on the abstract PayrollApplication class. This creates an upside-down structure in which the details depend on the generalities, and the generalities are independent. This conforms to DIP.

Figure 30-2. A closed-component hierarchy for the payroll application

The most striking case of generality and independence is the PayrollDomain component. This component contains the essence of the whole system, yet it depends upon nothing! Examine this component carefully. It contains Employee, PaymentClassification, PaymentMethod, PaymentSchedule, Affiliation, and transaction. This component contains all the major abstractions in our model, yet it has no dependencies. Why? Because all the classes it contains are abstract.

Consider the Classifications component, which contains the three derivatives of PaymentClassification, along with the ChangeClassificationTransaction class and its three derivatives, as well as TimeCard and SalesReceipt. Note that any change made to these nine classes is isolated; other than TextParser, no other component is affected! Such isolation also holds for the Methods component, the Schedules component and the Affiliations component. This is quite a bit of isolation.

Note that the bulk of the detailed code that will eventually be written is in components that have few or no dependents. Since almost nothing depends on them, we call them irresponsible. The code within those components is tremendously flexible; it can be changed without affecting many other parts of the project. Note also that the most general packages of the system contain the least amount of code. These components are heavily depended on but depend on nothing. Since many components depend on them, we call them responsible, and since they don't depend upon anything, we call them independent. Thus, the amount of responsible code (i.e., code in which changes would affect lots of other code) is very small. Moreover, that small amount of responsible code is also independent, which means that no other modules will induce it to change. This upside-down structure, with highly independent and responsible generalities at the bottom and highly irresponsible and dependent details at the top, is the hallmark of object-oriented design.

Compare Figure 30-1 with Figure 30-2. Note that the details at the bottom of Figure 30-1 are independent and highly responsible. This is the wrong place for details! Details should depend on the major architectural decisions of the system and should not be depended on. Note also that the generalitiesthe components that define the architecture of the systemare irresponsible and highly dependent. Thus, the components that define the architectural decisions depend on, and are thus constrained by, the components that contain the implementation details. This is a violation of SAP. It would be better if the architecture constrained the details!

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
ISBN: 0131857258
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 272 © 2008-2017.
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