8.9 Exercise: Dumping Statistics


The atexit function showtimes of Program 2.10 on page 53 can almost work as a signal handler to report the amount of CPU time used. It needs an unused parameter for the signal number, and the functions used in showtimes must be async-signal safe. Implement a signal handler for SIGUSR1 that outputs this information to standard error. The program probably produces correct output most of the time, even though it calls functions such as perror and fprintf that are not async-signal safe.

Read your system documentation and try to find out if these functions are async-signal safe on your system. This information may be difficult to find. If you are using unsafe functions, try to make your program fail. This may not be easy to do, as it may happen very rarely. In any case, write a version that uses only those functions that POSIX requires to be async-signal safe as listed in Table 8.2 on page 285. You can avoid using perror by producing your own error messages. You will need to write your own functions for converting a double value to a string. Section 13.7 gives a signal-safe implementation of perror that uses mutex locks from the POSIX:THR Threads Extension.


Unix Systems Programming
UNIX Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads
ISBN: 0130424110
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 274

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