

Cable Act, 104 “5
Centralized Administration Model, 31 “32
CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC), 168
Certificate Authority (CA), 129, 134
functioning, 134
process hierarchy, 134
root keys, 150
chains, 130, 150
defined, 129
digital, 135, 256
distribution, 135 “36
intermediate, 131
introduction to, 129 “31
management, with PKI, 132 “37
revocation, 136
root, 129
solo, 130
SSL, 131
validation, 131 “32
Classification levels, 48
Client hijacking, 213
Close-in attacks, 51
CodeRed worm, 83 “84
Code signing, 149
Common Criteria (CC), 56 “57
defined, 56
evaluation, 56
Model, 56 “57
uses, 57
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) parameters, 88
Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF), 66
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), 66
of computer trespassers, intercepting, 106 “8
incidents, 81 “82
providers, emergency disclosures, 105 “6
voice, 102
voice-mail , 102 “3
Communications Security (COMSEC), 59
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 55
Computer Security Awareness and Training (CSAT), 15
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), 73 “74
composition, 74
defined, 73
training, 74
See also Incident handling; incidents
Computer trespassers, 106 “8
Concepts, 3 “21
Confidentiality, 23
Kerberos, 290
per-packet data, 248
weakness exploitation, 202 “3
Configuration subversion, 90
Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), 141
Constrained user interfaces, 35 “36
database views, 36
defined, 35
menu-driven systems, 35 “36
physically, 36
Content-based security, 138 “39
Cookie poisoning , 88 “89
Counter with Cipher Block Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP), 302 “3
Crack, 42 “43
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO), 83
Cryptographic weakness exploitation, 204 “5
Cryptography toolkits, 141 “47
B3 Security, 145 “47
Bouncy Castle (BC) lightweight API, 142 “43
mobile requirements, 141 “42
NTRU Neo for Java toolkit, 144 “45
Phaos Technology Micro Foundation toolkit, 143 “44
See also Mobile security
countering , 82 “83
real-world example, 83 “84
Cyber Attack Tiger Team (CATT), 55
Cybersecurity forensics, 112
Cybersecurity Operations Handbook , 3
Cyberterrorism prevention, 108 “12
aggregating damage caused by hackers, 110
counting state convictions as "prior offenses ," 111 “12
cybersecurity forensic capabilities, 112
damaging computers used for national security, 110 “11
definition of loss, 112
hacker's intent vs. degree of damages, 109 “10
mandatory minimum sentences elimination , 109
maximum penalty for hackers, 109
"protected computers," 111

Wireless Operational Security
Wireless Operational Security
ISBN: 1555583172
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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