2.6 What are Pitfalls of SPI?

2.6 What are Pitfalls of SPI?

Many approaches to SPI are draconian at best. They offer very little ROI at astronomical expense. Don't expect to find a silver bullet, especially among 20th century approaches to SPI. And don't put all of your eggs in one basket . Try a diversified approach. Research, analyze, and experiment with a variety of methods that offer a generous ROI of SPI at a nominal expense. Don't use a SPI method just because everyone else is doing it.

A new fad is born every year, often fueled by the unbridled enthusiasm of a new generation of computer programmers. Don't get swept up in youthful enthusiasm . Worse yet, don't be fooled by untested bureaucratic models from industry bodies and government research centers. Instead, responsibly steward your resources toward key SPI methods which offer a proven ROI.

ROI of Software Process Improvement. Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers
ROI of Software Process Improvement: Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers
ISBN: 193215924X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 145

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