The TimeService Sample Service

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The TimeService sample service ("03 TimeService.exe"), shown in Listing 3-1 at the end of this section, includes all the necessary components for building a service. The source code and resource files for the application are in the 03TimeService directory on the companion CD. This very simple service returns the server machine's date and time when a client connects to the server. The service does assume that you are somewhat familiar with named pipes and I/O completion ports (discussed in Chapter 2).

If you examine the _tWinMain function, you'll see that this service has the ability to install and remove itself from the SCM's database depending on whether "-install" or "-remove" is passed as a command-line argument. Once you build the service, run it once from the command line, passing "-install". When you no longer want to keep the service on your machine, run the executable from the command line, passing "-remove" as an argument. I'll discuss the details of the functions used for adding services to and deleting services from the SCM database in the next chapter.

The most important aspect of _tWinMain to notice is that an array of SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY structures is initialized with two members: one for the service and one with NULL entries to identify the last service. The address of this service table array is passed to StartServiceCtrlDispatcher, which creates a thread for the service. This new thread begins execution starting with the TimeServiceMain function. Note that StartServiceCtrlDispatcher will not return to the _tWinMain function until the TimeServiceMain function exits and its thread terminates.

The TimeServiceMain function implements the actual code to process the client requests. It starts by creating an I/O completion port. The service thread sits in a loop waiting for requests to enter the completion port. Two types of requests are possible: a client has connected to the pipe and wants the machine's date and time information; or the service needs to process an action request such as pause, continue, or stop.

Once the completion port is created, I initialize a global CServiceStatus object, g_ssTime. The CServiceStatus C++ class is my own creation and greatly simplifies the reporting of service status updates. This class is derived from the Windows SERVICE_STATUS structure and is basically a thin level of abstraction that places some logic over how the member variables are updated. CServiceStatus has a CGate class object as a member, which is used to synchronize the TimeHandlerEx thread and the TimeServiceMain thread, guaranteeing that the ServiceMain thread processes a single action request at a time.

The CServiceStatus's Initialize method internally calls RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx to notify the SCM of the service's HandlerEx function (TimeHandlerEx), and it passes the address of the I/O completion port C++ class object, iocp, to the handler function in its pvContext parameter. The Initialize method also sets the dwServiceType member, which never changes during the lifetime of the service.

Next, I call the AcceptControls method, which sets the dwControlsAccepted member. The AcceptControls method can be called periodically while the service runs to accept or reject the desired controls. The TimeService accepts stop, pause, continue, and shutdown codes during its lifetime.

You'll notice that my TimeHandlerEx function passes control codes to the service thread by calling the CIOCP's PostStatus method, which internally calls PostQueuedCompletionStatus using the handle of the I/O completion port. A completion key of CK_SERVICECONTROL is specified to indicate to the ServiceMain thread that it is waking up because of a service action request. The TimeHandlerEx function then returns as quickly as possible. The service's thread is responsible for waking up, processing the code, and then waiting for more client requests (if appropriate).

Back inside the TimeServiceMain function, a do-while loop starts. Inside this loop, I check the CompKey variable to see what action the service needs to respond to next. Since this variable is initialized to CK_SERVICECONTROL and the dwControl variable is initialized to SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, the service's first order of business is to create the named pipe that the client application will use to make requests of the service. This pipe is then associated with the completion port by using a completion key of CK_PIPE, and an asynchronous call to ConnectNamedPipe is made. The service now reports to the SCM that it is up and running by calling the g_ssTime object's ReportUltimateState method, which internally calls SetServiceStatus to report SERVICE_RUNNING.

The service calls the iocp object's GetStatus method (which internally calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus). This causes the service thread to sleep until an event appears in the completion port. If a service control code appears (because TimeHandlerEx called PostQueuedCompletionStatus), the service thread wakes, processes the control code (as appropriate), and then reports to the SCM again that the operation is complete. Note that the TimeHandlerEx function is responsible for reporting the pending state of the action, and the TimeServiceMain function is responsible for reporting the service's final execution state (which is the third method I discussed earlier in the section "Dealing with Interthread Communication Issues").

When the service thread wakes because GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns a completion key of CK_PIPE, a client has connected to the pipe. At this point, the service gets the system time and calls WriteFile to send the time to the client. Then the service disconnects the client and issues another asynchronous call to ConnectNamedPipe so that another client can connect.

When the service thread wakes with a SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP or SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN code, it closes the pipe and terminates. This causes the completion port to close, and the TimeServiceMain function returns, killing the service thread. At this point, the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher returns to the _tWinMain function, which also returns, killing the process.

After you build the service, you must execute the program with the "_install" command-line switch to install the service in the SCM's database. Be sure to include quotes around the executable name since it includes a space, "03 TimeService.exe". Also, you'll want to use the Services snap-in to start and administer the "Programming Server-Side Applications Time" service.

Listing 3-1. The TimeService sample service



/****************************************************************************** Module: TimeService.cpp Notices: Copyright (c) 2000 Jeffrey Richter ******************************************************************************/ #include "..\CmnHdr.h" /* See Appendix A. */ #include "..\ClassLib\IOCP.h" /* See Appendix B */ #include "..\ClassLib\EnsureCleanup.h" /* See Appendix B */ #define SERVICESTATUS_IMPL #include "ServiceStatus.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR g_szServiceName[] = TEXT("Programming Server-Side Applications Time"); CServiceStatus g_ssTime; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The completion port wakes for 1 of 2 reasons: enum COMPKEY { CK_SERVICECONTROL, // A service control code CK_PIPE // A client connects to our pipe }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI TimeHandlerEx(DWORD dwControl, DWORD dwEventType, PVOID pvEventData, PVOID pvContext) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; BOOL fPostControlToServiceThread = FALSE; switch (dwControl) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: g_ssTime.SetUltimateState(SERVICE_STOPPED, 2000); fPostControlToServiceThread = TRUE; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: g_ssTime.SetUltimateState(SERVICE_PAUSED, 2000); fPostControlToServiceThread = TRUE; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: g_ssTime.SetUltimateState(SERVICE_RUNNING, 2000); fPostControlToServiceThread = TRUE; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: g_ssTime.ReportStatus(); break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE: break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT: case SERVICE_CONTROL_HARDWAREPROFILECHANGE: case SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT: break; case 128: // A user-define code just for testing // NOTE: Normally, a service shouldn't display UI MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("In HandlerEx processing user-defined code."), g_szServiceName, MB_OK | MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); break; } if (fPostControlToServiceThread) { // The Handler thread is very simple and executes very quickly because // it just passes the control code off to the ServiceMain thread CIOCP* piocp = (CIOCP*) pvContext; piocp->PostStatus(CK_SERVICECONTROL, dwControl); dwReturn = NO_ERROR; } return(dwReturn); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WINAPI TimeServiceMain(DWORD dwArgc, PTSTR* pszArgv) { ULONG_PTR CompKey = CK_SERVICECONTROL; DWORD dwControl = SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE; CEnsureCloseFile hpipe; OVERLAPPED o, *po; SYSTEMTIME st; DWORD dwNumBytes; // Create the completion port and save its handle in a global // variable so that the Handler function can access it CIOCP iocp(0); g_ssTime.Initialize(g_szServiceName, TimeHandlerEx, (PVOID) &iocp, TRUE); g_ssTime.AcceptControls( SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE); do { switch (CompKey) { case CK_SERVICECONTROL: // We got a new control code switch (dwControl) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: // While running, create a pipe that clients can connect to hpipe = CreateNamedPipe(TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\TimeService"), PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, 1, sizeof(st), sizeof(st), 1000, NULL); // Associate the pipe with the completion port iocp.AssociateDevice(hpipe, CK_PIPE); // Pend an asynchronous connect against the pipe ZeroMemory(&o, sizeof(o)); ConnectNamedPipe(hpipe, &o); g_ssTime.ReportUltimateState(); break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: // When not running, close the pipe so clients can't connect hpipe.Cleanup(); g_ssTime.ReportUltimateState(); break; } break; case CK_PIPE: if (hpipe.IsValid()) { // We got a client request: Send our current time to the client GetSystemTime(&st); WriteFile(hpipe, &st, sizeof(st), &dwNumBytes, NULL); FlushFileBuffers(hpipe); DisconnectNamedPipe(hpipe); // Allow another client to connect ZeroMemory(&o, sizeof(o)); ConnectNamedPipe(hpipe, &o); } else { // We get here when the pipe is closed } } if (g_ssTime != SERVICE_STOPPED) { // Sleep until a control code comes in or a client connects iocp.GetStatus(&CompKey, &dwNumBytes, &po); dwControl = dwNumBytes; } } while (g_ssTime != SERVICE_STOPPED); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void InstallService() { // Open the SCM on this machine CEnsureCloseServiceHandle hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); // Get our full pathname TCHAR szModulePathname[_MAX_PATH * 2]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModulePathname, chDIMOF(szModulePathname)); // Append the switch that causes the process to run as a service. lstrcat(szModulePathname, TEXT(" /service")); // Add this service to the SCM's database CEnsureCloseServiceHandle hService = CreateService(hSCM, g_szServiceName, g_szServiceName, SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, szModulePathname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SERVICE_DESCRIPTION sd = { TEXT("Sample Time Service from ") TEXT("Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows Book") }; ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &sd); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RemoveService() { // Open the SCM on this machine CEnsureCloseServiceHandle hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); // Open this service for DELETE access CEnsureCloseServiceHandle hService = OpenService(hSCM, g_szServiceName, DELETE); // Remove this service from the SCM's database DeleteService(hService); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hinstExe, HINSTANCE, PTSTR pszCmdLine, int) { int nArgc = __argc; #ifdef UNICODE PCTSTR *ppArgv = (PCTSTR*) CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &nArgc); #else PCTSTR *ppArgv = (PCTSTR*) __argv; #endif if (nArgc < 2) { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows: ") TEXT("Time Service Sample\n\n") TEXT("Usage: TimeService.exe [/install] [/remove] [/debug] ") TEXT("[/service]\n") TEXT(" /install\t\tInstalls the service in the SCM's database.\n") TEXT(" /remove\t\tRemoves the service from the SCM's database.\n") TEXT(" /debug\t\tRuns the service as a normal process for ") TEXT("debugging.\n") TEXT(" /service\t\tRuns the process as a service ") TEXT("(should only be set in the SCM's database)."), g_szServiceName, MB_OK); } else { for (int i = 1; i < nArgc; i++) { if ((ppArgv[i][0] == TEXT(`-')) || (ppArgv[i][0] == TEXT(`/'))) { // Command line switch if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], TEXT("install")) == 0) InstallService(); if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], TEXT("remove")) == 0) RemoveService(); if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], TEXT("debug")) == 0) { // Execute the service code TimeServiceMain(0, NULL); } if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], TEXT("service")) == 0) { // Connect to the service control dispatcher SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[] = { { g_szServiceName, TimeServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } // End of list }; chVERIFY(StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(ServiceTable)); } } } } #ifdef UNICODE HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID) ppArgv); #endif return(0); } ///////////////////////////////// End Of File ////////////////////////////////



/****************************************************************************** Module: ServiceStatus.h Notices: Copyright (c) 2000 Jeffrey Richter Purpose: This class wraps a SERVICE_STATUS structure ensuring proper use. ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "..\CmnHdr.h" /* See Appendix A. */ #include "Gate.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CServiceStatus : public SERVICE_STATUS { public: CServiceStatus(); BOOL Initialize(PCTSTR szServiceName, LPHANDLER_FUNCTION_EX pfnHandler, PVOID pvContext, BOOL fOwnProcess, BOOL fInteractWithDesktop = FALSE); VOID AcceptControls(DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fAccept = TRUE); BOOL ReportStatus(); BOOL SetUltimateState(DWORD dwUltimateState, DWORD dwWaitHint = 0); BOOL AdvanceState(DWORD dwWaitHint, DWORD dwCheckPoint = 0); BOOL ReportUltimateState(); BOOL ReportWin32Error(DWORD dwError); BOOL ReportServiceSpecificError(DWORD dwError); operator DWORD() const { return(dwCurrentState); } private: SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE m_hss; CGate m_gate; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline CServiceStatus::CServiceStatus() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(SERVICE_STATUS)); m_hss = NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline VOID CServiceStatus::AcceptControls(DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fAccept) { if (fAccept) dwControlsAccepted |= dwFlags; else dwControlsAccepted &= ~dwFlags; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline BOOL CServiceStatus::ReportStatus() { BOOL fOk = ::SetServiceStatus(m_hss, this); chASSERT(fOk); return(fOk); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline BOOL CServiceStatus::ReportWin32Error(DWORD dwError) { dwWin32ExitCode = dwError; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; return(ReportStatus()); } inline BOOL CServiceStatus::ReportServiceSpecificError(DWORD dwError) { dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = dwError; return(ReportStatus()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SERVICESTATUS_IMPL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CServiceStatus::Initialize(PCTSTR szServiceName, LPHANDLER_FUNCTION_EX pfnHandler, PVOID pvContext, BOOL fOwnProcess, BOOL fInteractWithDesktop) { m_hss = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx(szServiceName, pfnHandler, pvContext); chASSERT(m_hss != NULL); dwServiceType = fOwnProcess ? SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS : SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; if (fInteractWithDesktop) dwServiceType |= SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS; dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; dwControlsAccepted = 0; dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; dwCheckPoint = 0; dwWaitHint = 2000; return(m_hss != NULL); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CServiceStatus::SetUltimateState(DWORD dwUltimateState, DWORD dwWaitHint) { DWORD dwPendingState = 0; // An invalid state value switch (dwUltimateState) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: dwPendingState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: dwPendingState = (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_PAUSED) ? SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING : SERVICE_START_PENDING; break; case SERVICE_PAUSED: dwPendingState = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING; break; default: chASSERT(dwPendingState != 0); // Invalid parameter break; } // When creating a new ServiceMain thread, the system assumes // dwCurrentState=SERVICE_START_PENDING, dwCheckPoint=0, dwWaitHint=2000 // So, since we must always increment the checkpoint, let's start at 1 dwCheckPoint = 1; this->dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint; // No error to report dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; BOOL fOk = FALSE; // Assume failure if (dwPendingState != 0) { // If another pending operation hasn't completed, wait for it m_gate.WaitToEnterGate(); dwCurrentState = dwPendingState; // Update the state in the structure // If no wait hint, we reached the desired state fOk = (dwWaitHint != 0) ? ReportStatus() : ReportUltimateState(); } return(fOk); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CServiceStatus::AdvanceState(DWORD dwWaitHint, DWORD dwCheckPoint) { // A checkpoint of 0 is invalid, so we'll increment the checkpoint by 1 this->dwCheckPoint = (dwCheckPoint == 0) ? this->dwCheckPoint + 1 : dwCheckPoint; this->dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint; // No error to report dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; return(ReportStatus()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CServiceStatus::ReportUltimateState() { DWORD dwUltimateState = 0; // An invalid state value switch (dwCurrentState) { case SERVICE_START_PENDING: case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: dwUltimateState = SERVICE_RUNNING; break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: dwUltimateState = SERVICE_STOPPED; break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: dwUltimateState = SERVICE_PAUSED; break; } dwCheckPoint = dwWaitHint = 0; // We reached the ultimate state // No error to report dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; BOOL fOk = FALSE; // Assume failure if (dwUltimateState != 0) { dwCurrentState = dwUltimateState; // Update the state in the structure fOk = ReportStatus(); // Our state change is complete, allow a new state change m_gate.LiftGate(); } return(fOk); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // SERVICESTATUS_IMPL //////////////////////////////// End of File /////////////////////////////////


 /****************************************************************************** Module:  Gate.h Notices: Copyright (c) 2000 Jeffrey Richter Purpose: This class creates a normally open gate that only one thread can          pass through at a time. ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once   // Include this header file once per compilation unit /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "..\CmnHdr.h"              /* See Appendix A. */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CGate { public:    CGate(BOOL fInitiallyUp = TRUE, PCTSTR pszName = NULL) {        m_hevt = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, fInitiallyUp, pszName);     }    ~CGate() {        ::CloseHandle(m_hevt);     }    DWORD WaitToEnterGate(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE, BOOL fAlertable = FALSE) {       return(::WaitForSingleObjectEx(m_hevt, dwTimeout, fAlertable));     }        VOID LiftGate() { ::SetEvent(m_hevt); } private:     HANDLE m_hevt; }; ///////////////////////////////// End of File ///////////////////////////////// 

Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000
Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 (Microsoft Programming)
ISBN: 0735607532
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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