Semaphore Kernel Objects

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Semaphore kernel objects are used for resource counting. They contain a usage count, as all kernel objects do, but they also contain two additional signed 32-bit values: a maximum resource count and a current resource count. The maximum resource count identifies the maximum number of resources that the semaphore can control; the current resource count indicates the number of these resources that are currently available.

To put this in perspective, let's see how an application might use semaphores. Let's say that I'm developing a server process in which I have allocated a buffer that can hold client requests. I've hard-coded the size of the buffer so that it can hold a maximum of five client requests at a time. If a new client attempts to contact the server while five requests are outstanding, the new client is turned away with an error indicating that the server is busy and the client should try again later. When my server process initializes, it creates a thread pool consisting of five threads, each thread ready to process individual client requests as they come in.

Initially, no clients have made any requests, so my server doesn't allow any of the threads in the pool to be schedulable. However, if three client requests come in simultaneously, three threads in the pool should be schedulable. You can handle this monitoring of resources and scheduling of threads very nicely using a semaphore: the maximum resource count is set to 5 since that is the size of my hard-coded buffer. The current resource count is initially set to 0 since no clients have made any requests. As client requests are accepted, the current resource count is incremented, and as client requests are handed off to server pool threads, the current resource count is decremented.

The rules for a semaphore are as follows:

  • If the current resource count is greater than 0, the semaphore is signaled.
  • If the current resource count is 0, the semaphore is nonsignaled.
  • The system never allows the current resource count to be negative.
  • The current resource count can never be greater than the maximum resource count.

When you use a semaphore, do not confuse the semaphore object's usage count with its current resource count.

This function creates a semaphore kernel object:

 HANDLE CreateSemaphore( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTE psa, LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, PCTSTR pszName); 

The psa and pszName parameters are discussed in Chapter 3. Of course, another process can obtain its own process relative handle to an existing semaphore by calling OpenSemaphore:

 HANDLE OpenSemaphore( DWORD fdwAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, PCTSTR pszName); 

The lMaximumCount parameter tells the system the maximum number of resources that your application can handle. Since this is a signed, 32-bit value, you can have as many as 2,147,483,647 resources. The lInitialCount parameter indicates how many of these resources are initially (currently) available. When my server process initializes, there are no client requests, so I call CreateSemaphore as follows:

 HANDLE hsem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 5, NULL); 

This creates a semaphore with a maximum resource count of 5, but initially 0 resources are available. (Incidentally, the kernel object's usage count is 1 since I just created this kernel object; don't get the counters confused.) Since the current resource count is initialized to 0, the semaphore is nonsignaled. Any threads that wait on the semaphore are therefore placed in a wait state.

A thread gains access to a resource by calling a wait function, passing the handle of the semaphore guarding the resource. Internally, the wait function checks the semaphore's current resource count and if its value is greater than 0 (the semaphore is signaled), the counter is decremented by 1 and the calling thread remains schedulable. The nifty thing about semaphores is that they perform this test-and-set operation atomically; that is, when you request a resource from a semaphore, the operating system checks whether the resource is available and decrements the count of available resources without letting another thread interfere. Only after the resource count has been decremented does the system allow another thread to request access to a resource.

If the wait function determines that the semaphore's current resource count is 0 (the semaphore is nonsignaled), the system places the calling thread in a wait state. When another thread increments the semaphore's current resource count, the system remembers the waiting thread (or threads) and allows it to become schedulable (decrementing its current resource count appropriately).

A thread increments a semaphore's current resource count by calling ReleaseSemaphore:

 BOOL ReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE hsem, LONG lReleaseCount, PLONG plPreviousCount); 

This function simply adds the value in lReleaseCount to the semaphore's current resource count. Usually, you pass 1 for the lReleaseCount parameter, but this is certainly not required; I often pass values of 2 or more. The function also returns the current resource count's original value in *plPreviousCount. Few applications actually care about this value, so fortunately you can pass NULL to ignore it.

Sometimes it is useful to know the current resource count of a semaphore without actually altering the count, but there is no function that queries a semaphore's current resource count value. At first, I thought that calling ReleaseSemaphore and passing 0 for the lReleaseCount parameter might work by returning the actual count in *plPreviousCount. But this doesn't work; ReleaseSemaphore fills the long variable with 0. Next, I tried passing a really big number as the second parameter, hoping that it would not affect the current resource count because it would take it over the maximum. Again, ReleaseSemaphore filled *plPreviousCount with 0. Unfortunately, there is just no way to get the current resource count of a semaphore without altering it.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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