

EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), 338
Easytrieve programming language, 32
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) files, 325 “326
e-commerce sites, 449
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) format, 115
editing/browsing/program development, 62 “63
EDS (Electronic Data Systems), 12
EIBAID (Execute Interface Block Attention Identifier), 464 , 475
EIBCALEN field (CICS), 475
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) format, 115
Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 12
Electronic Data Systems s XML-inline tool, 12
electronic report delivery (Crystal Reports), 614
e-mail with SMTP, 621 “625
export format options
Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files, 616 “617
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls), 617 “618
Microsoft Word documents (.doc), 616
XML Web services, 625 “627
elements, HTML, 107
e-mail, 114, 621 “625
employment. See career/employment
Empty Project template, 142, 143
EnableViewState directive, 683
EnableViewState property, 570 “572
encapsulation, 101
encryption, 723
EndRequest event, 558
ENQ command, 247, 248
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), 338
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390 V3R1, 11
Enterprise Manager (SQL Server), 365, 366 “371
Enterprise PolicyLevelType, 730 “732
Enterprise Servers, .NET, 54 “55
Enterprise Services (COM+), 88, 750 “754. See also Windows Services
assembly-level attributes, 765 “766
creating serviced components in, 757 “758
creating strong name key in, 762 “764
database-level transactional support in, 756 “757
installing COM+ applications, 780 “784
introducing serviced components to, 767
using dynamic registration, 768 “770
using Regasm.exe, 775 “780
using Regsvcs.exe, 770 “775
object pooling, 793 “795
Queued Components feature, 795 “797
sample class library code
using COBOL.NET, 759 “760
using Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET),761
and software installations, 645
System.EnterpriseServices attributes,766 “767
transactional support in, 754 “756
TransactionOption enumeration,761 “763
using Global Assembly Cache (GAC) in, 764
Enterprise Template Project, 485
EnterpriseReportManager class, 601
Enterprise.sec config files, 708
enumerations, 224 “226
and garbage collection, 250
in .NET Framework, 206
Environment Setup tool, 383
equals (==) operator, 924
Equals method, 284
event management (.NET), 44 “45
Event Viewer, 72 “73
application-level, 559
application/session-, 555
page-level, 555
evidence, 726 “729
ExampleElements.vb class, 694, 696 “697
Excel spreadsheets (.xls), 614
exception messages, 612 “614
Exceptions window (VS .NET), 899
Exchange Service 2000, 345 “346
EXEC delimiters, 383
executable (EXE) files, 196
Execute Interface Block Attention Identifier (EIBAID), 464 , 475
ExecuteNonQuery method, 388
ExecuteReader method, 388
ExecuteScalar method, 388 (Web site), 552
Expert tab, 145
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) files, 325 “326
extends keyword, 928
Extensible Markup Language. See XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), 120 “121
Extensible Stylesheet Transformation (XSLT), 439

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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