

C# .NET. See Visual C# .NET (C# .NET)
C# programming language, 914
books on, 934
vs. Java, 924 “925
using goto logic in, 943 “944
Web sites, 934 “935
C++ .NET (Visual C++ .NET), 247
CA-7 software package, 73
Cache class, 578 “581
cache management, 553 , 726 “727. See also Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)
in ASP.NET, 556 “557
output cache, 557 “561
preparing for, 554 “555
Web site, 594
Cache object, 573
Cache property, 557
caching, 556 “561
Calendar control, 531
Call Stack window (VS .NET), 899
CALL statement (COBOL), 218, 314
Camel casing , 942
career/employment, 18 “24. See also retraining
freedom to choose technology, 21 “22
.NET as career choice, 55 “57
overview, 18 “19
researching , 19 “21
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 107
casing, 942
Caspol.exe tool, 731
Categories table, 369 “370
CCW (COM callable wrapper), 778
CDO (Collaborative Data Objects), 346, 621 “625
CDO for Exchange 2000 Server (CDOEX), 346
CDO for Windows NT Server (CDONTS), 346
Cert2spc.exe tool, 728
Certification, Microsoft, 56 “57
channel security, 724
child code groups, 736 “742
child elements, 709 “712, 745 “746
child nodes, 751
Chktrust.exe tool, 728
CICS. See also COBOL for .NET; mainframe programming
vs. Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET), 472 “477
application level, 473 “477
system level, 472 “473
BMS map processing, 535
EIBAID field, 475
EIBCALEN field, 475
pseudo-conversational design, 474 “475
queues in, 553
software deployment in, 632
started task, 501 “501
state management, 552 “554
transactional support in, 754
vs. Web Services, 500 “501
CICS 3270 screens, 448
CICS programming, 43 “45
CIL (common intermediate language), 246
class libraries, 34 “35, 98, 206 “207
COBOL for .NET sample code, 759 “760
Crystal Reports for VS .NET, 600 “601
Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET) sample code, 761
Web site, 243
Class Viewer tool, 221 “224, 284
viewing DataSet class with, 411
viewing System.IO.File class with, 330 “331
viewing System.IO.TextReader class with, 331 “333, 333 “334
classes, 98, 220 “224
and constructors, 287
inheritance, 948
in .NET Framework, 177, 206
public, 284
searching for, 221 “224
Web site, 243
ClassInterfaceAttribute attribute, 769
ClearPath product line, 9
Click method, 464
client-based state management, 563 “572
hidden forms fields, 568 “569
persistent cookies, 565 “567
query strings, 564 “565
view state, 570 “572
client-server applications, 452
client-side field-level validation, 112
client-side scripting languages, 110 “114, 496 “498, 529
client-side tools, 364 “366
ClientTarget directive, 683
Clipboard Ring feature (VS .NET), 189 “190
CLIST scripts, 669
CLR. See common language runtime (CLR)
CLS. See Common Language Specification (CLS)
.cob files, 923
COBOL. See also future of COBOL; mainframe programming
age of, 16
copybook, 429 “431
field definitions in, 173
legacy mainframe codes, 174
period (.) in, 915
required knowledge for
database programming, 64
development aids, third-party, 63
editing/browsing/program development, 62 “63
file access methods , 63
online interactive transactional programming, 64
organizational roles and responsibilities
production support, 62
relational database programming, 64
systems support, 62
third-party development aids, 63
utility programs, 63
scope terminators, 914 “915
STRING function, 299
subprograms, 314 “315
COBOL Developer Suite product, 10
COBOL File Utility, 38
COBOL for .NET, 161 “162. See also CICS; Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET); Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)
in ASP.NET pages, 948
backward compatibility of, 380
basic programming syntax in, 184 “189
class inheritance, 948
code samples, 195
compiler, 299
compliance with Common Language Specification (CLS), 181
creating deployment packages for ASP.NET application in, 659 “664
data types, 176 “180
declaring fields in, 175
Dependencies window, 656
documentation, 949 “950
editing code module in Web Applications with, 515 “521
limited supports in Crystal Reports for VS .NET, 599
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) generation in, 947 “948
.NET data types, 948
project files, 238
redistribution of runtime, 635
sample programs
asynchronous processing, 828 “829
constructors, 285
creating performance counter components , 265 “266
Enterprise Services (COM+) class library, 759 “760
file access syntax, 327 “328
Hello World, 457 “459
instantiating objects, 286
legacy-type database access, 380 “384
metadata, 353 “355
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), 814 “816
promoting aged objects, 252 “253
string concatenation, 292 “295
using ADO.NET, 399 “405
using ADO.NET Dataset, 418 “424
using .NET Framework objects, 228 “231
using System.IO namespace, 336 “337
value type objects, 303 “308
Web Applications, 478 “482
support for Windows Installer in, 647
syntax, 948
in Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET), 948 “949
Web Forms Designer in, 949
Web Services Designer in, 949
Web sites, 407, 678, 951
Windows Forms Designer in, 949
Cobol Portal, 28
COBOL Report Writer, 45
COBOL standards. See also J4 committee
2002 standard, 16
COBOL 85 standard, 6
Web site of, 28
COBOL Technical Committee of the International. See J4 committee, 7
COBTEST debugging software, 886
code access security (CAS), 248
configuring .NET applications for, 722 “725
configuring with XML child element, 745 “746
evidence, 726 “729
overview, 724 “725
policy hierarchy, 730 “743
programmatic configuration options for, 743 “745
Code Access Security Policy tool, 731
code groups, 736 “742
Code tab, 145
Code-Centric:T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers , 406
code/component reuse, 101
coding style, 942 “944
Collaborative Data Objects (CDO), 346, 621 “625
Collections namespace, 554
colon (:), 922
color , 449 “452
columns , 393
COM callable wrapper (CCW), 778
COM DLL, 347
COM Interop, 347, 380 , 778 “779
COM Transaction Intergrator (COMTI), 755
COM+ applications
adding components to, 784 “788
additional configurations, 788 “790
Application Install Wizard, 781 “784
creating, 48
installing, 780 “784
COM+ Component Install Wizard, 785 “788
Command objects, 388
command prompt, 155 “157
Command Technology Corporation s SPF/ SourceEdit (SPF/SE), 158
Command window (VS. NET), 899
COMMIT command, 383
common intermediate language (CIL), 246
common language runtime (CLR), 245 “248
features sets, 248 “249
garbage collector, 249 “251
and .NET Framework abstraction layer, 206
performance counter objects, 268 “269
in promoting aged objects
COBOL for .NET sample program, 252 “253
Visual Basic .NET sample program, 254 “256
Common Language Specification (CLS)
compliance of COBOL for .NET with, 181
Web site, 203
Common User Access (CUA), 448
Common Work Area (CWA), 553
CommonDialog class, 466
Compact Framework, .NET, 53
Compaq Computer Corporation, 14
CompareValidator class, 535
Compensating Resource Manager (CRM), 755, 756
compilers, 246
batch, 640
COBOL for .NET, 299
differences in, 938 “940
just-in-time (JIT), 640
precompilers, 640
CompletedSynchronously property, 822
Component class, 464
Component Object Model (COM) interoperability, 51
Component Selector dialog box, 215
Component Services console (COM+), 750 “754, 780 “781
composite controls, 532
Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging , 910
Computer Associates, 724
Computer Associates CA-7 software
package, 73
Computer Management console, 796 “797, 890
Computerworld , "Remember Cobol? If You Don t, Get Reacquainted" article, 5
COMTI (COM Transaction Intergrator), 755
concatenation, 292 “297
concurrent applications, 803 “804
concurrent processing, 50
conditional logic, 184
<configSections></configSections> child element, 710
configuration, 681
with attributes, 684 “685
for code access security, 722 “724
with directives, 682 “683
namespaces, 718 “720
XML child element for, 710
with XML-based files, 706 “708
configuration files
multiple versions of, 643 “644
in server-based state management, 583 “585
session state, 583 “585
XML Schema for, 707 “718
XML-based, 706 “708
Configuration Manager (VS .NET), 637 “638
Console.Readline method, 916
Console.Writeline method, 916
constants, 173, 184
constructors, 284
COBOL.NET code snippet, 285
default, 287
Shared, 287 “288
for StringBuilder class, 294
for value type objects, 290
Visual Basic .NET code snippet, 286
ContainerControl class, 460
content, 106
Context object, 845
contexts, 591, 850 “851
Control class, 491
events, 463
methods, 463
Control directive, 682
CONTROL libraries, 70, 706
ControlCollection type collection, 591
controls, 529 “530
adding to Windows Form, 456 “457
composite, 532
custom, 533
displaying Web application status with, 511 “515
literal, 532 “534
server, 529 “531
user, 532 “534
validator, 535 “536
ControlToValidate property, 537 “538
cookies, 565 “567, 586 “587
Cookies property, 566
copy and paste approach, 669
copy libraries, 706
Copy Project feature (VS .NET), 669 “671
COPY statement (COBOL), 314
Crash Course: Editing the Windows Registry, A (Web site), 91
Create Schema feature (VS .NET), 432 “433
CreateCommand method, 388
CRM (Compensating Resource Manager), 755, 756
cross-browser compatibility, 449
cryptography, 710, 723
Crystal Decisions Inc., 598
Crystal Reports for VS .NET, 598 “600
class library, 600 “601
connection information, 604
electronic report delivery in, 614
e-mail with SMTP, 621 “625
export format options, 614 “628
XML Web services, 625 “627
Gallery dialog box, 603
limited support for NetCOBOL for .NET, 599
potential exception messages in, 613 “614
ReportDocument (.rpt) files, 607 “608
sales table, 605
stor_id field in, 607
templates, 601 “609
Viewer, 609 “612
Windows Forms control for printing, 620
Crystal Reports objects, 45
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine namespace, 600, 615
CrystalDecisions.ReportSource namespace, 600
CrystalDecisions.Shared namespace, 601, 615
CrystalDecisions.Web namespace, 601, 615
CrystalDecisions.Web.Services namespace, 601
CrystalDecisions.Web.Services.Enterprise namespace, 601
CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms namespace, 601
CrystalReportsExampleVB project, 602 “609
CrystalReportViewer class, 601
CrystalReportViewer server control, 610 “611
CrystalReportViewerBase class, 601, 609
<crytographySettings></crytographySettings> child element, 710
.cs files, 923
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 107
CUA (Common User Access), 448
custom attributes, 684 “685
classes, 685 “687
extending assembly metadata with, 688 “693
predefined, 685 “687
retrieving with reflection, 693 “705
custom controls, 533
custom installers , 722
custom namespaces, 208
CustomAttribute.vb class, 694, 695
customization, 151 “154
CustomValidator class, 535
CWA (Common Work Area), 553

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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