

wages 131, 154
Wal-mart 367
warehousing 242
websites , statistical 58
well-known trademarks 133 “34, 160 “61
Wenzou City 499 “501, 499, 500, 501
western China
foreign investment encouragement 10
growth of private sector 30
WFOEs see wholly foreign-owned enterprises
WFP (World Food Programme) 82
wholesale distribution services, foreign trade regulations 71
wholesale trading, statistical surveys 56
wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) 139, 141 “42, 144 “45
employment in 220 “21
'winning through quality' strategies 64 “65
withholding tax 155
World Food Programme (WFP) 82
World Trade Organization (WTO), China's accession to 17 “20, 127, 139
advertising 363
automotive industry 297 “98, 297
banking 265 “66
commercial vehicles 314 , 314
consumer market 48
deregulation requirements 74 “80, 90
employment of foreign nationals 222
external cooperation of agriculture 81 “86
foreign exchange regime 116 “19
foreign investment law 7, 11
foreign trade 13 “14, 18, 19, 95 “96, 99 “100, 101 “02, 105 “06
freight forwarding 123
insurance 329 “30
market access commitments 69 “73
mining 340, 340, 341
opening-up of service sector 87 “89
paints and coatings industry 345
petrochemical industry 349 “51, 350
retailing 368
securities market 283 “84
systemic issues 12 “16
telecommunications commitments 375 “76
tourism 380 “81
written communications, language problems 208
WTO see World Trade Organization
wu liu 240 “41

Doing Business with China
Doing Business with China
ISBN: 1905050089
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 648
Authors: Lord Brittan © 2008-2017.
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