

Dalian City 478 “80, 478, 479, 480
dangerous cargo lists 122
DCs ( documentary credits) 267, 268
defective products 65
demographics 33 “42
disposable income 38 “40, 39, 40
education 37 “38, 38
household structure 36, 38
population 33 “36, 34, 35, 36, 37
savings 40 “42, 41
dental services 357
departmental statistical system 55
depreciation 153 “54
designs, patents for 164, 165
desktop PC market 332, 332
direct mail advertising 204
direct marketing 236
direct selling 236
dismissal of staff 220
dispute settlement
commercial 135 “37
import contracts 206
labour 132 “33, 221 “22
WTO requirements 15
distribution services
automotive components 304, 304
foreign trade regulations 71 “72
opening up 88 “89
distributors , selection of 206
dividends , capital gains 153
documentary credits (DCs) 267, 268
domain names 336 “37
donations, taxation treatment 154
Dong Feng Auto 295, 312
'double track' system, intellectual property regulations 168
Dow Chemical Co 373
due diligence for market entrants 202 “11, 203, 204
assessing business partners 205
building in-house teams 209 “10
identifying business partners 203 “05
key terms and conditions 205 “06, 207
language problems 207 “09
selection of agents and distributors 206
sourcing from China 207
using advisers 210 “11

Doing Business with China
Doing Business with China
ISBN: 1905050089
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 648
Authors: Lord Brittan © 2008-2017.
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