

Watcher class, 88
WatcherOptions class, 88
watchers, 87
WatcherState class, 88
Web applications
Longhorn and, 4
vs. Windows application model, 1 “3
Web service applications, Indigo, 120, 121, 122
Web services
adding authentication, 146 “48
calling from Indigo clients , 130 “31
configuring runtime environment programmatically, 132 “34
creating Indigo clients, 128 “29
creating using Indigo, 123 “34
defining, 123 “24
enabling confidentiality, 151 “52
hosting, 124 “26
as Indigo application, 120, 121, 122
overview, 123
vs. RemoteObject services, 122
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
obtaining for Indigo Web services, 126 “28
role in Indigo Web services, 121
Width property, 63, 64
Window element, 12, 13
Windows application model vs. Web applications, 1 “3
Windows authentication, 146 “48
Windows Storage, as data source, 111 “12 predefined project file, 22 “23 file, 25
APIs, 77 “78
blob and stream support, 90
category-based organization, 77
creating new schemas, 95 “96
data model hierarchy, 75 “77
defining new types, 95 “96
extending API, 92 “93
features, 87 “91
as file system, 74
finding items in data store, 84 “85
hierarchical folder-based data organization, 77
identifying items in data store, 86
importing and exporting files, 75
Notification Service, 87 “90
vs. NTFS, 74 “75
overview, 72 “74
programming model, 75 “97
property-based organization, 77
relationship-based organization, 77
role of binding, 78
role of watchers, 87, 88 “90
security model, 91 “92
SQL and, 94 “97
as storage platform, 73
storing items in data stores, 79 “84
type-based organization, 77
type-specific methods , 92 “93
WinFSDataSource class, 111 “12
WRITE right, 91, 92
.wsdl files, 127, 128, 129
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
obtaining for Indigo Web services, 126 “28
role in Indigo Web services, 121
Wsdlgen.exe utility, 127, 128 “29

Introducing Microsoft WinFX
Introducing WinFX(TM) The Application Programming Interface for the Next Generation of Microsoft Windows Code Name Longhorn (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735620857
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 83
Authors: Brent Rector © 2008-2017.
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