7.6 IMCC Quick Reference


This is a summary of PIR directives and instructions. Any PASM opcode is valid in PIR code, so you should also look at Section 6.9. For more details and the latest changes, see languages/imcc/docs/syntax.pod or dive into the source code in languages/imcc/imcc.l and languages/imcc/imcc.y .

7.6.1 Directives


 .arg   VAL   

Push a value onto the user stack.


 .const   TYPE     NAME   =   VALUE   

Define a named constant.


 .constant   NAME     VALUE   

Define a named macro that expands to a given value. Macros are called as directives, so . NAME (PASM code only).



Define a compilation unit of PASM code. Always paired with .eom .



End a compilation unit. Always paired with .sub .



End a macro definition. Always paired with .macro .


 .endnamespace   NAME   

End a namespace. Always paired with .namespace .



End a compilation unit of PASM code. Always paired with .emit .


 .include "   FILENAME   " 

Include the contents of an external file by inserting it in place.


 .local   TYPE     NAME   

Define a local named variable.


 .macro   NAME   (   PARAMS   ) 

Define a named macro with a list of parameters. The macro is called as . NAME ( arg1 , arg2 ,...). Always paired with .endm . (PASM code only.)


 .namespace   NAME   

Define a namespace. Always paired with .endnamespace .


 .param   DEST   .param   TYPE     NAME   

Pop a value off the user stack into a register or typed identifier.


 .result   DEST   

Pop a value off the user stack.


 .return   VAL   

Return a value to the calling subroutine by pushing it onto the user stack.


 .sub   NAME   

Define a compilation unit. Always paired with .end . Names begin with " _ " by convention.


 .sym   TYPE     NAME   

Same as .local .

7.6.2 Instructions


   DEST   =   VAL   

Assign a value to a particular register, temporary register, or named variable.


   DEST   =   VAL   +   VAL   

Add two numbers or PMCs.


   DEST   =   VAL1   -   VAL2 DEST   = -   VAL   

Subtract VAL1 from VAL2 . The unary " - " negates a number.


   DEST   =   VAL   *   VAL   

Multiply two numbers or PMCs.


   DEST   =   VAL1   /   VAL2   

Divide VAL1 by VAL2 .


   DEST   =   VAL1   **   VAL2   

Raise VAL1 to the power of VAL2 .


   DEST   =   VAL1   %   VAL2   

Divide VAL1 by VAL2 and return the ( mod ) remainder.


   DEST   =   VAL   .   VAL   

Concatenate two strings.


 if   VAL1   <   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is less than VAL2 .


 if   VAL1   <=   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is less than or equal to VAL2 .


 if   VAL1   >   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is greater than VAL2 .


 if   VAL1   >=   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is greater than or equal to VAL2 .

= =

 if   VAL1   =  =   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is equal to VAL2 .


 if   VAL1   !=   VAL2   goto   LABEL   

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is not equal to VAL2 .


   DEST   =   VAL1   &&   VAL2   

Logical AND. Return VAL1 if it's false, VAL2 if VAL1 is true.

   DEST   =   VAL1     VAL2   

Logical OR. Return VAL1 if it's true, VAL2 if VAL1 is false.


   DEST   =   VAL1   ~~   VAL2   

Logical XOR. Return VAL1 if it's true and VAL2 is false. Return VAL2 if VAL2 is true and VAL1 is false. Otherwise, return false.


   DEST   = !   VAL   

Logical NOT. Return a true value if VAL is false.


   DEST   =   VAL   &   VAL   

Bitwise AND on two values.

   DEST   =   VAL     VAL   

Bitwise OR on two values.


   DEST   =   VAL   ~   VAL DEST   = ~   VAL   

Bitwise XOR on two values. The unary form is a bitwise NOT on a value.


   DEST   =   VAL1   <<   VAL2   

Bitwise shift VAL1 left by VAL2 number of bits.


   DEST   =   VAL1   >>   VAL2   

Bitwise shift VAL1 right by VAL2 number of bits.


   DEST   =   VAL1   >>>   VAL2   

Logically shift VAL1 right by VAL2 number of bits.

[ ]

   DEST   =   PMC   [   KEY   ]   PMC   [   KEY   ] =   VAL   

Indexed access to a PMC and indexed assignment to a PMC.

   DEST   =   STRING   [   OFFSET   ]   STRING   [   OFFSET   ]  =   VAL   

Access a one-character substring on a string, starting at a particular offset, or assign to that substring.


   DEST   = addr   LABEL   

Return the address of a label.


 call   NAME   

Call the named subroutine (a .sub label).


   DEST   = clone   VAL   

Create a clone of a variable.


   DEST   = defined   VAL   

Test a value or keyed value for definedness.


   DEST   = global   NAME   global   NAME   =   VAL   

Access a global for read or write.


 goto   NAME   

Jump to the named identifier (label or subroutine name).


 if   EXPR   goto   NAME   

If the value or expression evaluates as true, jump to the named identifier.


   DEST   = new   TYPE   

Create a new PMC of type TYPE .


 unless   VAL   goto   NAME   

Unless the value evaluates as true, jump to the named identifier.


Perl 6 Essentials
Perl 6 Essentials
ISBN: 0596004990
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 79

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