1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree








  1. Project requirements were defined succinctly and remained fairly constant from the beginning of the project.

  1. The project's concept was translated into business terms.

  1. A market study was conducted prior to project planning.

  1. Technical goals remained stable throughout the project.

  1. The project was considered technically challenging within the organization.

  1. Project assumptions and constraints were identified and documented.

  1. A detailed project work breakdown structure was developed and used for project planning, execution, and control.

  1. A detailed product description was prepared and used to document the product characteristics.

  1. A project scope statement was prepared and used to make project decisions and confirm understandings among stakeholders concerning project scope.

  1. Formal acceptance of project scope was obtained from the customer.


Scope summary



  1. The project met or exceeded sales expectations.

  1. The project met or exceeded volume expectations.

  1. The project met or exceeded return-on-investment expectations.

  1. The project came in at or below the cost estimate.

  1. The project was launched within or under the original project budget.

  1. In general, adequate funding was available for the project.

  1. Cost performance was monitored throughout the project.

  1. Cost estimates were prepared after budgetary approval was provided but before project execution.

  1. Causes of variance in terms of cost performance were analyzed to determine whether corrective action was warranted.

  1. Budget updates were not required since scope changes were minimal.


Cost summary



  1. The project met or exceeded technical performance expectations.

  1. It was considered to be more important to complete the technical goals even if compromises were required in terms of cost or schedule.

  1. Project performance was evaluated regularly to ensure that quality standards were met.

  1. Project results were monitored to identify ways to eliminate any causes of unsatisfactory performance.

  1. Rework was minimal.

  1. The cost of preventing mistakes was much less than the cost required to correct them.

  1. The product or service satisfied real needs.

  1. The emphasis was in terms of planning for quality rather than on inspections to see if standards were met.

  1. Quality audits were conducted to identify lessons learned to improve project performance.

  1. Actions were taken to increase product effectiveness to provide added benefits to customers and other stakeholders.


Quality summary



  1. The project was completed in less time than expected according to the original schedule.

  1. Schedule performance was monitored throughout the project.

  1. Causes of any variances were analyzed to determine whether corrective action was required.

  1. Rebaselining was not necessary since schedule delays were not severe.

  1. Schedule updates were such that they did not necessitate any other adjustments to other aspects of the project.

  1. Specific activities were identified that were required to produce the project deliverables.

  1. Discretionary dependencies were minimal so that later scheduling options were not affected adversely.

  1. Duration estimates considered the quality of input data and were refined throughout the project as additional data became available.

  1. Imposed dates were few and did not serve as limiting constraints in terms of the project schedule.

  1. Project and resource calendars were synchronized so that schedule efficiency was achieved.


Schedule summary



  1. Contract terms and conditions did not hinder project execution.

  1. Statements of work clearly identified objectives and the scope of work.

  1. Responsibilities were specified and known between members of the project team and those in the contracting unit.

  1. Contract completion and final acceptance criteria were defined and explicit.

  1. Partnering agreements were established with contractors and subcontractors to focus all parties on the project's goals.

  1. Make-or-buy analyses were conducted with an emphasis on balancing least-cost and project-specific considerations.

  1. Clear lines of responsibility were established with contractors and sub-contractors.

  1. The procurement process was streamlined so that timely decisions were made on project issues.

  1. Decisions concerning the number and scope of contracts were made in terms of impact on the project organization, management systems, and necessary interfaces.

  1. Decisions on the type of contract used did not hamper the project team in managing and monitoring contract performance and in project execution.


Contract summary



  1. The project provided a platform for future opportunities.

  1. The project met or exceeded senior management expectations.

  1. The project added to the overall credibility of the company with its customers.

  1. The project was considered to be important for the success of the organization.

  1. The project's priority within the organization remained unchanged during the time period of performance.

  1. There was an integrated project plan.

  1. An integrated change control system was established and used.

  1. The various elements of the project were properly coordinated.

  1. Trade-offs among competing objectives were made to ensure that stakeholder expectations were met or exceeded.

  1. The work of the project was integrated with other efforts under way in the performing organization.


Integration summary



  1. Mechanisms were in place to track the project's progress.

  1. Mechanisms were in place to track the project's costs.

  1. Stage-gate decision points were established for the project, and reviews were conducted.

  1. Project review sessions were routinely conducted, and results were distributed to team members.

  1. Actual progress was regularly compared with plans.

  1. A stakeholder analysis was conducted to determine information needs.

  1. Performance reports were distributed as planned and requested to project stakeholders.

  1. Project reporting was considered a routine activity by all team members.

  1. Project results were compared over time to see if performance was truly improving.

  1. Performance reports provided information required by stakeholders.


Reporting summary



  1. Throughout the project, "what-if" analyses were conducted.

  1. The project's overall risk in terms of its objectives was known.

  1. Project risks were identified and analyzed.

  1. Periodic project risk audits were conducted to assess overall risk management effectiveness.

  1. Risk management was an agenda item at project reviews.

  1. Workaround plans as a risk response were minimal.

  1. A risk database was established and used to provide lessons learned for continuous improvement.

  1. Project risk owners were appointed for identified risks. They analyzed, tracked, and monitored them. Responsibilities were known throughout the team.

  1. Contingency plans were prepared for identified risks that did arise during the project.

  1. Risks to the project were accepted when they were in balance with possible opportunities that were afforded by taking the risk.


Risk summary


Team-Building Activities

  1. A dedicated "team room" existed for project activities.

  1. Action items from team meetings were recorded and tracked to completion.

  1. Results and early deliverables were shared within the team.

  1. A project kickoff meeting was held.

  1. Team members generally understood each person's role and expected contributions to the team.

  1. Team members had job descriptions that were available and shared throughout the team.

  1. The team established an orientation process for new team members in terms of the team's operating procedures and communication protocols.

  1. There was a supportive culture within the team.

  1. Team members identified with the project's goals.

  1. The team functioned through collaborative leadership.


Team-building activities summary


Skills and Experience

  1. The team has the right composition with the requisite skills represented.

  1. The team has the right experience so that a critical mass of experienced people was available on the team.

  1. Team members felt that assigned tasks were in concert with their specific skills and expertise.

  1. Team members supported continuous improvement in terms of personal skills as well as in terms of overall team skills.

  1. Team members provided ideas, suggestions, and best practices to others in order to further the expertise of the entire team.

  1. A resource breakdown structure was prepared.

  1. A responsibility assignment matrix was prepared.

  1. A project team directory was prepared.

  1. A seamless process was in place when new team members joined the project or people left when their tasks were complete.

  1. The specific resources and quantities necessary were determined as part of overall project planning.


Skills and experience summary


Conflict Management

  1. During project planning, possible conflicts were considered and discussed.

  1. Team members acknowledged conflict when it existed.

  1. Team members worked to resolve conflict as required.

  1. There were no interpersonal or other issues that prevented the team from working together effectively.

  1. Team members generated alternative solutions to overcome problems encountered on the project.

  1. Team members assessed the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches before selecting an alternative to implement.

  1. There were few conflicts in terms of project performance evaluation and rewards among team members.

  1. Team members knew the process to follow if conflicts needed to be escalated outside of the team in order to resolve them.

  1. A collaborative, win-win solution was preferred whenever conflicts did arise.

  1. The focus was on issues rather than on positions whenever conflicts occurred.


Conflict management summary


Team Spirit

  1. The team acted like a team, demonstrating interest and enthusiasm during team activities.

  1. The team had a common sense of purpose, values, and goals.

  1. Team members supported the project's vision and worked together to support a unified goal.

  1. Team spirit and team norms were considered important throughout the project.

  1. Team members encouraged the exchange of diverse perspectives and different points of view.

  1. Team members acknowledged the contributions made by other team members.

  1. Team members assisted others on the team by sharing knowledge and information.

  1. Team members were trustworthy.

  1. Team members were considerate of others' feelings and were friendly.

  1. The team felt that success on this project was paramount and so were motivated in terms of project participation.


Team spirit summary


Processes and Procedures

  1. The team adopted a project management process for this project similar to that used throughout the organization.

  1. The team consistently followed its plan with measurable milestones.

  1. Team members identified technical problems throughout the project so they could collectively resolve them.

  1. The team spent time together establishing a process for its operations and decision making.

  1. The team had the authority and discretion to make the decisions that impacted the project.

  1. The team established a project management information system for the project, which it used consistently.

  1. The project team knew the activities that had slack in the schedule so they could best allocate their time and ensure tasks on the critical path were completed as planned.

  1. The team assessed its processes and procedures on a periodic basis to determine if changes were needed to increase effectiveness.

  1. Individual performance was evaluated in a 360-degree-type fashion.

  1. Team goals were established as performance incentives and evaluation criteria, and the link between performance and rewards was clear.


Processes and procedures summary



  1. The team had an effective leader.

  1. The leader continually worked to build the team.

  1. The leader provided direction to the team.

  1. The leader was visible to the customer.

  1. The leader had the formal authority necessary to complete the project.

  1. The leader was involved in specifying project goals.

  1. Project goals were clear to everyone on the team.

  1. The project had an executive champion or sponsor who was accessible when needed.

  1. Management made constructive remarks versus discouraging remarks when present at team meetings.

  1. Management provided guidance to the team when requested, allowing autonomy at other times when help was not solicited.


Leadership summary



  1. The team defined its communications channels at the start of the project.

  1. E-mail protocols were followed throughout the project.

  1. Incisive discussions frequently occurred within the team during meetings so that meetings were viewed as productive activities.

  1. Data concerning the project were easily accessible by all team members.

  1. During the project, the team used a common vocabulary in project discussions.

  1. Team members informally communicated throughout the project with one another.

  1. Points of contact were established for various issues on the project so that team members and the client knew whom to contact.

  1. When changes were made that affected the project, they were communicated to all team members.

  1. The project team actively participated in project reviews, and results were shared among all team members.

  1. Team members consistently demonstrated effective listening skills.


Communication summary



  1. The team has good chemistry with its counterparts in the customer's organization.

  1. The team recognized and understood the customer's specific needs, wants, and requirements.

  1. Because of the team's relationship with the customer, the customer's preferences did not change significantly during the project.

  1. With the close interaction between the project team and the customer, the customer did not require extensive training in use of the new product once the project was completed.

  1. Products were submitted to the customer for testing and review prior to actual delivery, and customer reactions to prototypes and concepts were sought and encouraged.

  1. Team members showed curiosity about understanding customer's needs and requirements.

  1. Customers were considered to be active team members.

  1. The team actively worked to uncover and correct any product problem areas that could cause customer dissatisfaction.

  1. The team worked to understand how the customer viewed the solution and engaged in joint planning to best understand customer needs and requirements and also any project limitations so there were no misunderstandings as to what the project was and was not to perform.

  1. The team worked to integrate points of view from diverse stakeholders, including identifying potential conflicts of interest and assessing competing alternatives.


Customer summary



  1. Vendors were considered active team members.

  1. Vendors submitted products or delivered services on time, within budget, and according to specifications.

  1. A standard process for contract change control was used.

  1. Vendors worked with the project team to set up an issue resolution process, including processes for escalating problems.

  1. There was a clear definition of roles and responsibilities between the project team and vendors.

  1. Project performance commitments of both parties (buyer and vendor) were documented after contract award.

  1. Mutual goals and objectives between the buyer and vendors were prepared and agreed to in order to promote clarity and avoid the need for later scope changes.

  1. Project risks were shared between buyer and vendors.

  1. Joint reviews of project progress were conducted according to agreed-upon evaluation criteria.

  1. Open and honest communication was the norm between the buyer and vendors.


Vendor summary






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Achieving Project Management Success Using Virtual Teams
Achieving Project Management Success Using Virtual Teams
ISBN: 1932159037
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 75 © 2008-2017.
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