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Category: Design

Syntax: FieldNames ( fileName ; layout/tableName )

Parameters: fileName ”the name of an open FileMaker database from which to return field names ; layout/tableName ”the name of the layout or table to reference.

Description: Returns a carriage return “delimited list of field names. Note that if you want to generate a list of field names for a table, you must not have a layout with the same name as the table. FileMaker checks for layouts of that name first.



 FieldNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; "Customers" ) 

Returns a list of fields found in the table named Customers in the current database.


FieldNames() can be used to dynamically generate database structure information about any open FileMaker database.

When information about fields in a table is returned, the results are ordered according to the creation order of the fields. When the names of the fields on a particular layout are returned, the results are ordered according to the stacking order of the fields, from back to front. If an object appears on a layout more than once, it appears multiple times in the result list. Related fields appear as RelationshipName::FieldName .

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QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
Year: 2003
Pages: 494 © 2008-2017.
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