Running FileMaker Server

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Installing FileMaker Server installs two separate components , both of which run as services: FileMaker Server and the FileMaker Server Helper. These appear as two separate services (Windows) or processes (Mac OS). FileMaker Server does not function correctly without the FileMaker Server Helper service also running.

Starting and Stopping FileMaker Server

When you install FileMaker Server, you can choose whether to have these services start automatically (in which case they are started every time the server itself starts up) or manually (in which case you need to start the services by hand). On Windows you can start and stop the services with the tools available in the Services console. On the Mac OS, it's a bit trickier.

On Mac OS X, there is no tool that corresponds to the Windows Services console. If you chose to have the services start automatically, a directory called /Library/StartupItems/FileMakerServerHelper was created on the server machine. This directory contains a simple shell script that controls automatic starting of the service on Mac OS X. To see the specific command line syntax for starting and stopping the server, read the startup script, which is contained in /Library/StartupItems/FileMakerServerHelper/FileMakerServerHelper . Currently the command to start the FileMaker Server services looks like this:


 /Library/FileMaker\ Server\ 7/Tools/fmserver_helperd 

And the command to stop the services looks like this:


 /Library/FileMaker\ Server\ 7/Tools/fmserver_helperd stop 

Hosting Databases

FileMaker Server can host up to 125 FileMaker databases. When the server starts, it looks for files in the default database file directory, and in the alternate database directory if one has been specified. (We discuss how to specify the alternate directory later.) It also tries to open any databases found in the first directory level within either of those two top-level directories. Databases in more deeply nested directories are not opened. The main database directory can be found at Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server 7\Data\Databases (Windows) and /Library/FileMaker Server 7/Data/Databases (Mac OS X).

Care should be taken to place these directories on hard drives that are local to the server machine. It's not at all a good idea to host files from a mapped or networked drive. In such a configuration, every database access needs to be translated into a network call and passed across the network. At the very least this approach is likely to cause significant loss of performance.

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QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
Year: 2003
Pages: 494 © 2008-2017.
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