Configuring WebLogic JDBC Connection Pools

The connection pool is configured through the WebLogic Server Console. Figure 16.2 shows the WebLogic JDBC Connection Pools page for creating a new JDBC Connection Pool. Follow these steps to configure a new connection pool:

Figure 16.2. Connection Pools are configured through the WebLogic Server Console.


  1. Connect to your WebLogic Server Console using a web browser.

  2. Select Services/JDBC/Connection Pools from the navigation tree on the left side of the console.

  3. Click the Configure a New JDBC Connection Pool link.

  4. Fill in the form as described in Table 16.3.

  5. Click the Apply button.


As shown in Figure 16.2, each field in the form is preceded with a "?" character. Click on the "?" to view context sensitive help for the particular field.

Table 16.3. The Connection Pool Fully Encapsulates the Configuration for the DriverManager

Field Name



Any name of your choosing as long as no other connection pools are using it.


This is the same URL that would be used as the parameter to getConnection() if you were directly using the DriverManager.

Driver Classname:

This is the same driver class name that would be used if you were directly creating the JDBC driver.

Properties (key=value):

This is used to specify the user for a password-protected database. The syntax is user=username . For example, the Oracle sample schema has a sample user named SCOTT; the property is user=SCOTT .


This is the name of the Access Control List for this connection pool.


(Only applicable if you are using the Compatibility realm to adapt your WebLogic Server 6.x Authentication and Authorization providers to be compatible with the WebLogic Server 7.0. In WebLogic Server 7.0 ACLs are deprecated and are replaced by security policies.)


This is the password for the user given in the Properties field. For example, the password for SCOTT in the Oracle sample schema is tiger .

Open String Password:

If set, this value is used to override the password in the open string.

BEA WebLogic Platform 7
BEA WebLogic Platform 7
ISBN: 0789727129
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 360 © 2008-2017.
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