
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]

database servers, extensibility of
debugging manager
     purpose of
default application domains 2nd
default CLR host
     _CorExeMain function
     advantages of
     bindingRedirect element
     build type configuration 2nd
     COM Descriptor Directory
     COM interoperability 2nd
    configuration files for. [See configuration files]
     default startup options
     domain-neutral code default
     garbage collection configuration 2nd
     invocation methods
     managed executables, running from
     managed executables, version selection
     OS version issues
     Portable Executable (PE) headers
     requiredRuntime element
     startup shims with 2nd
     supportedRuntime element
     upgraded CLR versions
     upgrades with managed executables
     version configuration
     version selection
demands, CAS
    cocoon model. [See cocoon deployment model]
     default assembly loading scenario limitations
     directory settings for assemblies in application domains
disabling the CLR 2nd
DisallowBindingRedirects property
DisallowCodeDownload property
DisallowPublisher property
discovery of hosting managers
DLL hell, avoiding
DocFile Viewer utility
domain-neutral assemblies
     architecture of
     closure rule
     CLR hosting interfaces for
     dependency issues
     determining which assemblies are
     implications of, overview
     LoaderOptimization API
     managed v. unmanaged APIs for specifying
     purpose of
     security policy restrictions
     STARTUP_FLAGS enumeration
     static variable access speed
     type initialization speed
     unloading prohibited
     version policy, importance of
domain-neutral code
     application domain static elements
     assembly dependencies
     closure rule
     CorBindToRuntimeEx options 2nd
     default CLR host default
     defined 2nd
     implications of, overview
     managed host code
     purpose of
     security policy restrictions
     startup settings
     static data with
     static variable access speed
     type initialization speed
     unloading assemblies prohibited
DomainUnload events
downloaded files cache 2nd
DynamicBase property

Customizing the Microsoft  .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
ISBN: 735619883
Year: 2005
Pages: 119

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