
 <  Day Day Up  >  


.ca code, meaning of, 95
cache attribute, using with QuickTime, 257
Cache-Control value of http-equiv attribute, example of, 527
caching on Web, overview of, 526-527
<caption> (table caption) element
example of, 197-199
overview of, 608-610
CaptionText color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
cascade in CSS, meaning of, 287
case sensitivity
and HTML, 18-20
of JavaScript, 446
case statements, using with JavaScript, 447
CBE cross-browser library Web address, 461
&ccedil; (lowercase c with cedilla) HTML character entity, description of, 805
CD-quality sound, samples per second of, 247, 255
CDATA section, example of, 90
&cedil; (cedilla) HTML character entity, description of, 802
cellpadding and cellspacing attributes, using with tables, 206
aligning in tables, 207
coloring, 207
&cent; (cent symbol) HTML character entity, description of, 800
center alignment, example of, 59-62
<center> (center alignment) element
example of, 64-66, 174
overview of, 610-611
center.html file example of frame layout, 241-242
centering and divisions, overview of, 64-66
certificates, using with ActiveX controls, 480
CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language), overview of, 424-428
CGI applications, examples of, 408
/cgi-bin directory, contents of, 542
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), explanation of, 408
CGI language choices, table of, 418
CGI module for Python Web address, 417-418
CGI programming
browser-server interaction in, 408-411
difficulties of, 418
overview of, 408
performance problems with, 419
sample HTTP dialog in, 409-411
using environment variables for input, 413-416
using form data for input, 416-418
using MIME types for output, 411-412
CGI programs
buying or borrowing , 418-419
example of, 412
executing with URLs, 103
CGI Resource Index Web address, 418
CGI variables, table of, 413-414
CGI.PM Web address, 418
changing rectangles optimization, relationship to GIF animation, 147
chapter rel value, explanation of, 129
character encoding values for URLs, table of, 101
character entities. See HTML character entities
characters and elements, overview of, 17-18
check boxes, using with forms, 380-382
circle attribute, using with <area> tag, 122-123
circumflex accents, HTML character entities for, 802-807
citations, element associated with, 83
<cite> (citation) element
example of, 66-67
overview of, 611-612
citestyle.css file example, 272-273
class attribute
example of, 56-57
overview of, 579
using with <span> tag, 65
class rules, using with CSS, 280-282
.class selector, description and example of, 285
classid attribute
using with ActiveX controls, 482-483
using with Java applets, 492
clear attribute, using with <br/> tag, 159, 161
clear property, using with CSS1, 322-324
client-pull form of <meta> tag, using, 527-528
client/server programming, overview of, 405-407
client-side image maps
characteristics of, 120
combining support for server-side image maps, 125
example of, 121-125
overview of, 165
client-side programming, alternatives to, 407
clip property in CSS2, overview of, 340-341
clipping rectangle, explanation of, 340
clipping region, example of, 340-341
close tags, using with elements, 20
Coast WebMaster Web address, 539
code and codebase attributes, using with <applet> element, 488-489
&code; format, explanation of, 18, 86
<code> (code listing) element
explanation of, 83
overview of, 612-613
<col> (table column) element
overview of, 613-614
using with char value for align attribute, 226
ColdFusion server-side scripting, overview of, 423-428
<colgroup> (table column group ) element, overview of, 614-616
color attributes, using with body element, 190-192
color CSS1 color property, overview of, 308
color depth
of GIF images, 143-144
of JPEG images, 147-148
color intensity conversion table, 827
color names
CSS1 support for, 307
and hex values, 190
and numerical equivalents, 829-835
colors. See also browser-safe colors
defining for links, 191
integrating with user preferences in CSS2, 351-352
using in HTML, 189-192
colspan attribute, using with tables, 199-201
columns , specifying text in, 178
.com code, meaning of, 95
comma (,) logical connector, explanation of, 839
comment element (<!-- and -->)
example of, 89-90
meaning of, 47-48
overview of, 586
<comment> element, overview of, 616
adding to style sheets, 270
in DTDs (document type definitions), 841
indicating in JavaScript, 439
using with HTML documents, 47-48, 89-90
compact attribute, using with <ol> tag, 70
compact value of display property in CSS2, explanation of, 343
comps , slicing to build templates for Web site projects, 42
conditional markup inclusion, script for, 462-463
conditional page generation Web address, 463
content inclusion and exclusion in SGML, overview of, 839-840
content management, overview of, 541-544
content model, overview of, 20
content negotiation, explanation of, 542
content, positioning arbitrarily, 178-179
content proofing, performing for Web site projects, 50
content property, using with CSS2 pseudo-elements, 331
CONTENT_* variables in CGI, descriptions of, 413
contenteditable attribute, overview of, 581
contents rel value, explanation of, 129
contextual selection, using with CSS, 283-284
Contextual selector, description and example of, 285
continue statements, using with JavaScript, 448
controller attribute, using with QuickTime, 257
controls, explanation of, 480
coords attribute, using with <area> tag, 122
&copy; (copyright symbol) HTML character entity, description of, 87, 800
copyright rel value, explanation of, 130
counter properties in CSS2, using, 342
cross-browser JavaScript, overview of, 459-461. See also browsers
crosshair value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 349-350
CSE Validator Web address, 46
CSS (cascading style sheets). See also external style sheets; style sheets
adding comments to, 270
displaying XML documents with, 560-561
example of, 288-290
explanation of, 287
and form presentation, 400-402
and HTML elements, 277-278
linking to external styles with, 46
Microsoft extensions to, 781-788
printing in, 346
and scripting, 458-459
specifying link changes in, 112
Web address for, 358
white space used with, 270
CSS color values, overview of, 835
CSS comments, example of, 274-275
/css directory, contents of, 542
CSS measurements, overview of, 290-292
CSS property names, format of, 270
CSS rules, example of, 272-273
properties of, 289-292
selectors used with, 285
CSS1 and CSS2
color measurement units for, 738-739
embedded styles in, 735
imported styles in, 736-737
inline styles in, 736
length measurement units for, 738
linked styles in, 736
CSS1 and CSS2 properties
background, 741-742
background-attachment , 742
background-image, 742-743
background-position, 743
background-repeat , 743-744
border, 744
border-bottom, 744
border-bottom-color, 745
border-bottom-style, 745
border-bottom-width, 745
border-collapse, 745-746
border-color , 746
border-left, 747
border-left-color, 747
border-left-style, 747
border-left-width, 747-748
border-right, 748
border-right-color, 748
border-right-style, 748-749
border-right-width, 749
border-spacing , 749
border-style , 749-750
border-top, 750-751
border-top-color, 751
border-top-style, 751
border-top-width, 751-752
border-width , 752
bottom, 752
caption-side, 752-753
clear, 753
clip, 753
color, 753-754
content, 754
counter-increment, 754-755
counter-reset, 755
direction, 757
display, 757-758
empty-cells, 758
float, 758-759
font, 759
font-family, 759-760
font- size , 760
font-size-adjust, 760
font-size-stretch, 761
font-style, 761
font-variant, 761
font-weight, 762
height, 762
left, 762-763
letter-spacing , 763
line-height, 763
list-style, 764
list-style-image, 764
list-style-position, 764-765
list-style-type, 765
margin, 765-766
margin-bottom, 766
margin-left, 766
margin-offset, 767
margin-right, 766
margin-top, 767
marks, 767
max-height, 767-768
max-width, 768
min-height, 768
min-width, 768
orphans, 769
outline, 769
outline-color, 769-770
outline-style, 770
outline-width, 770
overflow, 770-771
padding, 771
padding-bottom, 771
padding-left, 771-772
padding-right, 772
padding-top, 772
page, 772
page-break-after, 773
page-break-before, 773
page-break-inside, 773-774
position, 774
quotes, 774
right, 774-775
size, 775
table-layout, 775
text-align, 775-776
text-decoration, 776
text-indent, 776
text-shadow, 776-777
text-transform, 777
top, 777-778
unicode-bidi, 778
vertical-align , 778-779
visibility, 779
white-space , 779
widows, 779-780
width, 780
word-spacing, 780
z-index, 780-781
CSS1 background properties
background, 310-311
background-attachment, 309
background-color , 308
background-image, 308-309
background-position, 309-310
background-repeat, 309
CSS1 box properties
border properties, 314-318
height, 320-322
margin properties, 313-314
for padding, 318-321
width, 320-322
CSS1, color specifications supported by, 307-308
CSS1 font properties
font, 295-297
font-family, 292-293
font-size, 293-294
font-style, 294
font-variant, 294-295
font-weight, 294
CSS1 list properties
list-style, 306
list-style-image, 305
list-style-position, 305
list-style-type, 304-305
CSS1 properties
clear, 322-324
display, 324-325
float, 322-324
CSS1 selectors
class rules for, 280-282
contextual selection with, 283-284
id rules, 279-280
overview of, 278-284
pseudo-elements, 283
pseudoclasses, 282-283
purpose of, 269
table of, 285
CSS1 text properties
example of, 301-303
letter-spacing, 299
line-height, 300
text-align, 299
text-decoration, 298
text-indent, 300
text-transform, 298
vertical-align, 299
white-space, 300-303
word-spacing, 298
development of, 327-332
and media-type support, 344-346
media types defined under, 737
support for foreign language counting systems, 341
Web address for, 289
CSS2 aural improvements, 781
azimuth property, 357
cue properties, 356
elevation property, 357
pause properties, 355-356
pitch properties, 354
play-during property, 356-357
richness property, 355
speak properties, 357-358
speak property, 355
speech-rate property, 354
stress property, 354-355
voice-family property, 354
volume property, 355
CSS2 clip property, overview of, 340-341
CSS2 cursor properties, table of, 756-757
CSS2 display properties, changes in, 343-344
CSS2 list properties, changes to, 341-343
CSS2 max-width and max-height properties, overview of, 339-340
CSS2 overflow properties, overview of, 338
CSS2 properties
counter, counter-increment, and counter-reset, 342
position, 333
for positioning and sizing of regions , 333-336
visibility, 337-338
z-index, 336-337
CSS2 selectors
* (asterisk), 327
+ (plus sign), 328
> (greater than symbol), 328
adjacent-sibling selector, 328
lang attribute used with, 329
matching attributes with, 328-329
overview of, 327-329
pseudo-elements, 331-332
pseudoclasses, 329-331
summary of, 740
CSS2 specification Web address, 327
CSS2 text and font properties, improvements in, 341
CSS2 user-interface changes
cursor property, 349-351
integrating colors with user preferences, 351-352
integrating fonts with user preferences, 352-353
outline properties, 352-353
CSS3, future of, 358
&curren; (currency symbol) HTML character entity, description of, 800
cursor property in CSS2, overview of, 349-351

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
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