

i object, HTMLElement, 828
I/O (input/output), 40 “42
<i>, 828
id attribute, document access, 231, 262
capitalization and, 68
consistency of conventions for, 69
definition of, 24
formal restrictions, 67
naming variables , 67 “68
reserved words and, 917
short names , 68 “69
variable, 28 “29, 47
IE (Internet Explorer)
collections, 232, 645 “646
conditional compilation, 648 “650
contextual activations and, 521
debugger for, 707 “709
document properties, IE 3, 240 “241
document properties, IE 4, 241 “246
document properties, IE 5, 5.5, and 6, 246 “247
DOM and, 620 “624
DOM document trees and, 261
Enumerator object, 647
error handlers, 710 “712
event methods , 808 “809
event model. see event model, IE 4+
events, 814 “817
hiding proprietary features from other browsers, 645
innerHTML property support, 291
innerText property support, 292 “293
JScript versions corresponding to,
641, 731
language detection, 548
Microsoft client capability detection, 549 “551
Netscape versions corresponding to, 731
nonstandard event handlers available in, 303 “309
outerHTML property support, 292 “293
outerText property support, 292 “293
plug-ins, 569 “570
positioned regions , 479 “480
preference settings, 553 “554
proprietary features by version, 651 “653
runtime errors in, 700
Screen object detection, 547
security zones, 686 “690
signed scripts for security, 683 “684
simulating browser activities, 551
state extensions, 531 “532
syntax errors, 700
well- formed XML, 604
XML and, 620 “624, 632
XML data islands, 618 “619, 630 “632
XSL client-side support, 611
IE (Internet Explorer), extensions, 641 “672
ActiveX objects, 655 “657
CSS Filters, 654 “655
Data Binding model, 660 “662
DHTML behaviors, 664 “670
dynamic properties, 662 “664
HTML applications, 657 “660
JScript capabilities, 671
JScript proprietary features, 645 “650
JScript versions, 643 “645
JScript's relationship to ECMAScript, 642
pop-up windows , 670 “671
proprietary browser features by browser versions, 650 “654
Window object, 381 “383
if statements
Booleans and, 57 “58
else statements and, 36, 97
forms of, 746
switch/case statements and, 98
syntax, 97
iframe object, HTMLIFrameElement, 828
<iframe>, 375 “376
<ilayer>, 834
Image object, HTMLImageElement
elements[ ] collection, 394
methods, 831
one-way communication with servers, 583
overview of, 829
properties, 464 “467, 830 “831
remote JavaScript one-way communication, 583 “584
remote JavaScript two-way communication, 586 “588
rollover buttons not supporting, 468 “469
images[ ] collection, 394 “396, 463, 542
correspondence to Image object, 394, 463, 829
event binding not supported by, 468
form image tags and, 424 “425
one-way communication with servers, 583
rollover buttons, 467
implicit declaration, of variables, 48, 69 “70
import/export, 109
increment operator (++), 85 “86
index property, exec ( ) method, 205
indexes, array elements, 62
indexOf( ) method, String object, 185
infinite loops , browser security, 690 “691
Infinity/-Infinity values, 51 “52
in OOP, 157
via prototype chain, 156
initial, object model, 223 “224
inline frames (<iframe>), 375 “376
inline styles, 276 “282, 494
innerbrowsing, 600 “601
innerHTML property, 291 “292, 483
innerText property, 292 “293
input element, forms, 421 “423
input object, HTMLInputElement, 832
input property, exec( ) method, 205
<input type="button"/>, 783
<input type="checkbox", 785
<input type="file">, 436
<input type="hidden"...>, 826
<input type="password"...>, 854
<input type="radio">, 856
<input type="reset">, 859
<input type="submit">, 888
<input type="text">, 893
input/output (I/O), 40 “42
<input>, 421 “423
buttons, 423 “424
checkboxes, 431 “435
document object corresponding to, 832
file upload fields, 436
generalized buttons, 425 “426
hidden fields, 435
image buttons, 424 “425
properties and methods, 421 “423
radio buttons, 431 “435
text fields, 426 “428
ins object, HTMLModElement, 832
<ins>, 832
insertBefore( ) method, DOM nodes, 265
instance properties
objects, 136 “137, 735
RegExp object, 208 “209
syntax, 735
integers, numeric data type, 49
Internet Explorer. See IE (Internet Explorer)
Internet, security policies, 685 “686
interval methods, Window object, 369 “370
invoking functions, 63
isIndex object, HTMLIsIndexElement, 832
<isindex>, 832
iteration. See loops

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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