

hackers, 305. See also security

Halvorson, Michael, 22

hard-coding. See also Code view

adding captions to slideshows, 81 82

e-mail messages links to pictures, 299 300

pages for e-mail messages, 288 91

paths of files, 107

slide lists in slideshows, 68 70

header templates, 194 95, 202

hidden fields (HTML elements) and viewstate, 72

hiding/showing caption labels, 91

hit counters

adding leading zeros, 129

commercial services for, 119

controls for, 121

cookies used with, 120 21, 126 28

counter logic

creating, 123 24

displaying counters, 128 29

getting current counter, 125 26

incrementing counters, 126 28

creating pages for counting hits, 121 23

defining hits, 119 20

graphical numbers used for, 131 36

illustrated, 118, 122, 132

overview, 117 19

reading from, 123, 125 26

testing, 130 31

writing to text files, 123, 126 28

 HitCounter.aspx, creating, 121 23

hosting sites

allowing e-mail messages to be sent from pages, 277

ASP.NET-friendly hosts, 31

deploying applications, 325 34

hosting yourself

deploying applications, 321 25

IIS and, 35

overview, 31 33

permissions, 34 35

security, 307 10

HOW TO: Secure XML Web Services with Secure Socket Layer in Windows 2000, 316

Howard, Michael, 305


converting characters in strings to, 168, 237, 312 13

e-mail alerts for guestbook updates, 293

pictures attached to as e-mail attachments, 299 300

rendering controls as, 61 62

HTML & XML for Beginners, 12

HTML elements

customizing format of, 51

viewing, 50

HTML Elements tab (Toolbox), 46

HTML events, 60

HTML view

guestbook display templates in, 198 200, 201

setting properties in, 55 56

switching to, 50

HyperLinkField, 238 39

hyperlinks, adding to slideshow pages, 239 40

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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