An HP-UX Logical Volume Manager Shell Program

In the section of Chapter 3 covering "Adding Disks," I provided an example of the HP-UX steps required to manually add a volume group consisting of five primary disks and five alternate disks. This manual procedure was done for one of ten volume groups. The remaining nine volume groups would have to be added using the same manual procedure, changing the names of the disks and volume groups as part of the manual procedure. Since manually performing these steps is highly error-prone , this is an ideal procedure to automate with a shell program.

To begin automating this procedure, let's take a look at the file that contains the physical disks to be used for the primary and alternate paths on the XP 256. The XP 256 is an advanced storage device that has in it the capability to failover to an alternate controller should the primary controller fail. The same sets of disks are connected to the primary and alternate controller, but the disks are given two different sets of device files. One set is for the disks when connected to the primary controller and the second set is for the same disks when connected to the alternate controllers. This is the same concept that you may have encountered if you are a ServiceGuard user . There is a set of disks connected through two different paths, so you must define the disks with different names depending on whether they are connected through the primary or alternate path . The following is a listing of the file pri containing the primary disks in groups of five:

 c9t0d0 c9t0d1 c9t0d2 c8t0d0 c8t0d1 c7t0d0 c7t0d1 c7t0d2 c10t0d0 c10t0d1 c9t0d3 c9t0d4 c9t0d5 c8t0d3 c8t0d4 c7t0d3 c7t0d4 c7t0d5 c10t0d3 c10t0d4 c9t0d6 c9t0d7 c9t1d0 c8t0d6 c8t0d7 c7t0d6 c7t0d7 c7t1d0 c10t0d6 c10t0d7 c9t1d1 c9t1d2 c9t1d3 c8t1d1 c8t1d2 c7t1d1 c7t1d2 c7t1d3 c10t1d1 c10t1d2 c9t1d4 c9t1d5 c9t1d6 c8t1d4 c8t1d5 c7t1d4 c7t1d5 c7t1d6 c10t1d4 c10t1d5 

Notice that in this listing the disks have been grouped in fives. Each group of five disks will constitute a volume group. There are a total of 10 groups of five disks that will be placed in volume groups vgu01 through vgu10 .

There will also be an alternate group of five disks. The alternate disks will be used in the event of a disk controller failover as described earlier. The following is a listing of the file alt , containing a list of alternate disks in groups of five:

 c8t8d0  c8t8d1  c8t8d2  c9t8d0 c9t8d1 c10t8d0 c10t8d1 c10t8d2 c7t8d0 c7t8d1 c8t8d3  c8t8d4  c8t8d5  c9t8d3 c9t8d4 c10t8d3 c10t8d4 c10t8d5 c7t8d3 c7t8d4 c8t8d6  c8t8d7  c8t9d0  c9t8d6 c9t8d7 c10t8d6 c10t8d7 c10t9d0 c7t8d6 c7t8d7 c8t9d1  c8t9d2  c8t9d3  c9t9d1 c9t9d2 c10t9d1 c10t9d2 c10t9d3 c7t9d1 c7t9d2 c8t9d4  c8t9d5  c8t9d6  c9t9d4 c9t9d5 c10t9d4 c10t9d5 c10t9d6 c7t9d4 c7t9d5 

There are a total of 10 groups of alternate disks shown in this listing that will also be part of the volume groups vgu01 through vgu10 . Using these primary and alternate disks that have been setup on the XP 256, we'll setup the appropriate volumes on the host system. In this example the host system is an HP-UX system.

Let's now cover the steps to manually create one of these volume groups. First, we'll create a physical volume for each of the disks in the volume group with the pvcreate command. Next we'll create a directory for the volume group with mkdir , then create a device special file for the volume group within the directory with mknod . This will setup the directory and special file required for the first of the 10 volume groups. Next, we'll create the volume group in which the five primary disks will be contained using vgcreate . We'll specify the first disk when we create the volume group and then include the other disks in the volume group with vgextend . Then we will extend the volume group with vgextend to include the five alternate disks. The final step is to create a single logical volume for the entire volume group. You might want to create several logical volumes within a volume group but in our example, we need only one logical volume that consumes the entire capacity of the volume group, which is 8755 physical extents. The following procedure is the list of manual steps to create the first volume group, which we'll then automate with a shell program:

 #  pvcreate /dev/rdsk/c9t0d0  # run for each of the 5 pri disks #  mkdir /dev/vgu01  # make dir for first vol group #  mknod /dev/vgu01/group -c 64 0x01000  # create special file with major                                   and minor numbers shown #  vgcreate /dev/vgu01 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0  # Place first disk in volume group #  vgextend /dev/vgu01 /dev/dsk/c9t0d1  # extend volume with remaining four                                   primary disks disks #  vgextend /dev/vgu01 /dev/dsk/c8t8d0  # extend volume group to include five                                   alternte disks #  lvcreate -l 8755 /dev/vgu01  # creates lvol1 (lvol1 by default)                                   that consumes all 8755 extents 

We completed the procedure for only one disk and there are nine additional disks in this volume group. In addition, there are another nine volume groups for which this procedure must be completed. That is a total of an additional 99 disks for which various commands must be run. There is a lot of room for error with that much typing involved, so this is an ideal process to automate.

Since there are a primary set of disks and an alternate set of disks, we'll write a short program to automate each procedure. The following program performs all of the steps required to create a physical volume for each disk, create a volume group, and include the primary disks in it:

 #!/bin/ksh set -x                 ;set tracing on   vgnum=             ;first item on each line is the volume group no.   shift                ;shift to get to first disk   for i in $*          ;run pvcreate for every disk name in first line   do      pvcreate /dev/rdsk/$i   done   reada                ;pause program to view what has been run   mkdir /dev/vgu$vgnum                         ;mkdir for volume group   mknod /dev/vgu$vgnum/group c 0x$(vgnum)0000  ;mknod for volume group   vgcreate /dev/vgu$vgnum /dev/dsk/          ;vgcreate 1st disk in vg   shift            ;shift over to second disk   for i in $*      ;extend volume group to include remaining four disks   do      vgextend /dev/vgu$vgnum /dev/dsk/$i   done   lvcreate -l 8755 /dev/vgu$vgnum     ;create single log vol for entire vg 

I use set -x in this file to turn on execution tracing. I always do this when first debugging a shell program so you can see the lines in the shell program as they are executed. The line being executed will appear with a "+" in front of it, followed by the what you would normally see when the program is run. The read a is a way of pausing the program to wait for input so I can review what has been run to that point of the program.

In order for this program to run, we have to slightly modify the file containing the primary disk devices and add the volume group number to the beginning of each line. In addition I decided to call the program from the file that has the primary disks in it and operate on one line of disks at a time. The following listing shows the updated file containing the name of the shell program in the previous listing ( ), followed by the volume group number and then the list of five primary disks names for each volume group: 01 c9t0d0 c9t0d1 c9t0d2 c8t0d0 c8t0d1 #read a 02 c7t0d0 c7t0d1 c7t0d2 c10t0d0 c10t0d1 #read a 03 c9t0d3 c9t0d4 c9t0d5 c8t0d3 c8t0d4 #read a 04 c7t0d3 c7t0d4 c7t0d5 c10t0d3 c10t0d4 #read a 05 c9t0d6 c9t0d7 c9t1d0 c8t0d6 c8t0d7 #read a 06 c7t0d6 c7t0d7 c7t1d0 c10t0d6 c10t0d7 #read a 07 c9t1d1 c9t1d2 c9t1d3 c8t1d1 c8t1d2 #read a 08 c7t1d1 c7t1d2 c7t1d3 c10t1d1 c10t1d2 #read a 09 c9t1d4 c9t1d5 c9t1d6 c8t1d4 c8t1d5 #read a 10 c7t1d4 c7t1d5 c7t1d6 c10t1d4 c10t1d5 

The read a between lines of this file will pause and wait for you to enter a Return before the next line will be executed. I did this in case I decided to run several lines and I wanted to check the results between the execution of lines.

We can now uncomment the first line of the file and type the file name pri and it will call and run the program (you have to give appropriate permissions to the files and make sure that both and pri are executable). I like to run such files one line at a time and check the volume groups as they are created. The script is written to run one line at a time, but is easily modifiable to run all 10 lines.

We need to do much less work with the alternate disk names. The physical volumes have already been created, and the volume group and single logical volume already setup in . We'll create another script called , "a" for alternate, in which we'll extend the volume group to include the alternate name for each disk. This script is shown in the listing below:

 #!/bin/ksh set -x             ;set tracing on   vgnum=         ;first item on each line is the volume group number   shift            ;shift to get to first disk   for i in $*      ;extend vol group to include all five disks on line      vgextend /dev/vgu$vgnum /dev/dsk/$i   done 

This script performs only the task of extending the volume group vgnum to include all five disks that appear on the line. Much like the file pri , the file alt will call the script vga.alt , as shown in the following listing: 01 c8t8d0  c8t8d1  c8t8d2  c9t8d0 c9t8d1 02 c10t8d0 c10t8d1 c10t8d2 c7t8d0 c7t8d1 03 c8t8d3  c8t8d4  c8t8d5  c9t8d3 c9t8d4 04 c10t8d3 c10t8d4 c10t8d5 c7t8d3 c7t8d4 05 c8t8d6  c8t8d7  c8t9d0  c9t8d6 c9t8d7 06 c10t8d6 c10t8d7 c10t9d0 c7t8d6 c7t8d7 07 c8t9d1  c8t9d2  c8t9d3  c9t9d1 c9t9d2 08 c10t9d1 c10t9d2 c10t9d3 c7t9d1 c7t9d2 09 c8t9d4  c8t9d5  c8t9d6  c9t9d4 c9t9d5 10 c10t9d4 c10t9d5 c10t9d6 c7t9d4 c7t9d5 

You would uncomment the line for which you want to run the script. Again, you could run all ten lines, but I like to check what has taken place after each line has been run. You could add the read a between lines of this file if you wanted to run several lines and have a pause between them to check the results.

These two scripts automate a lot of typing. There are 100 disks for which commands must be run as well as other Logical Volume Manager commands. This is the type of HP-UX system administration task that is ideally suited for shell programming.

I completed the steps that had to be run for the additional disks to complete the work such as the vgcreate for the addtional four disks and the vgextend for an additional nine disk devices. I included only the first disk in the examples so you could see the initial steps that had to be taken.

We don't have to setup any RAID levels within the primary or alternate volume because this is being done internally to the XP 256.

The following vgdisplay listing shows the disks we setup for volume group vgu01 with both the groups of five primary and alternate disks:

 #  vgdisplay /dev/vgu01 -v  VG Name                     /dev/vgu01 VG Write Access             read/write VG Status                   available Max LV                      255 Cur LV                      1 Open LV                     1 Max PV                      16 Cur PV                      5 Act PV                      5 Max PE per PV               1751 VGDA                        10 PE Size (Mbytes)            4 Total PE                    8755 Alloc PE                    8755 Free PE                     0 Total PVG                   0 Total Spare PVs             0 Total Spare PVs in use      0    --- Logical volumes ---    LV Name                     /dev/vgu01/lvol1    LV Status                   available/syncd    LV Size (Mbytes)            35020    Current LE                  8755    Allocated PE                8755    Used PV                     5    --- Physical volumes ---    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c8t8d0Alternate Link    PV Status                   available    Total PE                    1751    Free PE                     0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c9t0d1    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c8t8d1Alternate Link    PV Status                   available    Total PE                    1751    Free PE                     0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c9t0d2    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c8t8d2Alternate Link    PV Status                   available    Total PE                    1751    Free PE                     0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c8t0d0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c9t8d0Alternate Link    PV Status                   available    Total PE                    1751    Free PE                     0    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c9t8d1Alternate Link    PV Status                   available    Total PE                    1751    Free PE                     0 

There are some points of interest to cover in this vgdisplay . The first is that there is a primary and alternate path to the same disk as we had defined them earlier. For instance, the first disk in the volume group has a primary path name of c9t0d0 and an alterate path name of c8t8d0 . Next, both the volume group vgu01 and the only logical volume in it lvol1 consist of a total of 8755 PE or physical extents (the size of a volume group is PE x PE size or 8755 x 4MB in our case).

We should also check one logical volume on vgu01 called lvol1 . We can check the parameters of this logical volume with the lvdisplay command, as shown in the following example:

 #  lvdisplay -v /dev/vgu01/l*  --- Logical volumes --- LV Name                     /dev/vgu01/lvol1 VG Name                     /dev/vgu01 LV Permission               read/write LV Status                   available/syncd Mirror copies               0 Consistency Recovery        MWC Schedule                    parallel LV Size (Mbytes)            35020 Current LE                  8755 Allocated PE                8755 Stripes                     0 Stripe Size (Kbytes)        0 Bad block                   on Allocation                  strict IO Timeout (Seconds)        default    --- Distribution of logical volume ---    PV Name            LE on PV  PE on PV    /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    1751      1751    /dev/dsk/c9t0d1    1751      1751    /dev/dsk/c9t0d2    1751      1751    /dev/dsk/c8t0d0    1751      1751    /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    1751      1751    --- Logical extents ---    LE    PV1                PE1   Status 1    00000 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00000 current    00001 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00001 current    00002 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00002 current    00003 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00003 current    00004 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00004 current    00005 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00005 current    00006 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00006 current    00007 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00007 current    00008 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00008 current    00009 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00009 current    00010 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00010 current    00011 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00011 current    00012 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00012 current    00013 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00013 current    00014 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00014 current    00015 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00015 current    00016 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00016 current    00017 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00017 current    00018 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00018 current    00019 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00019 current    00020 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00020 current    00021 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00021 current    00022 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00022 current    00023 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00023 current    00024 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00024 current    00025 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00025 current    00026 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00026 current    00027 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00027 current    00028 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00028 current    00029 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00029 current    00030 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00030 current    00031 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00031 current    00032 /dev/dsk/c9t0d0    00032 current  .   .   .  08733 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01729 current    08734 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01730 current    08735 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01731 current    08736 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01732 current    08737 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01733 current    08738 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01734 current    08739 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01735 current    08740 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01736 current    08741 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01737 current    08742 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01738 current    08743 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01739 current    08744 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01740 current    08745 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01741 current    08746 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01742 current    08747 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01743 current    08748 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01744 current    08749 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01745 current    08750 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01746 current    08751 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01747 current    08752 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01748 current    08753 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01749 current    08754 /dev/dsk/c8t0d1    01750 current 

This listing has been abbreviated where the three dots are shown. Only the beginning of the first disk and end of the last disk are shown. The lvdisplay does indeed show the five primary disks of which the logical volume is comprised.

The final step is to place a file system on the logical volume we have setup in vgu00 . This is a task for which SAM is ideally suited. I completed this procedure using SAM in Chapter 8, so you can refer to it if you want to see the SAM screen shots.

The next section is a short introduction to C shell programming.

HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit
HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131018833
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 301 © 2008-2017.
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