Not All Commands on All UNIX Variants

A variety of commands are covered in this chapter, including:

  • split, wc, sort , cmp, diff, comm, dircmp, cut, paste, join , and tr commands

I cover many useful and enjoyable commands in this chapter. All the commands, however, are not available on all UNIX variants. If a specific command is not available on your system, then you probably have a similar command or can combine more than one command to achieve the desired result.


Some files are just too long. The file listing we earlier looked at may be more easily managed if split into multiple files. We can use the split command to make listing into files 25 lines long, as shown in Figure 23-1:

Figure 23-1. split Command


Note that the split command produced several files from listing , called xaa, xab , and so on. The -l option is used to specify the number of lines in files produced by split .

Here is a summary of the split command:

split - Split a file into multiple files.



-l line_count

Split the file into files with line_count lines per file.


-b n

Split the file into files with n bytes per file.


We know that we have split listing into separate files of 25 lines each, but how many lines were in listing originally? How about the number of words in listing ? Those of us who get paid by the word for some of the articles we write often want to know. How about the number of characters in a file? The wc command can produce a word, line, and character count for you. Figure 23-2 shows issuing the wc command with the -wlc options, which produce a count of words with the -w option, lines with the -l option, and characters with the -c option.

Figure 23-2. wc Command


Notice that the number of words and lines produced by wc is the same for the file listing . The reason is that each line contains exactly one word. When we display the words, lines, and characters with the wc command for the text file EMACS.tutorial , we can see that the number of words is 6251 , the number of lines is 825 , and the number of characters is 34491 . In a text file, in this case a tutorial, you would expect many more words than lines.

Here is a summary of the wc command:

wc - Produce a count of words, lines, and characters.




Print the number of lines in a file.



Print the number of words in a file.



Print the number of characters in a file.


Sometimes the contents of files are not sorted in the way you would like. You can use the sort command to sort files with a variety of options.

You may find as you use your UNIX system more and more that your system administrator is riding you about the amount of disk space you are consuming. You can monitor the amount of disk space you are consuming with the du command. Figure 23-3 shows creating a file called disk_space that lists the amount of disk space consumed by files and directories and shows the first 20 lines of the file:

Figure 23-3. sort Command Example #1


Notice that the result is sorted alphabetically. In many cases, this is what you want. If the file were not sorted alphabetically , you could use the sort command to do so. In this case, we don't care as much about seeing entries in alphabetical order as we do in numeric order, that is, the files and directories that are consuming the most space. Figure 23-4 shows sorting the file disk_space numerically with the -n option and reversing the order of the sort with the -r option so that the biggest numbers appear first. We then specify the output file name with the -o option.

Figure 23-4. sort Command Example #2


What if the items being sorted had many more fields than our two-column disk usage example? Let's go back to the passwd.test file for a more complex sort. Let's cat passwd.test so we can again see its contents:

#   cat  passwd.test
games:*:12:100:games:/usr/ games :
ftp:*:14:50:FTP   User :/home/ftp:
man:*:15:15:Manuals  Owner:/:
col:Wh0yzfAV2qm2Y:100:100:Caldera  OpenLinux

Now let's use sort to determine which users are in the same group . Fields are separated in passwd.test by a colon (:). The fourth field is the group to which a user belongs. For instance, bin is in group 1, daemon in group 2 , and so on. To sort by group, we would have to specify three options to the sort command. The first is to specify the delimiter (or field separator) of colon (:) using the -t option. Next we would have to specify the field on which we wish to sort with the -k option. Finally, we want a numeric sort, so use the -n option. The following example shows a numeric sort of the passwd.test file by the fourth field:

 #  sort -t: -k4 -n passwd.test  halt:*:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt operator:*:11:0:operator:/root: root:PgYQCkVH65hyQ:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash sync:*:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync bin:*:1:1:bin:/bin: daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin: adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/adm: lp:*:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd: shutdown:*:6:11:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown mail:*:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail: news:*:9:13:news:/var/spool/news: uucp:*:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp: man:*:15:15:Manuals Owner:/: gopher:*:13:30:gopher:/usr/lib/gopher-data: ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp: col:Wh0yzfAV2qm2Y:100:100:Caldera OpenLinux                    User:/home/col:/bin/bash games:*:12:100:games:/usr/games: nobody:*:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/bin/false 

The following is a summary of the sort command.

sort - Sort lines of files (alphabetically by default).




Ignore leading spaces and tabs.



Check whether files are already sorted, and if so, do nothing.



Ignore punctuation and sort in dictionary order.



Ignore the case of entries when sorting.



Ignore non-ASCII characters when sorting.


-k s

Use field s as the field on which to base the sort.



Merge sorted files.



Sort in numeric order.


-o file

Specify the output file name rather than write to standard output.



Reverse the order of the sort by starting with the last letter of the alphabet or with the largest number, as we did in the example.



Skip n fields or columns before sorting.

cmp, diff, and comm

A fact of life is that as you go about editing files, you may occasionally lose track of what changes you have made to which files. You may then need to make comparisons of files. Let's take a look at three such commands, cmp, diff , and comm , and see how they compare files.

Let's assume that we have modified a script called llsum . The unmodified version of llsum was saved as llsum.orig . Using the head command, we can view the first 20 lines of llsum and then the first 20 lines of llsum.orig :

 #  head -20 llsum  # #!/bin/sh # Displays a truncated long listing (ll) and # displays size statistics # of the files in the listing. ll $*  \ awk ' BEGIN { x=i=0; printf "%-25s%-10s%8s%8s\n",\                       "FILENAME","OWNER","SIZE","TYPE" }        ~ /^[-dlps]/  {# line format for normal files               printf "%-25s%-10s%8d",,,               x = x +                   i++                       }        ~ /^-/ { printf "%8s\n","file" }  # standard file types        ~ /^d/ { printf "%8s\n","dir" }        ~ /^l/ { printf "%8s\n","link" }        ~ /^p/ { printf "%8s\n","pipe" }        ~ /^s/ { printf "%8s\n","socket" }        ~ /^[bc]/ { # line format for device files                             printf              "%-25s%-10s%8s%8s\n",,,"","dev"                  } # #  head -20 llsum.orig  # #!/bin/sh # Displays a truncated long listing (ll) and # displays size statistics # of the files in the listing. ll $*  \ awk ' BEGIN { x=i=0; printf "%-16s%-10s%8s%8s\n",\                       "FILENAME","OWNER","SIZE","TYPE" }        ~ /^[-dlps]/  {# line format for normal files               printf "%-16s%-10s%8d",,,               x = x +                   i++                       }       ~ /^-/ { printf "%8s\n","file" }  # standard file types        ~ /^d/ { printf "%8s\n","dir" }        ~ /^l/ { printf "%8s\n","link" }        ~ /^p/ { printf "%8s\n","pipe" }        ~ /^s/ { printf "%8s\n","socket" }        ~ /^[bc]/ { # line format for device files                            printf               "%-16s%-10s%8s%8s\n",,,"","dev"                  } 

I'm not sure what changes I made to llsum.orig to improve it, so we can first use cmp to see whether indeed differences exist between the files.

 $ $  cmp llsum llsum.orig  llsum llsum.orig differ: char 154, line 6 $ 

cmp does not report back much information, only that character 154 in the file at line 6 is different in the two files. There may indeed be other differences, but this is all we know about so far.

To get information about all of the differences in the two files, we could use the -l option to cmp :

 $  cmp -l llsum llsum.orig  154  62  61    155  65  66    306  62  61    307  65  66    675  62  61    676  65  66 

This is not all that useful an output, however. W want to see not only the position of the differences, but also the differences themselves .

Now we can use diff to describe all the differences in the two files:

 $  diff llsum llsum.orig  6c6 < awk ' BEGIN { x=i=0; printf "%-25s%-10s%8s%8s\n",\ --- > awk ' BEGIN { x=i=0; printf "%-16s%-10s%8s%8s\n",\ 9c9 <            printf "%-25s%-10s%8d",,, --- >            printf "%-16s%-10s%8d",,, 19c19 <            printf "%-25s%-10s%8s%8s\n",,,"","dev" --- >            printf "%-16s%-10s%8s%8s\n",,,"","dev" $ 

We now know that lines 6, 9 , and 25 are different in the two files and these lines are also listed for us. From this listing, we can see that the number 16 in llsum.orig was changed to 25 in the newer llsum file, and this accounts for all of the differences in the two files. The "less than" sign (<) precedes lines from the first file, in this case llsum . The "greater than" sign (>) precedes lines from the second file, in this case llsum.orig . I made this change, starting the second group of information from character 16 to character 25 , because I wanted the second group of information, produced by llsum, to start at column 25 . The second group of information is the owner, as shown in the following example:

 $  llsum  FILENAME                 OWNER         SIZE    TYPE README                   denise         810    file backup_files             denise        3408    file biography                denise         427    file cshtest                  denise        1024     dir gkill                    denise        1855    file gkill.out                denise         191    file hostck                   denise         924    file ifstat                   denise        1422    file               denise        2147    file ifstat.out               denise         723    file introdos                 denise       54018    file introux                  denise       52476    file letter                   denise       23552    file              denise       69632    file      denise       71680    file letter.backup            denise       23552    file letter.lck               denise          57    file letter.recover           denise       69632    file llsum                    denise        1267    file llsum.orig               denise        1267    file llsum.out                denise        1657    file llsum.tomd.out           denise        1356    file psg                      denise         670    file                  denise         802    file psg.out                  denise         122    file sam_adduser              denise        1010    file tdolan                   denise        1024     dir trash                    denise        4554    file trash.out                denise         329    file typescript               denise        2017    file The files listed occupy 393605 bytes (0.3754 Mbytes) Average file size is 13120 bytes $ 

When we run llsum.orig , clearly the second group of information, which is the owner , starts at column 16 and not column 32:

 $  llsum.orig  FILENAME        OWNER         SIZE    TYPE README          denise         810    file backup_files    denise        3408    file biography       denise         427    file cshtest         denise        1024     dir gkill           denise        1855    file gkill.out       denise         191    file hostck          denise         924    file ifstat          denise        1422    file      denise        2147    file ifstat.out      denise         723    file introdos        denise       54018    file introux         denise       52476    file letter          denise       23552    file     denise       69632    file denise       71680    file letter.backup   denise       23552    file letter.lck      denise          57    file letter.recover  denise       69632    file llsum           denise        1267    file llsum.orig      denise        1267    file llsum.out       denise        1657    file llsum.tomd.out  denise        1356    file psg             denise         670    file         denise         802    file psg.out         denise         122    file sam_adduser     denise        1010    file tdolan          denise        1024     dir trash           denise        4554    file trash.out       denise         329    file typescript      denise        3894    file The files listed occupy 395482 bytes (0.3772 Mbytes) Average file size is 13182 bytes script done on Mon Dec 11 12:59:18 $ 

We can compare two sorted files using comm and see the lines that are unique to each file, as well as the lines found in both files. When we compare two files with comm , the lines that are unique to the first file appear in the first column, the lines unique to the second file appear in the second column, and the lines contained in both files appear in the third column. Let's go back to the /etc/passwd file to illustrate this comparison. We'll compare two /etc/passwd files, the active /etc/passwd file in use and an old /etc/passwd file from a backup:

 #  comm /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.backup  root:PgYQCkVH65hyQ:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash                 bin:*:1:1:bin:/bin:                 daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin:                 adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/adm:                 lp:*:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:                 sync:*:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync                     shutdown:*:6:11:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown                 halt:*:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt                 mail:*:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:                 news:*:9:13:news:/var/spool/news:                 uucp:*:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:         operator1:*:12:0:operator:/root:                 operator:*:11:0:operator:/root: games:*:12:100:games:/usr/games:                 gopher:*:13:30:gopher:/usr/lib/gopher-data:                 ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:                 man:*:15:15:Manuals Owner:/:                 nobody:*:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/bin/false                 col:Wh0yzfAV2qm2Y:100:100:Caldera                 OpenLinux User:/home/col:/bin/bash 

You can see from this output that the user games appears only in the active /etc/passwd file, the user operator1 appears only in the /etc/passwd.backup file, and all of the other entries appear in both files.

The following is a summary of the cmp and diff commands.

cmp - Compare the contents of two files. The byte position and line number of the first difference between the two files is returned.




Display the byte position and differing characters for all differences within a file.



Work silently; that is, only exit codes are returned.

diff - Compares two files and reports differing lines.




Ignore blanks at the end of a line.



Ignore case differences.



Expand tabs in output to spaces.



Ignore spaces and tabs.


Why stop at comparing files? You will probably have many directories in your user area as well. dircmp compares two directories and produces information about the contents of directories.

To begin with let's perform a long listing of two directories:

 $  ls -l krsort.dir.old  total 168 -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users      34592 Oct 31 11:27 krsort -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users       3234 Oct 31 11:27 krsort.c -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users      32756 Oct 31 11:27 krsort.dos -rw-r--r--   1 denise   users       9922 Oct 31 11:27 krsort.q -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users       3085 Oct 31 11:27 krsortorig.c $ $  ls -l  total 168 -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users      34592 Oct 31 15:17 krsort -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users      32756 Oct 31 15:17 krsort.dos -rw-r--r--   1 denise   users       9922 Oct 31 15:17 krsort.q -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users       3234 Oct 31 15:17 krsort.test.c -rwxr-xr-x   1 denise   users       3085 Oct 31 15:17 krsortorig.c $ 

From this listing, you can see clearly that one file is unique to each directory. krsort.c appears in only the krsort.dir.old directory, and krsort.test.c appears in only the directory. Let's now use dircmp to inform us of the differences in these two directories:

 $  dircmp krsort.dir.old  krsort.dir.old only and only Page 1 ./krsort.c        ./krsort.test.c Comparison of krsort.dir.old Page 1 directory     . same          ./krsort same          ./krsort.dos same          ./krsort.q same          ./krsortorig.c $ 

This is a useful output. First, the files that appear in only one directory are listed. Then the files common to both directories are listed.

The following is a summary of the dircmp command.

dircmp - Compare directories.




Compare the contents of files with the same name in both directories and produce a report of what must be done to make the files identical.



Suppress information about different files.


There are times when you have an output that has too many fields in it. When we issued the llsum command earlier, it produced four fields: FILENAME, OWNER, SIZE , and TYPE . What if we want to take this output and look at just the FILENAME and SIZE . We could modify the llsum script, or we could use the cut command to eliminate the OWNER and TYPE fields with the following commands:

 $  llsum  cut -c 1-25,37-43  FILENAME                    SIZE README                       810 backup_files                3408 biography                    427 cshtest                     1024 gkill                       1855 gkill.out                    191 hostck                       924 ifstat                      1422                  2147 ifstat.out                   723 introdos                   54018 introux                    52476 letter                     23552                69632        71680 letter.backup              23552 letter.lck                    57 letter.recover             69632 llsum                       1267 llsum.orig                  1267 llsum.out                   1657 llsum.tomd.out              1356 psg                          670                      802 psg.out                      122 sam_adduser                 1010 tdolan                      1024 trash                       4554 trash.out                    329 typescript                    74 The files listed occupy 3 (0.373 Average file size is 1305 $ 

This has produced a list from llsum , which is piped to cut . Only characters 1 through 25 and 37 through 43 have been extracted. These characters correspond to the fields we want. At the end of the output are two lines that are only partially printed. We don't want these lines, so we can use grep -v to eliminate them and print all other lines. The output of this command is saved to the file llsum.out at the end of this output, which we'll use later:

 $  ./llsum  grep -v "bytes"  cut -c 1-25,37-43  FILENAME                    SIZE README                       810 backup_files                3408 biography                    427 cshtest                     1024 gkill                       1855 gkill.out                    191 hostck                       924 ifstat                      1422                  2147 ifstat.out                   723 introdos                   54018 introux                    52476 letter                     23552                69632        71680 letter.backup              23552 letter.lck                    57 letter.recover             69632 llsum                       1267 llsum.orig                  1267 llsum.out                   1657 llsum.tomd.out              1356 psg                          670                      802 psg.out                      122 sam_adduser                 1010 tdolan                      1024 trash                       4554 trash.out                    329 typescript                  1242 $  llsum  grep -v "bytes"  cut -c 1-25,37-4_3 > llsum.out  $ 

The following is a summary of the cut command, with some of the more commonly used options.

cut - Extract specified fields from each line.



-c list

Extract based on character position, as shown in the example.


-f list

Extract based on fields.


-d char

The character following the d is the delimiter when using the -f option. The delimiter is the character that separates fields.

paste and join

Files can be merged together in a variety of ways. If you want to merge files on a line-by-line basis, you can use the paste command. The first line in the second file is pasted to the end of the first line in the first file, and so on.

Let's use the cut command just covered and extract only the permissions field, or characters 1 through 10 , to get only the permissions for files. We'll then save these in the file ll.out :

 $  ls -al  cut -c 1-10  total 798 drwxrwxrwx drwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx drwxr-xr-x -rwxrwxrwx -rw-r--r-- -rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx -rwxr-xr-x -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rwxrwxrwx -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rw-rw-rw- -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rwxrwxrwx -rwxr-xr-x -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- -rwxrwxrwx -rwxr-xr-x -rw-r--r-- -rwxrwxrwx drwxr-xr-x -rwxrwxrwx -rw-r--r-- -rw-r--r-- $  ls -al  cut -c 1-10 > ll.out  $ 

We can now use the paste command to paste the permissions saved in the ll.out file to the other file- related information in the llsum.out file:

 $  paste llsum.out ll.out  FILENAME                    SIZE       total 792 README                       810       -rwxrwxrwx backup_files                3408       -rwxrwxrwx biography                    427       -rwxrwxrwx cshtest                     1024       drwxr-xr-x gkill                       1855       -rwxrwxrwx gkill.out                    191       -rw-r--r-- hostck                       924       -rwxrwxrwx ifstat                      1422       -rwxrwxrwx                  2147       -rwxr-xr-x ifstat.out                   723       -rw-r--r-- introdos                   54018       -rw-r--r-- introux                    52476       -rwxrwxrwx letter                     23552       -rw-r--r--                69632       -rw-r--r--        71680       -rw-r--r-- letter.backup              23552       -rw-r--r-- letter.lck                    57       -rw-rw-rw- letter.recover             69632       -rw-r--r-- ll.out                      1057       -rw-r--r-- llsum                       1267       -rwxrwxrwx llsum.orig                  1267       -rwxr-xr-x llsum.out                   1657       -rw-r--r-- llsum.tomd.out              1356       -rw-r--r-- psg                          670       -rwxrwxrwx                      802       -rwxr-xr-x psg.out                      122       -rw-r--r-- sam_adduser                 1010       -rwxrwxrwx tdolan                      1024       drwxr-xr-x trash                       4554       -rwxrwxrwx trash.out                    329       -rw-r--r-- typescript                   679       -rw-r--r-- $ 

This has produced a list that includes FILENAME and SIZE from llsum.out and permissions from ll.out .

If both files have the same first field, you can use the join command to merge the two files:

The following is a summary of the paste and join commands, with some of the more commonly used options:

paste - Merge lines of files.



-d list

Use list as the delimiter between columns. You can use special escape sequences for list such as \n for newline and \t for tab.

join - Combine two presorted files that have a common key field.



-a n

Produce the normal output and also generate a line for each line that can't be joined in 1 or 2.


-e string

Replace empty fields in output with string .


-t char

Use char as the field separator.


tr translates characters. tr is ideal for such tasks as changing case. For instance, what if you want to translate all lowercase characters to upper case? The following example shows listing files that have the suffix "zip" and then translates these files into uppercase:

 $  ls -al *.zip $  ls -al *.zip  tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"  FILE1.ZIP FILE2.ZIP FILE3.ZIP FILE4.ZIP FILE5.ZIP FILE6.ZIP FILE7.ZIP $ 

We use brackets in this case because we are translating a class of characters.

The following is a summary of the tr command, with some of the more commonly used options.

tr - Translate characters.




Translate on a byte-by-byte basis.



Delete all occurrences of characters specified.



Translate from one character class to another, such as from lowercase class to uppercase class, as shown in the example.

HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit
HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131018833
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 301 © 2008-2017.
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