Error-Related Routines

Error- Related Routines

The error-related routines (see Table 10 ) in OOo Basic return information related to the last error. These routines are used to determine what happened and where. The error information is reset when the error handler is cleared, so save the error information if your macro program will require it later.

Table 10: Miscellaneous functions in OOo Basic.




Line number of last error.


Error number of last error.

Error Error(error_number)

Get error message either for the last error or for the specified error message.

The macro in Listing 17 checks for an error before the error handler is reset. Error information is then saved. Although the macro in Listing 17 does not save the error message, the Error function accepts an error number as an optional argument for which the error message is returned. Also see Figure 6 .

click to expand
Figure 6: Error information must be saved if it is used after resetting the error handler.
Listing 17: ExampleInputError is found in the Misc module in this chapter's source code files as SC08.sxw.
start example
 Sub ExampleError   On Error Goto BadError        'Set up the error handler   Print 1/ CInt(0.2)            'Do a division by zero BadError:                       'Error handler starts here   Dim s As String               'Accumulate the message   Dim oldError As Integer       'Save the error number   Dim lineNum As Integer        'Save the line number   If Err <> 0 Then              'If an error occurred     oldError = Err              'Save the error number     lineNum = Erl               'Save the error line number     s = "Before clearing the error handler" & CHR$(10) &_         "Error number " & Err & " Occurred at line number " & Erl & CHR$(10) &_         "Err message: " & Error() & CHR$(10)   End If   On Error Goto 0                 'Reset the error handler   REM There is now no information to print   s = s & CHR$(10) & "After clearing handler:" & CHR$(10) &_       "Error number " & Err & " Occurred at line number " & Erl & CHR$(10)   REM Use the saved information   s = s & CHR$(10) & "Error info was saved so:" & CHR$(10) &_       "Error number " & oldError & " Occurred at line number " &_       lineNum & CHR$(10) & "Err message: " & Error(oldError)   MsgBox s, 0, "Error Handling" End Sub 
end example Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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