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AboutStarBasic routine, 166
ABS(), 73, 78, 79
Access ioModes, 136
AccessSheets, Calc module, 326
active cells , 371-372
AddAForm, Graphic module, 400
AddBookmark, Writer module, 323
addControl(), 421
addEventListener(), 206
addFocusListener(), 419
addition (+), 48-49
addKeyHandler(), 206
addKeyListener(), 419
AddLibToDocLib installer module, 412
addMouseListener(), 420
addMouseMotionListener(), 420
addNew(), 436
addNewConverted(), 436
AddOneLib installer module, 411-412
addPaintListener(), 420
addPropertyChangeListener(), 231
addSpinListener(), 431
addTerminateListener(), 206
addTextListener(), 430
addTopWindowListener(), 420
addVetoableChangeListener(), 231
addWindowListener(), 419
ADPTypeString(), 165
Alias keyword, 150
Align property, 429, 435, 438
AllowAnimations property, 401
"American Printer's Point", 146
American Typefounders Association, 146
ampersand (&), 26, 300
AnchorType property, 268
AnchorTypes property, 268
AND operator, 50-51, 133
AnimationEffect enumeration, 404-405
Annotation field, 312, 316
API (Application Programming Interface), 169
Append Libraries dialog, 16-17
application libraries, 2, 8-9, 13-14
ApplyUserData property, 263
ArcEllipseShapes, Graphic module, 393
converted to locale-specific strings, 153
executeDispatch(), 191
with IIF(), 148-150
optional, 40-41
passing, 150
types of, 39-40
Array(), 91, 92-93
array formulas, 347-348
array variables , 33, 34-35, 91
ArrayInfo(), 97-98
advantages, 33
of arrays of points, 390
assigning, 37-38, 160
attributes, 301
conversions, 95-96
dimension, 35-36, 94-95
empty, 36, 93-94
formulas, 347-348
inspection functions, 96-99
empty multi-dimensional arrays, 93-94
one-dimensional arrays with data, 92-93
syntax, 91
sorting, 447
subroutines and functions, 91-92
two-dimensional, 291
unexpected behavior, 37-38
arrows, styles, 398-399
ASC(), 113
ASCII characters , non-printable, 115
ASCII values, 114-119, 293
AsianVerticalMode property, 331
Assign Macro dialog, 417
AsTemplate property, 242
ATN(), 73
Author field, 312
Author property
MediaDescriptor, 242
StarDesktop, 209
AutoComplete property, 428
AutoFormat, 1
AutoloadURL property, StarDesktop, 209
AutoPilot dialogs, 444 Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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