Using the Current Controller

Each OOo document contains a controller that interacts with the user . Therefore, the current controller knows what text is selected, the location of the current cursor, and which sheet is active.

Selected Cells

The document's controller interacts with the user and therefore knows which cells are selected. In a Calc document, a selected cell can be a few different things. The following cases are numbered to simply reference each case; the numbering serves no other purpose.

  1. One cell selected. To select an entire cell, click in a cell once and then hold down the Shift key and click in the cell again.

  2. Partial text in a single cell selected. Double-click in a single cell and then select some text.

  3. Nothing appears selected. Single-click in a cell or tab between cells.

  4. Multiple cells selected. Single-click in a cell and then drag the cursor.

  5. Multiple disjointed selections. Select some cells. Hold down the Ctrl key and select some more.

So far, I have not been able to distinguish between the first three cases; they all look like one cell is selected. If only one cell is selected, the current selection returned by the current controller is the sheet cell containing the cursor. If a single cell is selected (cases 1 through 3), the selections object supports the SheetCell service (see Listing 41 ).

Listing 41: CalcIsAnythingSelected is in the Calc module in this chapter's source code files as SC14.sxc.
start example
 Function CalcIsAnythingSelected(oDoc) As Boolean   Dim oSelections   REM Assume that nothing is selected.   CalcIsAnythingSelected = False   If IsNull(oDoc) Then Exit Function   REM The current selection in the current controller.   REM If there is no current controller, this returns NULL.   oSelections = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()   If IsNull(oSelections) Then Exit Function   If oSelections.supportsService("") Then     Print "One Cell selected = " & oSelections.getImplementationName()     MsgBox "getString() = " & oSelections.getString()   ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then     Print "One Cell Range selected = " & oSelections.getImplementationName()   ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then     Print "Multiple Cell Ranges selected = " &_            oSelections.getImplementationName()     Print "Count = " & oSelections.getCount()   Else     Print "Something else selected = " & oSelections.getImplementationName()   End If   CalcIsAnythingSelected = True End Function 
end example

If multiple cells are selected as a single range (case 4), the selections object is a SheetCellRange. Check to see if the selections object supports the SheetCellRange service. If so, then more than one cell range is selected. Use the getCount() method of the selections object to see how many ranges are selected.

Enumerating the Selected Cells

Listing 42 is a utility routine that sets the text of the cells in a range to a specific value. Although Listing 42 is specifically designed to operate on a cell range, it uses methods that are also supported by a single cell. The macro, therefore, may be used by a cell or a cell range object. The method used in Listing 42 is a modification of an algorithm introduced to me by Sasa Kelecevic, on the OOo dev mailing list.

Listing 42: SetRangeText is in the Calc module in this chapter's source code files as SC14.sxc.
start example
 Sub SetRangeText(oRange, s As String)   Dim nCol As Long 'Column index variable   Dim nRow As Long 'Row index variable   Dim oCols        'Columns in the selected range   Dim oRows        'Rows in the selected range   oCols = oRange.Columns : oRows = oRange.Rows   For nCol = 0 To oCols.getCount() - 1     For nRow = 0 To oRows.getCount() - 1       oRange.getCellByPosition(nCol, nRow).setString(s)     Next   Next End Sub 
end example

To demonstrate how to inspect all of the selected cells, the macro in Listing 43 sets the text in every selected cell to a specific text value.

Listing 43: SetSelectedCells is in the Calc module in this chapter's source code files as SC14.sxc.
start example
 Sub SetSelectedCells(s As String)   Dim oSelections 'The selections object   Dim oCell       'If one cell is selected   Dim oRanges     'If multiple ranges are selected, use this   Dim i As Long   'General index variable   REM The current selection in the current controller.   REM If there is no current controller, this returns NULL.   oSelections = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()   If IsNull(oSelections) Then Exit Sub   If oSelections.supportsService("") Then     oCell = oSelections     oCell.setString(s)     REM For consistency, I could use the same call for a range as a cell     REM but this is only because a cell can also return the columns and rows.     REM SetRangeText(oSelections, s)   ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then     SetRangeText(oSelections, s)   ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then     oRanges = oSelections     For i = 0 To oRanges.getCount() - 1       SetRangeText(oRanges.getByIndex(i), s)     Next   Else     Print "Something else selected = " & oSelections.getImplementationName()   End If End Sub 
end example

While writing the macro in Listing 43, I experienced some initially perplexing behavior. My initial version of Listing 43 would sometimes generate an error as it attempted to enter the subroutine, depending on the selected values. The run-time error would complain that an unsupported property or invalid value was used. To explain the problem (and the solution), notice that there are two places in the code where I assign oSelections to a temporary variable and then I use the variable. Listing 44 contains the small sections of code extracted from Listing 43.

Listing 44: I assign oSelections to a temporary variable before use.
start example
 oCell = oSelections oCell.setString(s) ..... oRanges = oSelections For i = 0 To oRanges.getCount() - 1   SetRangeText(oRanges.getByIndex(i), s) Next 
end example

If oSelections refers to a cell, it doesn't support the object method getCount(). If oSelections refers to a SheetCellRanges object, it doesn't support the setString() object method. I can but assume that the OOo Basic interpreter attempts to resolve the properties and methods that an object references when it is assigned a value. For example, if the selections object is a cell, an error is raised because a cell doesn't support the getCount() method. On the other hand, if more than one cell is selected, the returned object does not support the setString() method. Although this is not the first time that I have experienced this problem, it is the first time that I determined the nature of the problem and how to avoid it.

Selecting Text

The current controller is used to determine the current selection, and it can also be used to set the current selection. Use the current controller's select(obj) method to select cells in a sheet. The documentation essentially says that if the controller recognizes and is able to select the object passed as an argument, it will. Listing 45 demonstrates how to select cells.

Listing 45: Select B28:D33 and then select cell A1 instead.
start example
 Dim oSheet, oRange, oCell, oController oController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController() oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(3) oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("B28:D33") oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0) 
end example

The Active Cell

The active cell contains the cursor. There is an active cell even when multiple cells are selected. Unfortunately, OOo does not provide a method to return the active cell when more than one cell is selected. Paolo Mantovani posted a very nice solution to this problem on the dev mailing list as shown in Listing 46 . The disadvantage to the macro in Listing 46 is that the active cell is no longer active after the macro runs.

Listing 46: Obtain the active cell.
start example
 REM Author: Paolo Mantovani REM email: Sub RetrieveTheActiveCell()   Dim oOldSelection 'The original selection of cell ranges   Dim oRanges       'A blank range created by the document   Dim oActiveCell   'The current active cell   Dim oConv         'The cell address conversion service   Dim oDoc   oDoc = ThisComponent   REM store the current selection   oOldSelection = oDoc.CurrentSelection   REM Create an empty SheetCellRanges service and then select it.   REM This leaves ONLY the active cell selected.   oRanges = oDoc.createInstance("")   oDoc.CurrentController.Select(oRanges)   REM Get the active cell!   oActiveCell = oDoc.CurrentSelection   oConv = oDoc.createInstance("")   oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getCellAddress   Print oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation   print oConv.PersistentRepresentation   REM Restore the old selection, but loose the previously active cell   oDoc.CurrentController.Select(oOldSelection) End Sub 
end example

General Functionality

When searching for view- related functionality, the current controller is a good place to start. Table 52 and Table 53 contain most of the methods and properties supported by the current controller that have not already been discussed.

Table 52: Methods supported by the current controller not already discussed.




Get the active spreadsheet.


Cause the specified sheet to become active.


Return True if the view is split.


Long Integer horizontal split position (in pixels).


Long Integer vertical split position (in pixels).


Long Integer column before which the view is split.


Long Integer row before which the view is split.

splitAtPosition(x, y)

Split the view at the specified position. If x=0, the split is only horizontal. If y=0, the split is only vertical.


True if the view contains frozen panes.

freezeAtPosition(nCol, nRow)

Freeze panes with the specified number of columns and rows.


Get the first visible column in the pane as a Long Integer.


Set the first visible column in the pane.


Get the first visible row in the pane as a Long Integer.


Set the first visible row in the pane.


Get the visible range in the pane as a CellRangeAddress.

Table 53: Properties supported by the current controller not already discussed.




If True, formulas are displayed instead of their results.


If True, zero values are visible.


If True, strings, values, and formulas are displayed in different colors.


If True, a marker is shown for notes in cells.


If True, a vertical scroll bar is used in the view.


If True, a horizontal scroll bar is used in the view.


If True, sheet tabs are used in the view.


If True, outline symbols are displayed.


If True, column and row headers are visible.


If True, cell grid lines are displayed.


Grid color as a Long Integer.


If True, help lines are displayed while moving drawing objects.


If True, anchor symbols are displayed when drawing objects are selected.


If True, page breaks are displayed.


If True, solid (colored) handles are displayed when drawing objects are selected.


If True, embedded objects are displayed.


If True, charts are displayed.


If True, drawing objects are displayed.


If True, spelling marks are not displayed.


Document zoom type as a with the following values:

  • OPTIMAL = 0 - Fit the current page content width (no margins).

  • PAGE WIDTH = 1 - Fit the page width at the current selection.

  • ENTIRE PAGE = 2 - Fit an entire page.

  • BY_VALUE = 3 - The zoom is relative and set by ZoomValue.

  • PAGE_WIDTH_EXACT = 4 - Fit the current width and fit exactly to page end.


Zoom value if the ZoomType is set to BY_VALUE. Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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