Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming considerably complicates the resulting executable code. Consider one small example. Listing 25.8 contains an easy C++ program.

Listing 25.8: A simple C++ program using objects
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 #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> class string {       public:       char c[200];       char g[100];       string()  {strcpy(c, "Hello");  strcpy(g,  "Hello");}       int strep(); };  string::stri() {  strcpy(c, g);  return 0; }  main() {  string * s  =  new string;  s->strcp() ;  printf("%s\n",  s->c);  delete s; } 
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Listing 25.9 contains the disassembled code of the main procedure. Disassembling was done with IDA Pro.

Listing 25.9: Disassembled code of the main procedure in Listing 25.8
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 CODE:00401122 _main proc near  ;  DATA XREF: DATA:0040C044 CODE:00401122 CODE:00401122 var_28     = DWORD  PTR -28H CODE:00401122 var_18     = WORD PTR  -18H CODE:00401122 dest       = DWORD  PTR -4 CODE:00401122 argc       = DWORD  PTR 8 CODE:00401122 argv       = DWORD  PTR 0CH CODE:00401122 envp       = DWORD  PTR 10H CODE:00401122 CODE:00401122        PUSH EBP CODE:00401123        MOV  EBP,  ESP CODE:00401125        ADD  ESP,  0FFFFFFD8H CODE:00401128        PUSH EBX CODE:00401129        MOV  EAX,  OFFSET STRU_40C084 CODE:0040112E        CALL @__INITEXCEPTBLOCKLDTC CODE:00401133        PUSH 12CH CODE:00401138        CALL UNKNOWN_LIBNAME_8 CODE:0040113D        POP  ECX CODE:0040113E        MOV  [EBP+DEST], EAX CODE:00401141        TEST EAX,  EAX CODE:00401143        JZ   SHORT LOC_40117D CODE:00401145        MOV  [EBP+VAR_18], 14H CODE:0040114B        PUSH OFFSET aHello ; SRC CODE:00401150        PUSH [EBP+DEST]   ; DEST CODE:00401153        CALL  _STRCPY CODE:00401158        ADD  ESP,  8 CODE:0040115B        PUSH OFFSET aHello_0 ; SRC CODE:00401160        MOV  EDX,  [EBP+DEST] CODE:00401163        ADD  EDX,  0C8H CODE:00401169        PUSH EDX      ; DEST CODE:0040116A        CALL _STRCPY CODE:0040116F        ADD  ESP,  8 CODE:00401172        MOV  [EBP+VAR_18], 8 CODE:00401178        MOV  EBX,  [EBP+DEST] CODE:0040117B        JMP  SHORT LOC_401180 CODE:0040117D ;-------------------------------------- CODE:0040117D CODE:0040117D CODE:0040117D LOC_40117D:   ; CODE XREF: _MAIN+21 CODE:0040117D        MOV   EBX, [EBP+DEST] CODE:00401180 CODE:00401180 LOC_401180:  ; CODE XREF: _MAIN+59 CODE:00401180        PUSH  EBX      ; DEST CODE:00401181        CALL  SUB_401108 CODE:00401186        POP   ECX CODE:00401187        PUSH  EBX      ; CHAR CODE:00401188        PUSH  OFFSET AS ; __VA_ARGS CODE:0040118D        CALL  _PRINTF CODE:00401192        ADD   ESP, 8 CODE:00401195        PUSH  EBX      ; BLOCK CODE:00401196        CALL  @$BDELE$QPV ; OPERATOR DELETE(VOID *) CODE:0040119B        POP   ECX CODE:0040119C        MOV   EAX, [EBP+VAR_28] CODE:0040119F        MOV   LARGE FS:0, EAX CODE;004011A5        XOR   EAX, EAX CODE:004011A7        POP   EBX CODE:004011A8        MOV   ESP, EBP CODE:004011AA        POP   EBP CODE:004011AB        RETN CODE:004011AB _MAIN     ENDP 
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As you can see, the disassembled code is sophisticated. Note that because of the limited volume of this book I won't provide detailed analysis of this code; in this case, it would be necessary to include an analysis of the library functions. However, some key facts deserve special attention:

  • The NEW operator is reduced to the execution of a library procedure, unknown_iibname_8 . The latter allocates memory for the properties of the object instance (300 bytes).

  • The constructor is stored and executed directly in the program body. This is because the constructor is defined in the class text. For experimental purposes, try to place the constructor text into a separate function. You'll see that the constructor will be called from main like any normal function.

  • The @_InitExceptBiockLDTC procedure is inserted by the translator for exception handling. You can remove the information needed for exception handling, which will reduce the size of the executable code. However, you won't be able of using exception-handling operators such as try or catch .

  • When calling some method, at least one parameterthe pointer to the object instanceis always placed into the stack.

Now, consider the fragment, disassembled using IDA Pro, of the same C++ program. This time the program was compiled using the -x option, which for Borland C++ means that exception handling is not supported. As you can see, the program text is considerably simpler in Listing 25.10.

Listing 25.10: Disassembled code of the main function from Listing 25.8 using the -x Borland C++ option
image from book
 .text:00401122 _main proc near  ;  DATA XREF:  .data:0040B0C8 .text:00401122 .text:00401122 argc      = dword ptr 8 .text:00401122 argv      = dword ptr 0Ch .text:00401122 envp      = dword ptr 10h .text:00401122 .text:00401122        PUSH  EBP .text:00401123        MOV   EBP,  ESP .text:00401125        PUSH  EBX .text:00401126        PUSH  12CH .text:0040112B        CALL  UNKNOWN_LIBNAME_8 .text:00401130        POP   ECX .text:00401131        MOV   EBX,  EAX .text:00401133        TEST  EAX,  EAX .text:00401135        JZ    SHORT LOC_40115D .text:00401137        PUSH  OFFSET aHello ; SRC .text:0040113C        PUSH  EBX     ; DEST .text:0040113D        CALL  _STRCPY .text:00401142        ADD   ESP,  8 .text:00401145        PUSH  OFFSET aHello_0  ; src .text:0040114A        LEA   EDX,  [EBX+0C8H] .text:00401150        PUSH  EDX     ; DEST .text:00401151        CALL  _STRCPY .text:00401156        ADD   ESP,  8 .text:00401159        MOV   ECX,  EBX .text:0040115B        JMP   SHORT LOC_40115F .text:0040115D ;------------------------------------------ .text:0040115D .text:0040115D  loc_40115D:; CODE XREF: _main+13 .text:0040115D        MOV    ECX, EBX .text:0040115F .text:0040115F loc_40115F:;  CODE XREF: _main+39 .text:0040115F        MOV    EBX, ECX .text:00401161        PUSH  EBX      ; DEST .text:00401162        CALL  SUB_401108 .text:00401167        POP   ECX .text:00401168        PUSH  EBX      ; CHAR .text:00401169        PUSH  OFFSET aS ; __va_args .text:0040116E        CALL  _PRINTF .text:00401173        ADD   ESP,  8 .text:00401176        PUSH  EBX    ;  handle .text:00401177        CALL  __RTL_CLOSE .text:0040117C        POP   ECX .text:0040117D        XOR   EAX,  EAX .text:0040117F        POP   EBX .text:00401180        POP   EBP .text:00401181        RETN .text:00401181 _main     ENDP 
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The Assembly Programming Master Book
The Assembly Programming Master Book
ISBN: 8170088178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 140
Authors: Vlad Pirogov

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