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C, 6, 45

C#, 7, see also Java

C++, 6, 226, see also Java

c0, c1, c2, etc. (Church numerals), 60

calculus of constructions, 11, 465

call stack and exception handling, 173174

call-by-name evaluation, 57

call-by-need evaluation, 57

call-by-value evaluation, 57

call-by-value Y-combinator, 65

call/cc, see continuations

candidate, reducibility, 150

canonical forms lemma, 96, 105, 190, 405, 458

capture-avoiding substitution, 70

cartesian product type, 126127

casting, 193196, 247264, 357, see also ascription

and abstraction, 194

and reflection, 196

as substitute for polymorphism, 195196

implementation, 196

categorial grammar, 9

category theory, 12

CCS, 34

Cecil, 226, 340

cell, see references

chain, 18

channel types, 200

and subtyping, 200

chapter dependencies, xv

Church encodings

booleans, 5859

in System F, 347353

numerals, 6063

pairs, 60, 396400

records, 396400

subtyping, 396400

Church-Rosser property, 455

Church-style presentation, 111

class, 227, 231

granularity of, 231

classification, type systems as formalisms for, 2

Clean, 338

CLOS, 226, 340

closed set, 282

closed term, 55

closure, 17

property, 289

CLU, 11, 408

codomain of a relation, 16

coercion semantics for subtyping, 200206, 224

coherence, 204206

coinduction, 281313

defined, 282284

collection classes, 195196

colored local type inference, 355

combinator, 55

combinatory logic, 76

complete induction, 19

completely bounded quantification, 431

completeness, 212

composition of substitutions, 318

compositionality, 2

comprehension notation for sets, 15

computation rules, 35, 72

computational effects, 153

concrete rule, 27

concrete syntax, 53

confluence, see Church-Rosser property

congruence rules, 35, 72

conservativity of type analyses, 2, 92, 99100

consistent set, 282

constraint types, 337

constraint-based typing rules, 321326

constructive logic, 108

constructive type theory, 2, 11

constructors, see type operators

contexts, 7678

ML implementation, 8385, 113115

naming, 77

typing, 101

continuations, 178, 377

contractiveness, 300


position in a type, 185

type operator, 473

correctness by construction, 464

countable set, 15

counting subexpressions of μ-types, 304309

course syllabi, xvii


position in a type, 185

type operator, 473

cube, Barendregt, 465

Curry-Howard correspondence, 2, 108109, 341, 429

Curry-style presentation, 111

currying, 58, 73

of type operators, 440

cut elimination, 109

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262 © 2008-2017.
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