

BAC (Budget at Completion). See also budgets ; cost estimates
explanation of, 292
overview of, 122 “123
backward pass, completing, 258 “261
benchmarking, role in planning for quality, 365
benefit-cost analysis, role in planning for quality, 365
Best Enterprises, project charter for, 17 “19
bid document, purpose of, 217
bosses. See managers
bottom-up cost estimates
allowing for change in, 114 “120
implementing, 114 “120
including best- and worst-case scenarios in, 119
tolerance for budget variance in, 120
bottom-up WBS approach, explanation of, 165 “166
budget basics, 112 “113
budget dollars, obtaining, 48 “51
budget estimate, explanation of, 114
budgetary expenses, tracking, 138 “144
budgets. See also BAC (Budget at Completion); cost estimates
creating, 116 “118, 124 “125
dealing with increases in, 336
determining most expensive part of, 127
factoring cost variances into, 127
impact of delays on, 329
management s expectations of, 125 “126
running over, 126
tracking, 300
zero-based budgeting, 127 “129
business case, stating in project charters , 17 “18
business cycles, impact on project deadlines, 20

IT Project Management
IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, Third Edition
ISBN: 0071700439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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