Solutions to Self-Study Exercises

[Page 238]

Solution 5.1

  1. true

  2. false

  3. true

  4. false

  5. false

  6. false

Solution 5.2

0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111 

Solution 5.3

In 6 bits, you can represent 26 = 64 different values.

Solution 5.4

If you have to represent up to 12 significant digits, you should use double, which goes up to 17 digits.

Solution 5.5

  1. 4

  2. 4

  3. 0

  4. 1

  5. 2

  6. 6

  7. 0

  8. 4

Solution 5.6

  1. 4.0

  2. 4.5

  3. 0

  4. 0.0

  5. 1.33

Solution 5.7

  1. 7 int

  2. 30 long

  3. 14.0 double

  4. 90 long

  5. 4.0 double

Solution 5.8

  1. 34.0

  2. 54

  3. 4

  4. 1

  5. 6

  6. 0

  7. 2

  8. 7.5

Solution 5.9

  1. k==5, j==5

  2. k==5, j==6

  3. k==6, j==6

  4. k==5, j==4

  5. k==4, j==4

Solution 5.10

  1. k==15, j==5

  2. k==5, j==6

  3. k==120, j==6

  4. k==0, j==4

  5. k==0, j==5

Solution 5.11

k = k + 1; k += 1; k++; ++k;

Solution 5.12

  1. m = 5

  2. m = 6

  3. m = 15

  4. m = 50

  5. m = 70

Solution 5.13

  1. false

  2. false

  3. true

  4. illegal

  5. true

  6. illegal

  7. false

Solution 5.14

public class TemperatureUI { private KeyboardReader reader;                   // Handles command line I/O   public TemperatureUI()    { reader = new KeyboardReader();                // Create reader object    }    // Input-process-output algorithm to convert temperatures.    public void run()    { reader.prompt("Converts Fahrenheit and Celsius.\n");      reader.prompt("Input a temperature in Fahrenheit > ");      double tempIn = reader.getKeyboardDouble();      double tempResult = Temperature.fahrToCels(tempIn);      reader.display(tempIn + " F = " + tempResult + " C\n");      reader.prompt("Input a temperature in Celsius > ");      tempIn = reader.getKeyboardDouble();      tempResult = Temperature.celsToFahr(tempIn);      reader.display(tempIn + " C = " + tempResult + " F\n ");   } // run()    public static void main(String args[])    { TemperatureUI ui = new TemperatureUI();       // Create and;                                     // run the user interface.    } // main()  } // TemperatureUI class 

[Page 239]
Solution 5.15

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;   // Use this panel with a JApplet top-level window (as per Chapter 4) public class TemperatureJPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private JTextField inField = new JTextField(15);    // GUI components   private JTextField resultField = new JTextField(15);   private JLabel prompt1 = new JLabel("Input Temperature >>");   private JLabel prompt2 = new JLabel("Conversion Result:");   private JButton celsToFahr = new JButton("C to F");   private JButton fahrToCels = new JButton("F to C");   private JPanel panelN = new JPanel();               // Panels   private JPanel panelC = new JPanel();   private JPanel panelS = new JPanel();   private Temperature temperature = new Temperature();// Temperature object   public TemperatureJPanel()                          // Set up user interface   { setLayout(new BorderLayout());                    // Use BorderLayout     panelN.setLayout(new BorderLayout());     panelC.setLayout(new BorderLayout());     panelS.setLayout(new BorderLayout());     panelN.add("North", prompt1);                     // Input elements     panelN.add("South", inField);     panelC.add("West", celsToFahr);                   // Control buttons     panelC.add("East", fahrToCels);     panelS.add("North", prompt2);                     // Output elements     panelS.add("South", resultField);     add("North", panelN);                             // Input at the top     add("Center", panelC);                            // Buttons in the center     add("South", panelS);                             // Result at the bottom     celsToFahr.addActionListener(this);               // Register with listeners     fahrToCels.addActionListener(this);     setSize(175,200);   } // TemperatureJPanel()   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)   { String inputStr = inField.getText();              // User's input     double userInput = double.parseDouble(inputStr);  // Convert to double     double result = 0;     if (e.getSource() == celsToFahr) {                // Process and report       result = temperature.celsToFahr(userInput);       resultField.setText(inputStr + " C = " + result + " F");     } else {       result = temperature.fahrToCels(userInput);       resultField.setText(inputStr + " F = " + result + " C");     }   } // actionPerformed() } // TemperatureJPanel class 

[Page 240]
Solution 5.16

public class KBTestOneRowNim {  public static void main(String argv[])    {  KeyboardReader kb = new KeyboardReader();       OneRowNim game = new OneRowNim(11);       while(game.gameOver() == false)       {;                            // Prompt the user          System.out.print("Input 1, 2, or 3: ");          int sticks = kb.getKeyboardInteger();     // Get move          game.takeSticks(sticks);                  // Do move          System.out.println();       } // while;                               // The game is now over       System.out.print("Game won by player ");       System.out.println(game.getWinner());    } // main() } // KBTestOneRowNim class 

Solution 5.17

The new version of OneRowNim should run properly with the user interface from Chapter 4. This shows that our new definition for OneRowNim is backward compatible with the old user interface. This is a good thing.

Solution 5.18

public class NimPlayer {  private OneRowNim nim;    public NimPlayer (OneRowNim game)    {  nim = game;    } // NimPlayer()    public int move()    {  int sticksLeft = nim.getSticks();       if (sticksLeft % (nim.MAX_PICKUP + 1) != 1)          return (sticksLeft - 1) % (nim.MAX_PICKUP +1);       else       {  int maxPickup = Math.min(nim.MAX_PICKUP, sticksLeft);          return 1 + (int)(Math.random() * maxPickup);       } // else    } // move() } // NimPlayer class 

[Page 241]
Solution 5.19

public class KBComputerNim { public static void main(String argv[])    {   KeyboardReader kb = new KeyboardReader();      OneRowNim game = new OneRowNim(OneRowNim.MAX_STICKS);      NimPlayer computer = new NimPlayer(game);      System.out.println("Let's play One Row Nim");      while(game.gameOver() == false) {        if (game.getPlayer() == game.PLAYER_ONE)        { kb.prompt("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks() + "Your move.");// Prompt          kb.prompt("You can pick up between 1 and " +            Math.min(game.MAX_PICKUP,game.getSticks()) +" :");          int sticks = kb.getKeyboardInteger();           // Get move          game.takeSticks(sticks);                        // Do move        } else        { kb.prompt("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks() + " My move. ");          int sticks = computer.move();          game.takeSticks(sticks);          System.out.println("I take " + sticks);        } // else      } // while                                                          // The game is now over      kb.display("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks());      if (game.getWinner() == game.PLAYER_ONE)        System.out.println(" You win. Nice game!");      else        System.out.println(" I win. Nice game!");    } // main() } // KBComputerNim class 

Solution 5.20

public class BankCD { private double principal;                    // The CD's initial principal    private double rate;                        // CD's interest rate    private double years;                       // Number of years to maturity    public BankCD(double p, double r, double y)    {   principal = p;      rate = r;      years = y;    } // BandCD()    public double calcYearly()    {   return principal * Math.pow(1 + rate, years);    } // calcYearly()    public double calcDaily()    {   return principal * Math.pow(1 + rate/365, years*365);    } // calcDaily() } // BankCD class 

[Page 242]
Solution 5.21

import java.text.NumberFormat;  // For formatting $nn.dd or n% public class TestBankCD { private KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader();   private NumberFormat dollars = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();   private NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();   private BankCD cd;   public void run()   { reader.display("Compares daily and annual compounding for a CD.\n");     reader.prompt("Input the CD's initial principal, e.g. 1000.55 > ");     double principal = reader.getKeyboardDouble();     reader.prompt("Input the CD's interest rate, e.g. 6.5 > ");     double rate = reader.getKeyboardDouble() / 100.0;     reader.prompt("Input the number of years to maturity, e.g., 10.5 > ");     double years = reader.getKeyboardDouble();     cd = new BankCD(principal, rate, years);     percent.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);     System.out.println(" For Principal = " + dollars.format(principal) +                        " Rate = " + percent.format(rate) +                        " Years = " + years);     double cdAnnual = cd.calcYearly();                  // Compounded yearly     double cdDaily = cd.calcDaily();                    // Compounded annually     System.out.println(" The maturity value compounded yearly is " +                    dollars.format(cdAnnual));     System.out.println(" The maturity value compounded daily is: " +                    dollars.format(cdDaily));   } // run()   public static void main( String args[] )   { TestBankCD cd = new TestBankCD();;   } // main() } // TestBankCD class 

Solution 5.22

  1. valid

  2. valid

  3. ch2 = (char)n;

  4. valid

  5. ch1 = (char)(m-n);

Java, Java, Java(c) Object-Orienting Problem Solving
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0131474340
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 275 © 2008-2017.
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