8.1 Security Planning

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Years ago, when most computing was done on mainframe computers, data processing centers were responsible for protection. Responsibility for security rested neither with the programmers nor the users but instead with the computing centers themselves . These centers developed expertise in security, and they implemented many protection activities in the background, without users having to be conscious of protection needs and practices.

Since the early 1980s, the introduction of personal computers and the general ubiquity of computing have changed the way many of us work and interact with computers. In particular, a significant amount of the responsibility for security has shifted to the user and away from the computing center. But many users are unaware of (or choose to ignore) this responsibility, so they do not deal with the risks posed or do not implement simple measures to prevent or mitigate problems.

Unfortunately, there are many common examples of this neglect. Moreover, it is exacerbated by the seemingly hidden nature of important data: Things we would protect if they were on paper are ignored when they are stored electronically . For example, a person who carefully locks up paper copies of company confidential records overnight may leave running a personal computer or terminal on an assistant's or manager's desk. In this situation, a curious or malicious person walking past can retrieve confidential memoranda and data. Similarly, the data on laptops and workstations are often more easily available than on older, more isolated systems. For instance, the large and cumbersome disk packs and tapes from a few years ago have been replaced by media such as diskettes, zip disks, and CDs, which hold a similar volume of data but fit easily in a pocket or briefcase. Moreover, we all recognize that a box of CDs or diskettes may contain many times more data than a printed report. But since the report is an apparent, visible exposure and the CD or diskette is not, we leave the computer media in plain view, easy to borrow or steal.

In all cases, whether the user initiates some computing action or simply interacts with an active application, every application has confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements that relate to the data, programs, and computing machinery. In these situations, users suffer from lack of sensitivity: They often do not appreciate the security risks associated with using computers.

For these reasons, every organization using computers to create and store valuable assets should perform thorough and effective security planning. A security plan is a document that describes how an organization will address its security needs. The plan is subject to periodic review and revision as the organization's security needs change.

A good security plan is an official record of current security practices, plus a blueprint for orderly change to improve those practices. By following the plan, developers and users can measure the effect of proposed changes, leading eventually to further improvements. The impact of the security plan is important, too. A carefully written plan, supported by management, notifies employees that security is important to management (and therefore to everyone). Thus, the security plan has to have the appropriate content and produce the desired effects.

In this section we study how to define and implement a security plan. We focus on three aspects of writing a security plan: what it should contain, who writes it, and how to obtain support for it. Then, we address two specific cases of security plans: business continuity plans, to ensure that an organization continues to function in spite of a computer security incident, and incident response plans, to organize activity to deal with the crisis of an incident.

Contents of a Security Plan

A security plan identifies and organizes the security activities for a computing system. The plan is both a description of the current situation and a plan for improvement. Every security plan must address seven issues.

  • policy, indicating the goals of a computer security effort and the willingness of the people involved to work to achieve those goals

  • current state, describing the status of security at the time of the plan

  • requirements, recommending ways to meet the security goals

  • recommended controls , mapping controls to the vulnerabilities identified in the policy and requirements

  • accountability, describing who is responsible for each security activity

  • timetable, identifying when different security functions are to be done

  • continuing attention, specifying a structure for periodically updating the security plan

There are many approaches to creating and updating a security plan. Some organizations have a formal, defined security planning process, much as they might have a defined and accepted development or maintenance process. Others look to security professionals for guidance on how to perform security planning. For example, Sidebar 8-1 describes a security planning methodology suggested by the U.S. Software Engineering Institute and made available on its web site. But every security plan contains the same basic material, no matter the format. The following sections expand on the seven parts of a security plan.

1. Policy

A security plan must state the organization's policy on security. A security policy is a highlevel statement of purpose and intent. Initially, you might think that all policies would be the same: to prevent security breaches. But in fact the policy is one of the most difficult sections to write well. As we discuss later in this chapter, there are tradeoffs among the strength of the security, the cost, the inconvenience to users, and more. For example, we must decide whether to implement very stringentand possibly unpopularcontrols that prevent all security problems or simply mitigate the effects of security breaches once they happen. For this reason, the policy statement must answer three essential questions:

Sidebar 8-1 The OCTAVE SM Methodology

The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University has created a framework for building a security plan. (See [ALB99].) The framework, called OCTAVE, includes eight steps:

  1. Identify enterprise knowledge.

  2. Identify operational area knowledge.

  3. Identify staff knowledge.

  4. Establish security requirements.

  5. Map highpriority information assets to information infrastructure.

  6. Perform an infrastructure vulnerability evaluation.

  7. Conduct a multidimensional risk analysis.

  8. Develop a protection strategy.

These steps lead a project manager or security analyst in determining the security risks and finding controls to address them. The OCTAVE web site (www.cert.org/octave) contains detailed information and checklists to guide the planning process.

  • Who should be allowed access?

  • To what system and organizational resources should access be allowed?

  • What types of access should each user be allowed for each resource ?

The policy statement should specify the following:

  • The organization's goals on security. For example, should the system protect data from leakage to outsiders, protect against loss of data due to physical disaster, protect the data's integrity, or protect against loss of business when computing resources fail? What is the higher priority: serving customers or securing data?

  • Where the responsibility for security lies. For example, should the responsibility rest with a small computer security group , with each employee, or with relevant managers?

  • The organization's commitment to security. For example, who provides security support for staff, and where does security fit into the organization's structure?

2. Current Security Status

To be able to plan for security, an organization must understand the vulnerabilities to which it may be exposed. The organization can determine the vulnerabilities by performing a risk analysis : a careful investigation of the system, its environment, and the things that might go wrong. The risk analysis forms the basis for describing the current status of security. The status can be expressed as a listing of organizational assets, the security threats to the assets, and the controls in place to protect the assets. We look at risk analysis in more detail later in this chapter.

The status portion of the plan also defines the limits of responsibility for security. It describes not only which assets are to be protected but also who is responsible for protecting them. The plan may note that some groups may be excluded from responsibility; for example, joint ventures with other organizations may designate one organization to provide security for all member organizations. The plan also defines the boundaries of responsibility, especially when networks are involved. For instance, the plan should clarify who provides the security for a network router or for a leased line to a remote site.

Even though the security plan should be thorough, there will necessarily be vulnerabilities that are not considered . These vulnerabilities are not always the result of ignorance or navet; rather, they can arise from the addition of new equipment or data as the system evolves. They can also result from new situations, such as when a system is used in ways not anticipated by its designers. The security plan should detail the process to be followed when someone identifies a new vulnerability. In particular, instructions should explain how to integrate controls for that vulnerability into the existing security procedures.

3. Requirements

The heart of the security plan is its set of security requirements : functional or performance demands placed on a system to ensure a desired level of security. The requirements are usually derived from organizational needs. Sometimes these needs include the need to conform to specific security requirements imposed from outside, such as by a government agency or a commercial standard.

Pfleeger [PFL91] points out that we must distinguish the requirements from constraints and controls. A constraint is an aspect of the security policy that constrains, circumscribes, or directs the implementation of the requirements. As we learned in Chapter 1, a control is an action, device, procedure, or technique that removes or reduces a vulnerability. To see the difference among the three, consider the six "requirements" of the U.S. Department of Defense's TCSEC, introduced in Chapter 5. These six items are listed in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. The Six "Requirements" of the TCSEC.

Security policy

There must be an explicit and welldefined security policy enforced by the system.


Every subject must be uniquely and convincingly identified. Identification is necessary so that subject/object access can be checked.


Every object must be associated with a label that indicates its security level. The association must be done so that the label is available for comparison each time an access to the object is requested .


The system must maintain complete, secure records of actions that affect security. Such actions include introducing new users to the system, assigning or changing the security level of a subject or an object, and denying access attempts.


The computing system must contain mechanisms that enforce security, and it must be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of these mechanisms.

Continuous protection

The mechanisms that implement security must be protected against unauthorized change.

Given our definitions of requirement, constraint, and control, it is easy to see that the first "requirement" of the TCSEC is really a constraint: the security policy. The second and third "requirements" describe mechanisms for enforcing security, not descriptions of required behaviors. That is, the second and third "requirements" describe explicit implementations , not a general characteristic or property that the system must have. However, the fourth, fifth, and sixth TCSEC "requirements" are indeed true requirements. They state that the system must have certain characteristics, but they do not enforce a particular implementation.

These distinctions are important because the requirements explain what should be accomplished, not how . That is, the requirements should always leave the implementation details to the designers, whenever possible. For example, rather than writing a requirement that certain data records should require passwords for access (an implementation decision), a security planner should state only that access to the data records should be restricted (and note to whom the access should be restricted). This more flexible requirement allows the designers to decide among several other access controls (such as access control lists) and to balance the security requirements with other system requirements, such as performance and reliability. Figure 8-1 illustrates how the different aspects of system analysis support the security planning process.

Figure 8-1. Inputs to the Security Plan.


As with the general software development process, the security planning process must allow customers or users to specify desired functions, independent of the implementation. The requirements should address all aspects of security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. They should also be reviewed to make sure that they are of appropriate quality. In particular, we should make sure that the requirements have these characteristics:

  • Correctness : Are the requirements understandable? Are they stated without error?

  • Consistency : Are there any conflicting or ambiguous requirements?

  • Completeness : Are all possible situations addressed by the requirements?

  • Realism : Is it possible to implement what the requirements mandate ?

  • Need : Are the requirements unnecessarily restrictive ?

  • Verifiability : Can tests be written to demonstrate conclusively and objectively that the requirements have been met? Can the system or its functionality be measured in some way that will assess the degree to which the requirements are met?

  • Traceability : Can each requirement be traced to the functions and data related to it so that changes in a requirement can lead to easy reevaluation ?

The requirements may then be constrained by budget, schedule, performance, policies, governmental regulations, and more. Given the requirements and constraints, the developers then choose appropriate controls.

4. Recommended Controls

The security requirements lay out the system's needs in terms of what should be protected. The security plan must also recommend what controls should be incorporated into the system to meet those requirements. Throughout this book you have seen many examples of controls, so we do not need to review them here. As we see later in this chapter, we can use risk analysis to create a map from vulnerabilities to controls. The mapping tells us how the system will meet the security requirements. That is, the recommended controls address implementation issues: how the system will be designed and developed to meet stated security requirements.

5. Responsibility for Implementation

A section of the security plan should identify which people are responsible for implementing the security requirements. This documentation assists those who must coordinate their individual responsibilities with those of other developers. At the same time, the plan makes explicit who is accountable should some requirement not be met or some vulnerability not be addressed. That is, the plan notes who is responsible for implementing controls when a new vulnerability is discovered or a new kind of asset is introduced.

Many roles are played by people building, using, and maintaining the system. Each role can take some responsibility for one or more aspects of security. Consider, for example, the groups listed below.

  • Personal computer users may be responsible for the security of their own machines. Alternatively, the security plan may designate one person or group to be coordinator of personal computer security.

  • Project leaders may be responsible for the security of data and computations .

  • Managers may be responsible for seeing that the people they supervise implement security measures.

  • Database administrators may be responsible for the access to and integrity of data in their databases.

  • Information officers may be responsible for overseeing the creation and use of data; these officers may also be responsible for retention and proper disposal of data.

  • Personnel staff members may be responsible for security involving employees, for example, screening potential employees for trustworthiness and arranging security training programs.

6. Timetable

A comprehensive security plan cannot be executed instantly. The security plan includes a timetable that shows how and when the elements of the plan will be performed. These dates also give milestones so that management can track the progress of implementation.

If the implementation is to be a phased development (that is, the system will be implemented partially at first, and then changed functionality or performance will be added in later releases), the plan should also describe how the security requirements will be implemented over time. Even when overall development is not phased, it may be desirable to implement the security aspects of the system over time. For example, if the controls are expensive or complicated, they may be acquired and implemented gradually. Similarly, procedural controls may require staff training to ensure that everyone understands and accepts the reason for the control.

The plan should specify the order in which the controls are to be implemented so that the most serious exposures are covered as soon as possible. A timetable also gives milestones by which to judge the progress of the security program.

Furthermore, the plan must be extensible. Conditions will change: New equipment will be acquired, new degrees and modes of connectivity will be requested, and new threats will be identified. The plan must include a procedure for change and growth, so that the security aspects of changes are considered as a part of preparing for the change, not for adding security after the change has been made. The plan should also contain a schedule for periodic review. Even though there may have been no obvious, major growth, most organizations experience modest change on a daily basis. At some point the cumulative impact of the change is enough to require the plan to be modified.

7. Continuing Attention

Good intentions are not enough when it comes to security. We must not only take care in defining requirements and controls, but we must also find ways for evaluating a system's security to be sure that the system is as secure as we intend it to be. Thus, the security plan must call for reviewing the security situation periodically. As users, data, and equipment change, new exposures may develop. In addition, the current means of control may become obsolete or ineffective (such as when faster processor times enable attackers to break an encryption algorithm). The inventory of objects and the list of controls should periodically be scrutinized and updated, and risk analysis performed anew. The security plan should set times for these periodic reviews, based either on calendar time (such as, review the plan every nine months) or on the nature of system changes (such as, review the plan after every major system release).

Security Planning Team Members

Who performs the security analysis, recommends a security program, and writes the security plan? As with any such comprehensive task, these activities are likely to be performed by a committee that represents all the interests involved. The size of the committee depends on the size and complexity of the computing organization and the degree of its commitment to security. Organizational behavior studies suggest that the optimum size for a working committee is between five and nine members. Sometimes a larger committee may serve as an oversight body to review and comment on the products of a smaller working committee. Alternatively, a large committee might designate subcommittees to address various sections of the plan.

The membership of a computer security planning team must somehow relate to the different aspects of computer security described in this book. Security in operating systems and networks requires the cooperation of the systems administration staff. Program security measures can be understood and recommended by applications programmers. Physical security controls are implemented by those responsible for general physical security, both against human attacks and natural disasters. Finally, because controls affect system users, the plan should incorporate users' views, especially with regard to usability and the general desirability of controls.

Thus, no matter how it is organized, a security planning team should represent each of the following groups.

  • computer hardware group

  • system administrators

  • systems programmers

  • applications programmers

  • data entry personnel

  • physical security personnel

  • representative users

In some cases, a group can be adequately represented by someone who is consulted at appropriate times, rather than a committee member from each possible constituency being enlisted.

Assuring Commitment to a Security Plan

After the plan is written, it must be accepted and its recommendations carried out. Acceptance by the organization is key; a plan that has no organizational commitment is simply a plan that collects dust on the shelf. Commitment to the plan means that security functions will be implemented and security activities carried out. Three groups of people must contribute to making the plan a success.

  • The planning team must be sensitive to the needs of each group affected by the plan.

  • Those affected by the security recommendations must understand what the plan means for the way they will use the system and perform their business activities. In particular, they must see how what they do can affect other users and other systems.

  • Management must be committed to using and enforcing the security aspects of the system.

Education and publicity can help people to understand and accept a security plan. Acceptance involves not only the letter but also the spirit of the security controls. Recall from Chapter 4 the employee who went through 24 password changes at a time to get back to a favorite password, in a system that prevented use of any of the 23 most recently used passwords. Clearly, the employee either did not understand or did not agree with the reason for restrictions on passwords. If people understand the need for recommended controls and accept them as sensible , they will use the controls properly and effectively. If people think the controls are bothersome, capricious, or counterproductive, they will work to avoid or subvert them.

Management commitment is obtained through understanding. But this understanding is not just a function of what makes sense technologically; it also involves knowing the cause and the potential effects of lack of security. Managers must also weigh tradeoffs in terms of convenience and cost. The plan must present a picture of how cost effective the controls are, especially when compared to potential losses if security is breached without the controls. Thus, proper presentation of the plan is essential, in terms that relate to management as well as technical concerns.

Remember that some managers are not computing specialists. Instead, the system supports a manager who is an expert in some other business function, such as banking, medical technology, or sports. In such cases, the security plan must present security risks in language that the managers understand. It is important to avoid technical jargon and to educate the readers about the nature of the perceived security risks in the context of the business the system supports. Sometimes outside experts can bridge the gap between the managers' business and security.

Management is often reticent to allocate funds for controls until the value of those controls is explained. As we note in the next section, the results of a risk analysis can help communicate the financial tradeoffs and benefits of implementing controls. By describing vulnerabilities in financial terms and in the context of ordinary business activities (such as leaking data to a competitor or an outsider), security planners can help managers understand the need for controls.

The plans we have just discussed are part of normal business. They address how a business handles computer security needs. Similar plans might address how to increase sales or improve product quality, so these planning activities should be a natural part of management.

Next we turn to two particular kinds of business plans that address specific security problems: coping with and controlling activity during security incidents.

Business Continuity Plans

Small companies working on a low profit margin can literally be put out of business by a computer incident. Large, financially sound businesses can weather a modest incident that interrupts their use of computers for a while, although it is painful to them. But even rich companies do not want to spend money unnecessarily. The analysis is sometimes as simple as no computers means no customers means no sales means no profit.

Government agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations also have limited budgets , which they want to use to further their needs. They may not have a direct profit motive, but being able to meet the needs of their customersthe public, students, and constituentspartially determines how well they will fare in the future. All kinds of organizations must plan for ways to cope with emergency situations.

A business continuity plan [1] documents how a business will continue to function during a computer security incident. An ordinary security plan covers computer security during normal times and deals with protecting against a wide range of vulnerabilities from the usual sources. A business continuity plan deals with situations having two characteristics:

[1] The standard terminology is "business continuity plan," even though such a plan is needed by and applies to a university's "business" of educating students or a government's "business" of serving the public.

  • catastrophic situations, in which all or a major part of a computing capability is suddenly unavailable

  • long duration, in which the outage is expected to last for so long that business will suffer

There are many situations in which a business continuity plan would be helpful. Here are some examples that typify what you might find in reading your daily news paper:

  • A fire destroys a company's entire network.

  • A seemingly permanent failure of a critical software component renders the computing system unusable.

  • A business must deal with the abrupt failure of its supplier of electricity, telecommunications, network access, or other critical service.

  • A flood prevents the essential network support staff from getting to the operations center.

As you can see, these examples are likely to recur, and each disables a vital function.

You may also have noticed how often "the computer" is blamed for an inability to provide a service or product. For instance, the clerk in a shop is unable to use the cash register because "the computer is down." You may have a CD in your hand, plus exactly the cash to pay for it. But the clerk will not take your money and send you on your way. Often, computer service is restored shortly. But sometimes it is not. Once we were delayed for over an hour in an airport because of an electrical storm that caused a power failure and disabled the airlines' computers. Although our tickets showed clearly our reservations on a particular flight, the airline agents refused to let anyone board because they could not assign seats. As the computer remained down, the agents were frantic [2] because the technology was delaying the flight and, more importantly, disrupting hundreds of connections.

[2] The obvious, at least to us, idea of telling passengers to "sit in any seat" seemed to be against airline policy.

The key to coping with such disasters is advance planning and preparation, identifying activities that will keep a business viable when the computing technology is disabled. The steps in business continuity planning are these:

  • Assess the business impact of a crisis.

  • Develop a strategy to control impact.

  • Develop and implement a plan for the strategy

Assess Business Impact

To assess the impact of a failure on your business, you begin by asking two key questions:

  • What are the essential assets ? What are the things that will prevent the business from doing business? Answers are typically of the form "the network," "the customer reservations database," or "the system controlling traffic lights."

  • What could disrupt use of these assets ? The vulnerability is more important than the threat agent. For example, whether destroyed by a fire or zapped in an electrical storm, the network is nevertheless down. Answers might be "failure," "corrupted," or "loss of power."

You probably will find only a handful of key assets when doing this analysis.

Do not overlook people and the things they need for support, such as documentation and communications equipment. Another way to think about your assets is to ask yourself, "What is the minimum set of things or activities needed to keep business operational, at least to some degree?" If a manual system would compensate for a failed computer system, albeit inefficiently, you may want to consider building such a manual system as a potential critical asset. Think of the airline unable to assign seats from a chart of the cabin .

Later in this chapter we study risk analysis, a comprehensive examination of assets, vulnerabilities, and controls. For business continuity planning we do not need a full risk analysis. Instead, we focus on only those things that are critical to continued operation. We also look at larger classes of objects, such as "the network," whose loss or compromise can have catastrophic effect.

Develop Strategy

The continuity strategy investigates how the key assets can be safeguarded. In some cases, a backup copy of data or redundant hardware or an alternative manual process is good enough. Sometimes, the most reasonable answer is reduced capacity. For example, a planner might conclude that if the call center in London fails, the business can divert all calls to Tokyo. It is possible, though, that the staff in Tokyo cannot handle the full load of the London traffic; this situation may result in irritated or even lost customers, but at least some business can be transacted.

Ideally, you would like to continue business with no loss. But with catastrophic failures, usually only a portion of the business function can be preserved. In this case, you must develop a strategy appropriate for your business and customers. For instance, you can decide whether it is better to preserve half of function A and half of B, or most of A and none of B.

You also must consider the time frame in which business is done. Some catastrophes last longer than others. For example, rebuilding after a fire is a long process and implies a long time in disaster mode. Your strategy may have several steps, each dependent on how long the business is disabled. Thus, you may take one action in response to a onehour outage, and another if the outage might last a day or longer.

Because you are planning in advance, you have the luxury of being able to think about possible circumstances and evaluate alternatives. For instance, you may realize that if the Tokyo site takes on work for the disabled London site, there will be a significant difference in time zones. It may be better to divert morning calls to Tokyo and afternoon ones to Dallas, to avoid asking Tokyo workers to work extra hours.

The result of a strategy analysis is a selection of the best actions, organized by circumstances. The strategy can then be used as the basis for your business continuity plan.

Develop Plan

The business continuity plan specifies several important things:

  • who is in charge when an incident occurs

  • what to do

  • who does it

The plan justifies making advance arrangements, such as acquiring redundant equipment, arranging for data backups , and stockpiling supplies , before the catastrophe. The plan also justifies advance training so that people know how they should react . In a catastrophe there will be confusion; you do not want to add confused people to the already severe problem.

The person in charge declares the state of emergency and instructs people to follow the procedures documented in the plan. The person in charge also declares when the emergency is over and conditions can revert to normal.

Thus, the business continuity planning addresses how to maintain some degree of critical business activity in spite of a catastrophe. Its focus is on keeping the business viable. It is based on the asset survey, which focuses on only a few critical assets and serious vulnerabilities that could threaten operation for a long or undetermined period of time.

The focus of the business continuity plan is to keep the business going while someone else addresses the crisis. That is, the business continuity plan does not include calling the fire department or evacuating the building, important though those steps are. The focus of a business continuity plan is the business and how to keep it functioning to the degree possible in the situation. Handling the emergency is someone else's problem.

Now we turn to a different plan that deals specifically with computer crises .

Incident Response Plans

An incident response plan tells the staff how to deal with a security incident. In contrast to the business continuity plan, the goal of incident response is handling the current security incident, without regard for the business issues. The security incident may at the same time be a business catastrophe, as addressed by the business continuity plan. But as a specific security event, it might be less than catastrophic (that is, it may not interrupt business severely) but could be a serious breach of security, such as a hacker attack or a case of internal fraud. An incident could be a single event, a series of events, or an ongoing problem.

An incident response plan should

  • define what constitutes an incident

  • identify who is responsible for taking charge of the situation

  • describe the plan of action

The plan usually has three phases : advance planning, triage, and running the incident. A fourth phase, review, is useful after the situation abates so that this incident can lead to improvement for future incidents.

Advance Planning

As with all planning functions, advance planning works best because people can think logically, unhurried, and without pressure. What constitutes an incident may be vague. We cannot know the details of an incident in advance. Typical characteristics include harm or risk of harm to computer systems, data, or processing; initial uncertainty as to the extent of damage; and similar uncertainty as to the source or method of the incident. For example, you can see that the file is missing or the home page has been defaced , but you do not know how or by whom or what other damage there may be.

In organizations that have not done incident planning, chaos may develop at this point. Someone calls the network manager. Someone sends email to the help desk. Someone calls the FBI, the CERT, the newspapers, or the fire department. People start to investigate on their own, without coordinating with the relevant staff in other departments, agencies, or businesses. And there is a lot of conversation, rumor, and misinformation : more heat than light.

With an incident response plan in place, everybody is trained in advance to call the designated leader. There is an established list of people to call, in order, in case the first person is unavailable. The leader decides what to do next, and he or she begins by determining if this is a real incident or a false alarm. Indeed, natural events sometimes look like incidents, and the facts of the situation should be established first. If the leader decides this may be a real incident, he or she invokes the response team.

Response Team

The response team is the set of people charged with responding to the incident. The response team may include

  • director : person in charge of the incident, who decides what actions to take and when to terminate the response. The director is typically a management employee.

  • lead technician : person who directs and coordinates the response. The lead technician decides where to focus attention, analyzes situation data, documents the incident and how it was handled, and calls for other technical people to assist with the analysis.

  • advisor(s) : legal, human resources, or public relations staff members as appropriate.

In a small incident a single person can handle more than one of these roles. Nevertheless, it is important that there be a single person in charge, a single person who directs the response work, a single point of contact for "insiders" (employees, users), and a single point of contact for "the public."

To develop policy and identify a response team, you need to consider certain matters.

  • Legal issues : An incident has legal ramifications . In some countries , computer intrusions are illegal, so law enforcement officials must be involved in the investigation. In other places, you have discretion in deciding whether to ask law enforcement to participate. In addition to criminal action, you may be able to bring a civil case. Both kinds of legal action have serious implications for the response. For example, evidence must be gathered and maintained in specific ways in order to be usable in court . Similarly, laws may limit what you can do against the alleged attacker: Cutting off a connection is probably acceptable, but launching a retaliatory denialofservice attack may not be.

  • Preserving evidence : The most common reaction in an incident is to assume the cause was internal or accidental. For instance, you may surmise that the hardware has failed or that the software isn't working correctly. The staff may be directed to change the configuration, reload the software, reboot the system, or similarly attempt to resolve the problem by adjusting the software. Unfortunately, each of these acts can irreparably distort or destroy evidence. When dealing with a possible incident, do as little as possible before "dusting for fingerprints ."

  • Records : It may be difficult to remember what you have already done: Have you already reloaded a particular file? What steps got you to the prompt asking for the new DNS server's address? If you call in an outside forensic investigator or the police, you will need to tell exactly what you have already done.

  • Public relations : In handling an incident your organization should speak with one voice. You risk sending confusing messages if too many people speak. It is especially important that only one person speak publicly if legal action may be taken. An unguarded comment may tip off the attacker or have a negative effect on the case. You can simply say that an incident occurred, tell briefly and generally what it was, and state that the incident is now under control and normal operation is resuming.

After the Incident Is Resolved

Eventually, the incident response team closes the case. At this point it will hold a review after the incident to consider two things:

  • Is any security control action to be taken ? Did an intruder compromise a system because security patches were not up to date; if so, should there be a procedure to ensure that patches are applied when they become available? Was access obtained because of a poorly chosen password; if so, should there be a campaign to educate users on how to strong passwords? If there were control failures, what should be done to prevent similar attacks in the future?

  • Did the incident response plan work ? Did everyone know whom to notify? Did the team have needed resources? Was the response fast enough? What should be done differently next time?

The incident response plan ensures that incidents are handled promptly, efficiently , and with minimal harm.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129

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