Chapter 6. Database Security

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In this chapter:

  • Integrity for databases: record integrity, data correctness, update integrity

  • Security for databases: access control, inference, and aggregation

  • Multilevel secure databases: partitioned, cryptographically sealed, filtered

Protecting data is at the heart of many secure systems, and many users (people, programs, or systems) rely on a database management system (DBMS) to manage the protection. For this reason, we devote this chapter to the security of database management systems, as an example of how application security can be designed and implemented for a specific task. There is substantial current interest in DBMS security because databases are newer than programming and operating systems. Databases are essential to many business and government organizations, holding data that reflect the organization's core competencies. Often, when business processes are reengineered to make them more effective and more in tune with new or revised goals, one of the first systems to receive careful scrutiny is the set of databases supporting the business processes. Thus, databases are more than software- related repositories. Their organization and contents are considered valuable corporate assets that must be carefully protected.

However, the protection provided by database management systems has had mixed results. Over time, we have improved our understanding of database security problems, and several good controls have been developed. But, as you will see, there are still more security concerns for which there are no available controls.

We begin this chapter with a brief summary of database terminology. Then we consider the security requirements for database management systems. Two major security problems ”integrity and secrecy ”are explained in a database context. The chapter concludes by studying two major (but related) database security problems, the inference problem and the multilevel problem. Both problems are complex, and there are no immediate solutions. However, by understanding the problems, we become more sensitive to ways of reducing potential threats to the data.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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