Chapter 7: Closing Remarks - Distributing Your Software


The really exciting part comes now that you have the skills to start making your own games and simulations. Being immersed in your own creativity is the greatest high that you will ever feel, and making your own games will give you this feeling in spades.

There is still quite a bit for you to learn about Jamagic since this book just focuses on the fundamentals. The Help section in Jamagic is very useful; take the time to go through it carefully . It consists of a reference section that explains the commands used for the programs in this book and much more. Also included are scores of sample programs of varying complexity ”you can learn a tremendous amount from going through them with care.

Also take the time to look at all of the sounds, music, and great 3D objects that you will find on the CD-ROM when you purchase the full-capability Jamagic version. You will find that these are almost indispensable for your games and that they will spark your creativity.

If you wish to distribute games to your friends or for sale, you must purchase the Jamagic software from . You cannot make stand-alone games with the limited-capability version of Jamagic that comes with this book. In other words, only people with Jamagic loaded on their computers will be able to use the programs you make with this limited-capability version.

To make a stand-alone game once you have the full-capability Jamagic version, simply go to File on your Jamagic screen, and click Build. Your program will be stored under Debug if you have configured Jamagic as instructed in this book, and it will have an .exe extension.

Jamagic allows you to distribute for sale any games that you create using their full-capability software, but please read all of the provisions that you must agree to very carefully when you load the software into your computer.

The author hopes that the readers of this book experience as much pleasure making games as he has. Also, an advanced version of this book will soon follow. Please keep a lookout for it!

Please feel free to send any positive or negative comments to the author through the publisher.

Elementary Game Programming and Simulators Using Jamagic
Elementary Game Programming & Simulations Using Jamagic (Charles River Media Game Development)
ISBN: 1584502614
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 105
Authors: Sergio Perez © 2008-2017.
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