

Base classes, explained, 251

BasicCalculatorEJB example, 220-234

Author stub, 231

Author.Java file, 228-229

Book stub, 230-231

Book.Java file, 226-228

C# file, 223-225

client application, 222-223

DemoDBConnection stub, 231

DemoDBConnection.Java file, 229-230

proxy assembly DLL, 221-222

sample files, 223-234

web-app file, 225-226

WebForm1.cs file, 232-234

BEA WebLogic application server, 268

BEA WLI (Web Logic Integration) tools, 241

Bean factory deployment descriptor file, 113 class, code for, 77 interface

business logic, 78

code for, 78

deployment descriptor, 78-79

DTD declaration, 79, code for, 77

Best practices, 236-251

Binary protocol (JNBridgePro proprietary), 213

Binding, in a directory service, 110-112

BMP beans

defining the home interface for, 90

defining the remote interface for, 90

developing, 89-96

implementing, 91-96

BMP entity bean characteristics, 86

Body element (SOAP), 188

Book stub (BasicCalculatorEJB sample), 230-231

Book.Java file (BasicCalculatorEJB sample), 226-228

Borland Enterprise Server, 75-76

Borland Enterprise Server components, 76

Bridging, with JNBridgePro, 17

B2B (business-to-business) applications, 20

Business application technologies, J2EE, 33-35

Business logic, separating from presentation, 161, 238

Business processes, EIS emphasis on, 21

Business tier (J2EE component container), 34

.NET & J2EE Interoperability
Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735619220
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 101
Authors: Simon Guest © 2008-2017.
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