Hooking Up the MultiPlane Node

Organize the nodes in the order of how you would like them hooked into the MultiPlane node. You can then attach all of these nodes to the single MultiPlane node simultaneously.


Organize the nodes from left to right in the following order: SwitchMatte1, SwitchMatte2, laser1, laser2, laser_reflection, and logo.


Drag across all of these nodes so that they are highlighted.


Shift-click the + input of the MultiPlane node.

All selected nodes are connected to the MultiPlane node. By default, all new layers that you connect appear centered in the camera view.

Apple Pro Training Series. Shake 4. Professional Compositing and Visual Effects
Apple Pro Training Series. Shake 4. Professional Compositing and Visual Effects
ISBN: 321256093
Year: 2005
Pages: 156

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