Recipe 8.4. Monitoring the Content Length of a Textarea


You have a form with a textarea element that corresponds to an attribute of your model. The model requires that this field is no longer than a specific maximum length. The textarea element in HTML does not have a built-in way to limit the length of its input. You want an unobtrusive way to indicate that a user has entered more text than the model allows.

For example, you have a form that allows authors to enter a brief introduction to their articles. The introduction has a maximum length in characters. To enforce this requirement, you store the introduction in a fixed-length column in your database. Authors enter the text in a form containing a textarea element in which the maximum limit (255 characters) is stated. You want to let authors know when their brief introduction is too long, prior to submitting the forms.


The layout includes the Prototype JavaScript library and defines an error style for message display:


<html> <head>   <title>Articles: <%= controller.action_name %></title>   <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>   <style>      #article_body {       background:    #ccc;        }     .error {       background:    #ffc;          margin-bottom: 4px;       padding:       4px;           border:        2px solid red;       width:         400px;       }   </style> </head> <body> <%= yield %> </body> </html>

Your form contains a textarea element generated by the text_area helper and a call to observe_field that acts on that textarea:


<h1>Editing article</h1> <% form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @article do %>   <p>     <div ></div>     <label for="article_body">Short Intro (255 character maximum)</label>     <%= text_area 'article', 'body', "rows" => 10  %>   </p>   <%= submit_tag 'Edit' %> <% end %> <%= observe_field("article_body", :frequency => 1,                             :update => "length_alert",                             :url => { :action => "check_length"}) %>

Your controller contains the check_length method, which repeatedly checks the length of the data in the textarea:


class ArticlesController < ApplicationController   def edit   end   def check_length      body_text = request.raw_post || request.query_string     total_words = body_text.split(/\s+/).length     total_chars = body_text.length     if ( total_chars >= 255 )       render :text => "<p class=\"error\">Warning: Length exceeded!                         (You have #{total_chars} characters; #{total_words}                         words.)</p>"      else           render :nothing => true     end   end end


When your application contains a textarea for input of anything nontrivial, you should consider that users might spend a substantial amount of time composing text in that field. When enforcing a length limit, you don't want to make users learn by experimentation; if telling them their text is too long forces them to start over, they may not bother to try again. An alert message to tell the user that the text is too long is just about the right amount of intervention. It is a solution that allows your user to decide how best to edit the text, so that it's short enough for the field.

The observe_field JavaScript helper monitors the contents of the field specified by its first argument. The :url option indicates which action to called, and :frequency specifies how often. The solution invokes the check_length action each second for the textarea field with an id of article_body. You can specify additional parameters by using the :with option, which takes a JavaScript expression as a parameter.

observe_field can also take any options that can be passed to link_to_remote, which include:


Adds confirmation dialog.


Performs remote request conditionally by this expression. Use this to describe browser-side conditions when request should not be initiated.


Called before request is initiated.


Called immediately after request was initiated and before :loading.


Specifies the DOM element ID thats used as the parent of the form elements. By default this is the current form, but it could just as well be the ID of a table row or any other DOM element.

Figure 8-4 shows the textarea with the warning displayed.

Figure 8-4. A text entry form that warns when a length limit is reached

See Also

  • Section 10.10"

Rails Cookbook
Rails Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596527314
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 250
Authors: Rob Orsini © 2008-2017.
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