Recipe 7.16. Testing HTTP Requests with Response-Related Assertions


Your functional tests issue requests using any of the five request types of the HTTP protocol. You want to test that the responses to these requests are returning the expected results.


Use assert_response to verify that the HTTP response code is what it should be:

def test_successful_response   get :show_sale   assert_response :success end

To verify that the correct template is rendered as part of a response, use assert_template:

def test_template_rendered   get :show_sale   assert_template "store/show_sale" end

Assuming that a logout action resets session information and redirects to the index action, you can assert successful redirection with assert_redirected_to:

def test_redirected   get :logout   assert_redirected_to :controller => "store", :action => "index" end


The assert_response method takes any of the following status codes as a single symbol argument. You can also pass the specific HTTP error code.

  • :ok (status code is 200)

  • :success (status code is within 200..299)

  • :redirect (status code is within 300..399)

  • :forbidden (status code is 403)

  • :missing (status code is 404)

  • :not_found (status code is 404)

  • :error (status code is within 500..599)

  • Status code number (the specific HTTP status code as a Fixnum)

assert_template takes the page to the template to be rendered relative to ./app/views of your application and without the file extension.

Most assertions in Rails take a final, optional argument of a string message to be displayed should the assertion fail.

See Also

  • Section 7.19"

Rails Cookbook
Rails Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596527314
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 250
Authors: Rob Orsini © 2008-2017.
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