Key Points

  • You can change the colors in your color scheme, choose a different color scheme, or create your own color scheme. You can apply the color scheme to one or all the slides in a presentation.

  • You can modify any or all of the colors within a color scheme to create your own color combinations. You can apply your color scheme changes to the current slide or to the entire presentation.

  • In addition to the eight basic color scheme colors, you can add more colors to your presentation. Colors that you add to a specific color palette appear in all color palettes and remain there even if the color scheme changes.

  • You can add a color, a shade , a texture, a pattern, or even a picture to the background of one slide or all slides. PowerPoint has several different textures, patterns, and pictures that you can apply to a presentation.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Step by Step
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Year: 2004
Pages: 145 © 2008-2017.
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